Hubs Research Archives

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Transportation Parts Co. “Seal Test” Hubs

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: More on Transportation Parts Company thanks to Barney Goodwin of Barney’s Jeep Parts.

Barney wrote, “I hope this helps for your question on Transportation Parts Co.  I put together a little display. Those of us in business who have older inventories have Transportation boxes peeking out at us on the shelves. Shown below are several vintage items from our inventory including a whole tray of gauges.


The name SEAL TEST® is owned today by someone in Europe who produces quality parts supplying to dealers. An example is the shiny box to the right behind the tray.

In our library we have several of their catalogues and can be valuable quick references which are very accurate compared to some today. Inside the catalogue shown in the back of the display and which I’ve put in a ring binder for frequent use, I have copied the introduction which gives a good, brief history of the company in their own words.

IMG_4564 The vintage belt buckle is a promo from Transportation.



Original Post November 27, 2022: This photo was posted to Facebook by Quinton. These private-labeled “Seal Test” Dualmatic lever-style hubs were sold out of the Transportation Parts Co, a jeep parts reseller out of Huntington, New York.

I’m sure someone knows more about Transportation Parts (or even dealt with them in the past).


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Cutlas Bulldog(?) Hubs Wickenburg, AZ $125

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Still Available.

(10/02/022) These hubs look similar to Cutlas Bulldog hubs, but the design of the mid-section sides just below the “knob” is shaped slightly different (larger side scallops) than the image on the Bulldog brochure. Given the two section design, I will guess that these were a transition hub from the Cutlas Model 100-2 conical design to the later Bulldog hub design? Anyone have insights on these? I don’t have a brochure for these.

“Cutlas lock hubs, 10 spline for old jeeps and scouts. May trade for ammunition or towards firearms. No reloads!”


Bulldog example:


Here is another example in my archives. I also labeled these, perhaps incorrectly, “Bulldog” hubs:


I just discovered this set of Cutlas hubs for Chevys on eBay. They look like Bulldog hubs, but have no scallops at all along the mid section’s side:


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Warn “Waffle” Style Summer Hubs Clinton, MI $250

• CATEGORIES: Parts • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Tom shared these Warn Hubs for sale.

“Vintage early “waffle” style Jeep summer hubs in original box. Instructions are in awesome shape. Collectible classic set.”

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Free-Lock Hub Instructions Dualmatic/Selectro Design

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Documents, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Later model Dualmatic-style-Free-Lock hubs. The name was originally part of the Free-Lock Hub Corporation

Ann’s longtime friend invited me to look at a jeep yesterday that they just inherited from her uncle. They were confused about the model, so hoped I could identify it.

From the front, the jeep was clearly an early M-38A1 (turned out to be a 1953), with the hinged grille and early fenders. The dash was also correct, the correct large hole fuel inlet, and it had the early M-38A1 cowl with screws. However, it also had a tail gate that didn’t appear added. The body itself was in great shape, yet the body wasn’t mounted using all the holes, in fact some holes were missing. The cowl also lacked both the “JEEP” stamps along the side of the cowl AND the passenger side indent common for M-38A1 bodies.

Thankfully, the uncle had kept receipts, one of which was an invoice for a replacement body. Aha, that’s why it did not have JEEP or WILLYs stamped anywhere.

But, more interesting to me than the jeep, was that another document they had was an original set of instructions for Free-Lock hubs (more on Free-Lock Hubs), the style that looks just like the Dualmatic hubs. This is the first time I’ve been able to document that at some point Free Lock branded hubs were made exactly the same as Dualmatic hubs.

As you can see in the two images below, we have basically the same set of instructions for both hubs, with one that is labeled Free-Lock and the other Dualmatic. The Dualmatic is dated “8-28-74”, which the Free-Lock has hand written instructions, which I believe indicates the Free-Lock hub instructions were from an earlier date.

Free-Lock document:


Dualmatic document:


These two pics show a few more details, including that there are two sets of screws on opposite sides of the hub.

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1946 CJ-2A Weeping Water, NE $4500

• CATEGORIES: CJ-2A • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This is a project. The hubs appear to lack a brand, though they look similar to hubs sold under the Allstate brand. My guess is that these were made by one of the Husky/Selectro/Dualmatic companies, then sold by Sears.


The hub:


The jeep:

1946-cj2a-weepingwater-ne5 1946-cj2a-weepingwater-ne6 1946-cj2a-weepingwater-ne7

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Unusual Front Hubs

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Aaron Holdaway discovered this unusual set of hubs. He posted pictures of them to Facebook. He plans to disassemble them and take photos. I’ll share those photos if/when he does.

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1942 MB Otis Orchards, WA $3000

• CATEGORIES: MB • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This has some rare HUB LOK hubs.

“1942 Willys The tub does have a serial number in there somewhere. This is special for the right person. I’m sad to let it go… we had big plans! But my small human and horses take more of my time. It runs.. it will start and idle.”

1942-mb-otisorchards-wa1 1942-mb-otisorchards-wa2

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1958 Cutlas Power-Lock Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This brochure is from 1958, which might make it one of the earliest brochures. It was posted to Facebook by Richard Harper, which came from Sam Higginbotham.


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Summer Hubs Hickory Corners, MI $600

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Tom shared this ad. It’s the dimpled version of the hubs (the earlier version is waffled).


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One-Lever Dualmatic Hubs

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Blaine forwarded photos of a Willys Wagon with the one-lever-style Dualmatic hubs that include a center bump. I don’t have docs that conclusive identify this one-lever hub as a Dualmatic, but it seems highly probable. Given the design, an attempt to secure the lever with a bump to keep it from shifting, it is likely it was an iteration of the original Dualmatic one-lever hub.

Below is what I have documented for the one-lever Dualmatics and my related guesses as to why. (For two-lever variations of the Dualmatic hubs, try this link)

As a reminder, here is the original patent by Simonsen for the Dualmatic:



Here’s what I believe that original hub looked like:

This was likely the second version, this time with two circular bumps:


One of the issues with both of the early versions was that the internal forces apparently could cause the lever to bend. Here’s an example:


To halt that from happening, as photographed by Blaine on a Willys wagon, Dualmatic may have gone with this design:




A similar design was photographed on a Dodge truck (or I was told it was a Dodge truck):


Perhaps Dualmatic concluded that the simple one lever design simply didn’t hold up, so the company shifted to a two lever design. This is the point where it would be good to compare the internals of the one-lever vs. two-lever design.

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Unknown Cutlas Selective Hub Model

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bob shared the photo at the bottom that appeared on a Craigslist Ad for a 1977-J10. It shows what appears to be a Cutlas hub, but it’s a design I don’t have documented. Let’s review the Cutlas Selective Drive Hubs:

The first design was model 100-2 and had no slot:


Later, Cutlas came out with the slotted form of the hub. Note that the slated knob has a “506-1” part number, suggesting that this whole hub was model 500-1.


Arguably, the Bulldog was the next iteration of this general design. It too has the slotted knob, but lacks a model number:


The hub Bob spotted was on a later model jeep, so maybe Cutlas offered this version of the hub for a short time? It seems to be an further iteration of the Bulldog; unfortunately, I have no brochures that document it.

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Kelly-Branded Dualmatic Hub

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

A set up Dualmatic-style two-lever hubs appeared for sale on Facebook the other day. What made this set unique was that the hubs were private labeled for Kelly Manufacturing. It’s the first set I’ve seen with Kelly’s information on it. I doubt there are many other hubs bearing these stickers.

This shouldn’t be too big of shock, as Kelly also private labeled Kayline tops for sale in the late 1950s. And, of course, Dualmatic was offering to private label their hubs for Sears, Allstate, and other entities.



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1966 Cutlas Hub Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I found this brochure on eBay. It’s the first time I’ve seen this version. The form number is 4-66, which I believe means it was published in April of 1966.


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Allstate Branded Hubs on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

These hubs have seen some serious wear on their faces. Evidence suggests it was Husky that private labeled this hub for Allstate (more on Husky history here).

What is interesting to me is that the back side of this hub looks identical to the backside of the early Husky, Dualmatic, and Free-Lock hub, too. I don’t have enough information to compared the eternals of each of these, but I suspect that some of the Husky and Dualmatic hubs reflect evolutions (or copies) from the early Free-Lock hub.

View all the information on eBay

allstate-hubs91 allstate-hubs93 allstate-hubs94

Bottom of an early Husky hub (with more splines, but same underside design with the lock ring):

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This version of the Husky hub, also appears to be identical on the backside (also private labeled with Allstate). See the rebuild of this hub here:


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Kurland Hubs and Kurland Histories

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

One of the rarest type of jeeps hubs are the Kurland hubs. I’ve only had one pic of these hubs (thanks to Ted Jordan) until yesterday when Richard Darr forwarded me a photo of a set of hubs he acquired. This led me to a quick dive into the internet, which yielded the following.

A variety of searches related to “Kurland” and “Kurland Motors” yielded results in both Los Angeles (a city whose name appears on the hub) and Denver. In fact, there were Kurland Motor companies in Los Angeles, Denver, and Grand Junction, Colorado (also known as Kurland Junction Motors).

The Denver location was opened as early as August 1946, as an ad in the Windsor Beacon out of Windsor, Colorado, mentioned the new Universal Jeep arriving for delivery (soon).


I couldn’t location much information about this Denver Willys distributor, other than Kurland Motors was instrumental in the launch of the Mile High Jeep Club in 1956 and that Kurland Motors, at least for a short time, marketed Kurland-branded bumpers about that same time.

Regarding Kurland Junction Motors, I was able to locate this ad from February 22, 1948, (The Daily Sentinel, GC, CO):


Now, were the Denver/Grand Junction Kurland dealers connected to the Kurland Motors of Los Angeles that also sold Willys-Overland vehicles? If they were related, I have yet to find a connection. But, at least I was able to unearth more information about the LA Kurland.


CREDIT: December 05, 1948, issue of the Los Angeles Times

As the article suggests, the Transport Motor Company lost some key personnel. Perhaps Transport Motors had decided to exit its Willys-Overland relationship?

At some juncture, it appears Kurland launched a line of free-wheeling hubs. These hubs were stamped with 1) KURLAND, 2) Los Angeles and 3) Patent Pending. Unfortunately, I could find no patents related to the hubs. In fact, the only information I could find related to the hubs was a reference to a CJ-2A being sold with a set of the hubs.


November 10, 1955, Independent News, Long Beach, CA.

Here are the only pics I have of the hubs:


CREDIT: Richard Darr


CREDIT: Ted Jordan

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Early 1960s Dualmatic Hub Information

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Documents, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Dave found and shared these photos of a Dualmatic hub box with an information sheet inside it.

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Early Allstate Hubs $150

• CATEGORIES: Parts • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Maury shared these hubs for sale. They are Allstate hubs and, likely, a very early set. My guess is the these were likely built by Husky/Dualmatic, but I am not familiar enough with hub innards to say for sure. I can’t quite find a brand-name hub with the cover that looks quite like this.

“These hubs are all complete and turn freely. The dial is heavy case aluminum. These only work with threaded axles ends. I tried putting them on the later snap ring style axle and the snap groove does not protrude out. Outer case was chrome originally. They seem like a really well built early twist lock hub. Asking $150 obo plus shipping. I also have a picture of how the innards went when I took them off the axle.”


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Watson Hub Variant or Modified?

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This hub appeared in a Facebook photo posted by Josh. It appears to be a Watson hub (may have been private labeled through Sears), but part of its case was either 1) cast differently or 2) modified. Given The Jeep has spent its life in California, it’s likely some form of the Watson hub, but I’ve not seen one quite like this.


The odd hub is on the left and the Watson hub is on the right, itself a derivation of a Dualmatic hub (and having the same patent number as a Dualmatic).

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Allstate Hubs of CJ-2A Lebanon, OR $65

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

They look like a good price for a vintage set of Husky produced and Allstate branded hubs.

“Surplus to my needs are a set of 2 matching Allstate locking hubs that came off of a 1947 Willys jeep flat fender. I do not know much about them other than the brand shown on them. They appear to need some cleaning, but I assume they work as they are supposed to. You be the judge of that.”

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The Free-Lock Corporation and Their Hubs

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: , , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE VII: A set of NOS Free-Lock hubs included documentation stating that by December of 1973 Free-Lock had become a “Quality Division” of Dualmatic Products Company. So, I believe this suggests that Free-Lock was acquired by Dualmatic, so now the questions are 1) when did this happen and 2) why didn’t Dualmatic use the branding sooner than circa 1970 (there was a gap between the end of Free-Lock in 1959 and the re-emergence of the brand circa late 1960s or early 1970s).

UPDATE VI: I located a set of Free-Lock hub instructions that are a pre-view for a later set of near identical Dualmatic instructions. This is clear documentary evidence that Dualmatic was linked to Free-Lock.

UPDATE V: I recently packed many of my father’s tools to bring them back to Prosser. I was a regular user of them when working on my bicycles, then my jeeps. So, I thought I knew them pretty well. That is why I was so surprised and did a double take when I removed this tool from a drawer and read the name stamped on it: FREE-LOCK WRENCH …

What??? Where’d that come from? I once asked Dad about Free-Lock hubs, but he didn’t know anything about them. So, I don’t know how he obtained it.

Anyway, given the primitive nature of it, I’d have to guess it was a first generation version of the wrench. As seen below, a second, more elegant curved-design with a better branding stamp was likely introduced after this version.

free-lock-wrench-dad-karl1-lores free-lock-wrench-dad-karl2-lores

Here’s a reminder of the other version of the Free Lock Wrench:


UPDATE IV (From February 12, 2017): This page contains two later model Free-Lock hubs that resemble Selectro hubs. My theory is that Free-Lock might have evolved into the Selectro Company:

UPDATE III: Thanks to Steve, we’ve discovered an additional version. It is now number 5, which seems to be an evolutionary step between 4 & 6.

UPDATE II: Thanks to Frank Day and his grandfather Merton, who saved this rare piece, here is a scan of an eight page brochure related to the Free-Lock corporation. 

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Thor Products & White Automotive (Whitco)

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE II: Dinesh obtained these Thor-Automatic looking hubs, but on the cover they read Allstate Power Matic rather than Thor. I suspect they are Thor hubs rebranded for Allstate. Here are some pics:

thor-allstate-branded-hubs2 thor-allstate-branded-hubs1

Here is a the interior portion of a set of Thor hubs:



UPDATE (May 24, 2021): The October 1963 issue of Four Wheeler Magazine include this Thor-designed product to make shifting the transfercase more convenient. It moves the shifter from the passenger-side of the transmission to the driver’s side. I imagine there are few, if any, of these shifters out there.



Originally published April 9, 2017:


More information on some of these companies can be found here:

White Manufacturing Co. (also known as White Automotive and Whitco over time) was started in the late 1950s by Richard T, Bingman and partners. The company progressed at a modest level making, among other things, aluminum floral display stands. Eventually, White allied with Kaiser and began making tops. White filed for incorporation in 1959. One of the company’s earliest products was a white soft top for jeeps.

The next year, in 1960, Richard T. Bingham filed a patent for a pair of locking hubs. One set would automatically shift into gear when it sensed the axles were being powered (i.e., when the transfercase was shifted into four wheel drive). The second set of hubs added a dash-mounted button to allow for control of the hubs from the driver’s seat (assuming I have interpreted the patent correctly!).

The interesting thing is that Bingham never assigned the patents to the White Automotive Company. Instead, the patents and hubs ended up being used by Thor Products, which also operated out of Colorado Springs (though sometimes the address is Manitou Springs, a small town just west of Colorado Springs).

thor-automotive-logoThis suggests that Bingham had some time of relationship with Thor, but his exact connection to Thor isn’t known at this time (my guess is that it was a subsidiary or sister company of White).

1. The Thor auto-matic hub patent vs. the finished device:

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Unusual Clutched Hub; Possible Prototype?

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Brian posted these pics of a hub he has to FB’s Flatfendering Aficionado Monthly group. It’s not something I recognize. The work looks good enough to have been a prototype hub that never made production. It may have been an auto-engaging hub? Some commenters suggested a type of limited slip hub, where when a wheel begins to slip it auto-engages.

Brian wrote, “Has anyone ever seen these locking hub contraptions? Were these produced or is it a one-off? It appears to use 3 clutch plates and the ring in the center moves down over the roller cams to apply pressure to the plates. The covers look to be welding bottle caps that have 2 access holes to pry the collar from the outside.”

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Unusual Summer Hubs Redlands, CA $40

• CATEGORIES: Features, Parts • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

These are an unusual set of Summer Hubs. I suspect they were custom made.

“Selling this pair of free wheeling hubs “summer hubs” for dana 25/27 front axle. Asking $40 plus shipping”


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1942 MB? Colbert, WA $2500

• CATEGORIES: MB • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Still Available.

(05/21/2021) It’s a project. The HubLok hubs are pretty rare.

“Has 350 chevy, th350 trans. Needs a few things finished to be drivable. $2500. Possible trades. Comes with new winshields, clean title, western plow pump, and home built plow blade”

1942-mb-colbert-wa41 1942-mb-colbert-wa42 1942-mb-colbert-wa43 1942-mb-colbert-wa4

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1962 Article on a CJ-5 Build

• CATEGORIES: Features, Magazine • TAGS: , , , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This May 1962 article in Four Wheeler magazine highlighted a few things. First, it’s a really clean build. I wish the pics were in color, as it’s deserving of some great photos.

Second, if I understand correctly, the rear bumper is actually a gas tank. I’m not sure I like that plan so much.

Third, given this jeep is near Colorado Springs, it probably has the Thor Electro-matic hubs, which allow a push button engaging of the front hubs. And, because they are short hubs, the front wheel covers can be placed over them.

Fourth, this has an early vacuum brake assist. Herm carries a newer version of this.

Fifth, the White top on this jeep is beautifully styled in my opinion.
