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Early Automatic Hubs

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Dave here: Seth and Roger both shared links to his Facebook post showing a Cutlas Automatic Hub, which is a rarity to see in the wild. That got me thinking that I’d never done a post about the different, early attempts at creating auto-engaging hubs, which appeared to generally be a failure (none ever caught on).


I believe the first commercial attempt at an automatic hub was Warn’s hub by that very name, the Warn Automatic hub. This hub appeared as early as 1954 in this brochure (from this post),  Willys Motors was promoting the hub as of October of 1954.


Hugo Vidal, through his Brazilian company, AVM, also produced the Automatic Model, an example shown below (from this post):


According to Hugo, the technology was never perfected and customers had problems, so eventually the hubs were pulled from the market.

THOR AUTOMOTIVE early-mid 1960s:

The next production hub with claims to being automatic was the Thor Industries Automatic hub, advertising for which appeared in the early-mid 1960s in Four Wheeler Magazine. While the company’s Electro Hub was sort of automatic, in that you could electrically engage it from the dash, the compass Automatic Hub claimed to be fully automatic. Over the years I’ve seen a few of these, but again this hub didn’t become popular, though I don’t have any reports as to why.

This Thor ad appeared in the July 1963 issue of Four Wheeler Magazine (front this post):


Ad from the July 1963 issue of Four Wheeler Magazine

Here is an example of the hub. Allstate also private labeled this hub, as can be seen at the top of this post.


CUTLAS ENGINEERING early-mid 1970s:

Around 1960, Cutlas advertised an “Automatic” hub, but it wasn’t actually an automatic hub, but rather it had ‘automatic axle positioning’, which I believe meant that it made engaging the axles easier (so don’t be fooled by this advertising)!


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1970’s Warn Hubs Brochure on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This is an AMC themed Warn hubs brochure. Again, not one I’ve seen.

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Items are described as accurately as I can, with emphasis on the flaws to avoid disappointment
~ Shelve wear from age and use is Visible
~ Scuff marks
~ Creasing VISIBLE
~ Wear/Tear on Edges/Corners
please refer to photos. Additional photos can be provided”



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Powr Matic 10-Spline 4WD Automatic Hubs

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Jeff posted photos of these unusual hubs to Facebook. I’ve never seen a set. It appears they are 10 spline, automatic hubs. The name Powr Matic is stamped in three spots on the hub’s cover. Google searches weren’t any help either. There is a PowrMatic company that specializes in HVAC products, but there’s no evidence that they produced any hubs, though the company was around in the 1950s and 1960s.

So, anyone know anything about these?

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3 Flatfenders Marietta, IL $5400

• CATEGORIES: CJ-2A, CJ-3A • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Still Available.

(01/12/2024) The red CJ-2A looks in reasonable shape. Note the hubs on the blue jeep (last pic). I thought those might be McCain hubs, but they are not.

“I have 3 willy jeeps. 1 is in really good condition, runs good. Converted to 12 volt, brake and tail lights hooked up, started redoing it but never finished. Other 2 for parts. Running one has the extended box that can go on back”

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M-18 Warn Hub Dash Sticker

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Josh is looking for a reproduction of the rare orange Warn dash sticker below, though his original one (damaged in a fire) was blue

Does anyone know of any reproductions or even a quality image that he could get reproduced? Josh explains things below ….


The blue one below is apparently similar, but, like the one above, his did not include a reference to “Warn MFG CO” at the bottom).

These are examples of M16 hubs (he has M18 hubs).


Josh wrote: “I’m hoping you might have run across a locking hub dash sticker like the one attached at some point. My 1956 GMC NAPCO 4×4 had WARN model WL-15828 hubs, which are more commonly referred to as M18’s. My truck had a dash sticker ( actually it was inside the glovebox door ) that was identical to the orange image I attached [ed note … the image at top], except that it was printed in a medium blue color. I believe this type of sticker to be the predecessor to the more commonly seen type with the illustration of the WARN style locking dial. This particular sticker that I’ve attached a picture of was in an NOS set of hubs for a heavy duty IHC that was dated from 1956 or 57, as I recall.

Anyway, I’m hoping someone has this sticker and I can get it reproduced. I believe it to be the correct sticker for any WARN model hubs that predate the addition of the raised stamped area where the “M” series model number is typically stamped. That was added some time around 1965 or 1966 as best I can tell. As an example, I’ve attached a picture of  what are typically referred to as M16 hubs, also a late 50’s NAPCO 1/2 ton application, but the one without the raised stamp area would have been stocked under the part number WL-54-21 originally.

My truck was severely damaged in a forest fire. Otherwise I’d go scan my own sticker and get it reproduced. Eventally I’d like to resurrect my truck, and this is a detail I want to be faithful to.”

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NOS Spicer Hubs on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Parts • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

David shared a link to these recently listed hubs. They are the nicest example of these hub that I have ever seen. They are currently listed at $999.

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“New Old Stock
Spicer 10 Spline Locking hubs in excellent new condition.
Hard to find.
Comes complete with gaskets, sticker, and instructions.”

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Warn 3-Ring Locking Hubs Bakersfield, CA $50

• CATEGORIES: Parts • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I just happened to run across these hubs. That the box is included suggests they might not have much wear.

“Fits jeep/ Willy’s great condition in original box asking 50 obo”

warn-locking-hubs-ca1 warn-locking-hubs-ca2

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Clary Flanges Hubs Prio Lake, MN eBay

• CATEGORIES: Parts • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This seller (Midwest Military) currently has three-sets of these rare Clary Flanges for sale, priced at only $60 per pair.

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“NOS pair of front axle drive flanges for all the CJ jeeps as well as the M38 and M38A1. These hubs do not have the splines in them so you are always in 2WD. Bearing in the center of each hub instead of splines. You are buying 2 flanges per transaction. Mint condition.”

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Free-Locks Hubs Custer, SD eBay

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This looks like the initial one-screw style of Free-Lock Hubs:

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“Working on selling parts for my dad who is 82 years old. Is a bit tough to get information because of his memory. I will do my best. He says he bought these hubs for his 1946 Willys Jeep years ago. They seem to be in fine condition. He has had his parts stored for a number of years.”

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Demo or Counter Display Hubs For Dealers

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UPDATE: This post originally highlighted Paul’s Warn hub counter display model. Now, this post will highlight several different demo or display hubs with sections removed for dealers. Anyone seen images of other examples?

1. Cutlas Selective Hub: You can see a brochure for this early Cutlas hub here.  This was on eBay (last priced around $450), but sold away from eBay. See more pics of this here:
cutlas-selective-drive-display-model6 cutlas-selective-drive-display-model7 cutlas-selective-drive-display-model8 cutlas-selective-drive-display-model9

2. Dualmatic 2-lever Watson-style Display Hub: This hub has a Dualmatic sticker, but is the type sold under the Watson brand (Watson-branded hubs & Dualmatic hub lever variations). This display hub was also on eBay, though I don’t remember the price. It probably sold off ebay as a package with the Cutlas hub above. See more pics here:


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Dana Spicer Hub/Lok Hubs

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UPDATE: Unlike the other Hub Lok hubs made for jeeps, this Hub Lok hub model was designed for early Ford Broncos. It is listed for $149 on the Bronco Graveyard website. I can’t confirm if these are rare or not.




Originally posted on June 8, 2023: The seller of these Hub Lok hubs for jeeps sold the hubs with the original installation and operation instructions! The manual accompanying the hubs confirms that the Hub Lok hubs were sold by Dana and/or Spicer, which is what we thought, but lacked physical evidence as proof.


An original dash sticker? Probably not another one of these around!hub-lock-dana-spicer-hubs11


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1954 Warn Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I spotted this Warn hub brochure out of Canada on eBay. It’s not I have documented. Its 1954 date makes it a fairly early one for the locking and automatic hub models.

This is the front of the brochure:


The is the back of the brochure:


If you open from the back, it reveals this page:


The this page opens horizontally again to reveal the interior three pages (8.5″ x 11″)


This is the back of the fully opened brochure.


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Cutlas Manufacturing History

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE 3: Added an Automatic hub example shared by Seth (at bottom)


Originally Posted April 28th, 2017:

UPDATE 2: Niels shared a photo of his rare Cutlas key that can be used to spin the screws of the Power-Lock Hub.

UPDATE: 1) Well, it seems I forgot to read through this and edit it (I murdered the title for example) 2) The ending of the post has changed, thanks to Paul spotting an ad in the 1976 issue of Four Wheeler Magazine.


This is a Cutlas brochure for the company’s first hub, the Power-Lock.

In January of 1958, James Russell Lloyd, who up to that point had been president of the Free-Lock Company in Denver, filed a patent for a new type of hub on behalf of a company called the Cutlas Tool and Manufacturing Company out of Lyons, Illinois. At the time, Lloyd was still based in Denver (according to the patent filing), so what his relationship was with the Cutlas and Free-Lock companies at that time isn’t clear.


Patent was awarded in January of 1962.

Unlike the Free-Lock hubs, which relied on a rotating center piece to engage and disengage the hubs, the Cutlas hub had two rotating screws that had to be spun to engage and disengage the hubs.

In May of 1958, Lloyd copyrighted the term Power-Lock Free Wheeling Hub, a name which the hubs would be known as from then onward. Here are some photos:



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BestLok and EasyLok Hubs

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UPDATE II: This post was originally posted August 29, 2018:

Information about Husky and Dualmatic has been updated and more closely examined here.

Maury and I have been trying to determine how BestLok and EasyLok hubs are connected and how they are connected to Warn, Husky, and Dualmatic. The short answer is that we don’t quite know yet. But, below is what we do know. (Note, while Husky and Dualmatic are mentioned, it’s not a full history of either hub, histories I do need to address at some point).

In January of 1972, Richard Williams filed a patent, assigned to Warn-Belleview, for a new type of hub. Below is the image of that hub.


What’s curious is that there’s no documentation that Warn ever sold these hubs.

Even more curious, by July of 1972 this exact hub was produced and sold under the brand EasyLok, as advertised here, in the July issue of Four Wheeler Magazine:


Why these hubs weren’t sold nor branded under any traditional seller of the time is a mystery to us.

Earlier this year, Maury spotted a set of hubs with the Warn patented design that were manufactured in 1982. Maury managed to get ahold of photos that show the hubs were manufactured and warranteed by BestopDualmatic (a joined company formed when Wynn industries combined the companies around 1974).


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F. E. G. Hubs

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Bill Falconer scored a set of extremely rare “summer”-type hubs that are stamped F.E.G. Even better, he was able to get the original box that accompanied them, which included some additional information.

When I first published the post about the various Summer Hub models, I included a photo of an F.E.G. hub, but the only reference I had was that photo. I could finding nothing else about them. Thankfully, the New Hampshire Fish and Game, which owned these hubs originally, bought from a Willys dealership in Colebrook, New Hampshire (which has since been bulldozed), kept the information it had. So, now we know a little more.


According to the Box’s information, these summer hubs were $20. F.E.G also offered a locking type for $65. Unfortunately, the part showing how to order the hubs was torn from the box.

So, what does “F.E.G.” mean? In researching these, I found a company called F.E.G. out of Mexico that has a subsidiary parts maker, HOWEVER it appears the company wasn’t around in the 1950s. Thus, I am at a dead-end on the company’s history. I suppose it’s possible that F.E.G. are just someone’s initials.


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1944 MB Willows, CA $300

• CATEGORIES: MB • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s a mix of parts, including a set of Watson hubs. Thanks to Bill for spotting it.

“For parts only it has a mb body the frame is I think a cj5 not Shure of the year but it is one that came with the Buick odd fire… fenders, hood, grill, rollbar, towbar and other pictured parts. The body has some rust damage lower driver side and is rough but fixable. It’s on my trailer I could deliver within 100 mi for gas money.”

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1956 Warn Hub Manual

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Documents, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I have been going through a whole two stuffed Willys Motors Equipment Books and documents as part of trying to organize the stuff I’ve purchased recently. I was surprised I hadn’t noticed this Warn manual when I first when through the books. I suspect (hope) I find some other cool items. This brochure has a form number of SR-456-4, which possibly means it was produced in April of 1956, but this is a version 4 of the manual.

1956-04-warn-selective-hub-manual4 Continue reading

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Warn Summer Hubs Waffle Style $299

• CATEGORIES: Parts • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Glenn spotted these hubs for sale. No location provided, but shipping is supposed to only be $5.75.

“WARN Willys Jeep – SUMMER HUBS – 2WD Freewheel, Vintage. A little less than 3.5” bolt pattern. Not exactly sure which years and model axles and Jeeps that these fit. See photos for detailed description, more available on request. Appears needle bearings are still present.”


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Warn Brochure Form WC-1060

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I was surprised to find I didn’t own this brochure when I saw it on eBay, so I bought it. It highlights the Locking mub and the Lock-O-matic hub.

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NOS Free-Lock 27-spline Hubs

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Thanks to Chris for selling me these NOS Free-Lock 27-spline hubs he got from a friend. He also included copies of the original documents that were included with the hubs. Since I have a Dana 30 on Biscuit, these will got on it once I start working on it.

This doc is one I posted last week:


I’m guessing the warranty is no longer any good, lol?


As I mentioned last week, this doc is the first evidence I’ve seen that Free-Lock became a “division” (whether actual or virtual) within Dualmatic. It is my belief that Selectro was another division:


Here is one look at the hubs:


And, a second look:


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1966, 1967 Warn Brochures on eBay

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These docs cover Locking and Lockmatic Warn hubs from the mid 1960s.

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Mid 1960s Warn Hub Docs II on eBay

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Here is another set of Warn Hub Docs on eBay.

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Cutlas Hubs Kingston, IL $120

• CATEGORIES: Parts • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The price also includes some axles and a steering stabilizer.

“Good cutlas hubs. Good axles with goods joints. Steering stabilizer needs shock. From a 1950 Willy’s wagon with stock front axle.”

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Free-Lock 27 Spline NOS Hubs with Documentation

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Thanks to Chris for publishing this information on a Facebook post … It appears I will be buying from him a set of model F-28 Free-Lock hubs sold by Dualmatic. These NOS Free-Lock hubs included documentation stating that by December of 1973 Free-Lock had become a “Quality Division” of Dualmatic Products Company.

So, I believe this confirms that Free-Lock was acquired by Dualmatic, so now the questions are 1) when did this happen and 2) why didn’t Dualmatic use the branding sooner than circa 1970 (there was a gap between the end of Free-Lock in 1959 and the re-emergence of the brand circa late 1960s or early 1970s).

Dualmatic-nos-hubs-1973-12-6 Dualmatic-nos-hubs-1973-12-5 Dualmatic-nos-hubs-1973-12-4

This document suggests there were seven different models of Free-Lock hubs, which may explain why we have seen several different types of later-model Free-Lock hub styles. Given the emphasis on “A Quality Division”, this document *might* hint that Dualmatic was using the Free-Lock brand as a premium hub, perhaps hoping to clear more profit from them?


The fact that the top of the hub shows no branding suggests these instructions were intended to be distributed across multiple brands of Dualmatic-built hubs.


The date of the newspaper used to wrap the hubs is December 4, 1973:


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CJ-5 Front Frame w/ Perfect Circle Hubs Harwichk, MA $300

• CATEGORIES: Parts • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Glenn shared this front frame and axle that includes some Perfect Circle Hubs. Perfect Circle was a longtime piston ring company bought by the Dana Corp in 1963. Dana had tried marketing the HubLok hubs, but likely switched to selling these private labeled Dualmatic/Selectro hubs after the merger. More on the Perfect Circle history:

“Front frame section from a 1956 Cj5 Willys Jeep. Section is in good shape and comes with steering linkage and good front springs and axles. Located in Harwich Mass”

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