CeePee and the Willys Am Tegernsee group enjoyed a beautiful Fall drive through Bavaria. You can see all the photos here: http://www.willys-am-tegernsee.de/?p=2041
CeePee writes, “With some of the most beautiful kind of Bavarian weather we had a great day of jeeping in fall.
Together with some of the finest jeeping people we had everything to make it such an extraordinary day!
Jörg, the photographer, who made those great pictures on our summer convention – despite all the rain – joined us for the whole trip this time. Thanks to his great skills, I‘m able to share these fantastic impressions with you.
After 1300 kilometers round trip to join us on our tour Gero impressed me, when he said: Every single kilometer was worth it coming! Thank you, Gero!
The trip took us along the Tegernsee, over the Achenpass, then to a stop on the Sylventeinstaumauer, Wallgau, with a sensational view of the Zugspitze Massif. We went took a sensational drive to the Walchensee filled with the most beautiful autumn color, then onward with a journey through the Jachenau. The last few miles were driven to Tölz under the direction of the local guide Martin. The premium parking lots in front of the Jailhouse were already reserved by Peter, where we enjoyed a meal of spare ribs and hamburgers. Thankfully there was no rain, so we had lots of opportunity for jeep talk.
A great day, which put that special smile on everone‘s face! We‘ll keep‘em rolling!”
– CeePee