This September 1962 eight-page issue of Jeep News begins with Lloyd Bridges. He headlined a half-hour show called “Kaiser Presents The Lloyd Bridges Show”; not exactly a catchy name!
I was surprised to see on page two that it wasn’t until mid 1962 that the Go-For-Digger trencher officially became a ‘Jeep’-approved special equipment item (other official ‘Jeep’ trencher being the Jeep-A-Trench). Page five highlights the second annual Jeeporama, held in Denver.
Page six re-highlights the Hatari craze, encouraging dealers to continue promoting the movie.
Note the CJ-5 in the upper right of Page seven. The top looks someone like a Koenig hardtop, but the rear side glass appears to be a custom size. I don’t recognize this top. Anyone else? Lower on Page seven is the 1962 World’s Fair Jeep Surrey. Two days ago I found my mother’s caricature drawing made for her at the ’62 fair. I’ll ask my aunt if she remembers this jeep.
Page eight shares a pic from the 10th annual Jeepers Jamboree, along with announcing the 4×4 Explorers, a ‘jeep’ club organized in Missouri.