I ran out of time for updates yesterday (other than the K hub above).
As I mentioned last week, we’ve been busy redoing my mother-in-law’s back yard pond area. It’s meant moving and rewiring the garden outlets, replacing water pipes and irrigation hose, ripping up old landscaping, and laying 2 tons of stone for a walk way. I spent most of yesterday laying the stone (see pics below).
On another note. Ann was walking towards the entrance of Lowest yesterday wearing her “Bomb Squad” shirt, one she got from Joe in Mesa (she loves the shirt). In the Airforce, among other things, she both armed and defused bombs. That was part of her profession, so she wears her Bomb Squad shirt proudly.
Anyway, as she’s walking into Lowes, some guy in a truck drives near her as she neared the front entrance of the store and calls out to her. She didn’t understand him, so she asked him what he said. He replied that “it was nice of your boyfriend to let you wear his shirt.”
Shit, meet fan ….
Let’s just say that it didn’t go well for that guy. Ann explained that she did not need to justify her service to the man in the truck, but she did anyway, telling him that it was her, not her husband, who was the bomb expert, that it was her profession. And, if a bomb ever needed to be defused, that she ought to be the one doing it and not her husband (I concur).
The lesson here is don’t be like that guy. There are over 200,000 of active-duty women in the military doing all kinds of work. Show’m respect.
Here are some pics of the backyard project …