Ted’s got some parts for sale. He’s got other PTO related parts for sale, too.
For sale are some various Willys Jeep Monroe Three Point Hitch Hydraulic Implement Lift parts. Pricing on the individual parts can be found further down in the listing. These are quite often the rarer or hardest parts to find of the complete Monroe hydraulic lift. These parts are high quality machined and fabricated parts from original Monroe parts I had. I had sold a collection of these Monroe lifts and was always having a hard time finding some of the tougher parts to locate to complete the lift set ups, so I finally decided to use a few of the original pieces I had as templates and replicate these rare parts. Prices quotes will include shipping costs within the states and all mounting bolts and hardware pictured for each part respectively. Below is a list and description of all the parts with pricing. There will be a number next to most of the parts which is the number used to show the parts in the original Monroe lift care and operation manual
#23 Back support bracket for main Housing. This bracket supports the lift Main Housing at rear of Jeep and is bolted to drawbar. Excellent machined part with correct mounting bolts and one hole threaded to be bolted from under Jeep to not interfere with rear PTO Gearbox when installed. Part is actually more rugged than the original cast piece
$150 shipped with mounting bolts and hardware
#9 Center or Top Link adjustment rack plates
These are the adjustment rack plates for top or upper link on the Hitch. These are high quality laser cut plates complete with mounting bolts and hardware to bolt them up to your center link
$75 shipped in the us
#22 Limit Chains Drawbar attachment bolts. These are machined attachment bolts used to hold the limit or anti sway chains to the Jeeps drawbar. Exact match to the originals
$75 shipped for a set of two in the States
#20 Drawbar Clevis or Knuckles. These are the drawbar mounted clevises or some people call them
knuckles that support the right and left hand lower links or arms. Exact fabricated copies of an original piece. Very rugged pieces , painted the Monroe Red
$225 for a set of two Clevises shipped within the states
Monroe main Housing under body support / brace with all mounting bolts and hardware and exhaust mounting angle and bolt
No manual part number on this last part as it’s not listing in manual. Quite possibly one of the rarer or hardest parts to find in a Monroe Three Point Hitch Assembly. I’ve had a bunch of these lifts and had yet to see an original brace. Seems there always discarded or left behind possibly when
Lift is removed from Jeep. I was lucky enough to borrow and original piece from a buddy and have it copied exactly to match the original. These supports or braces are used under the Jeep body to support and secure the Lifts Main Housing to the Jeep bed. Braces are complete with mounting bolts and all hardware
$185 shipped within the states
I included a picture of one of the under body Monroe Housing braces bolted to an original housing
To show how it would bolt up under jeep etc. Also pictured is the original brace or support I used as the template for the fabricated new braces
I will be adding one pic of the original care and operation Manual showing the part breakdown and numbers matching etc
Feel free to contact me with any questions etc. Also have a large collection of Willys Jeep Power Take Off related items and parts I’m selling as well.
Just had a few more sets of the rear draw bar anti sway chain bolts made and are available until gone. Also have a few Complete Willys Truck PTO setups available with Twinstick PTOs and rare two piece driveshaft setups to back of truck and rear pto gearbox output shafts
Ted 860-428-3265
Location Storrs CT prices in post

Other parts for sale: Continue reading →