UPDATE: I’ve added a few Good Humor truck pics from Mike at the bottom of the post.
This eight-page issue of Jeep news Volume 10 Number 5begins on page one with KJC announcing it would be co-sponsoring the World Series of Golf, which was the first sports tie-in of which I’m aware. In addition, TB commercials for KJC would begin appearing on CBS Evening News with Walter Cronkite. I wonder if this rise in visibility was the result of the ad agency KJC brought on board? Pages two and three continue the sponsorship and commercials threads.
Page four shares the news that 16-year-old Howard Bartoo, Jr., won the 1964 ‘Jeep’ Derby held at Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Also on page four is a photo of Good Humor’s new jeep trucks, with specially made insulated bodies by the Hackney Brothers body Company, from Wilson, North Carolina. Just below the Good Humor trucks is a photo of a Deibler Trackless Train, produced by the company of the same name out of Manhattan, Kansas. The train’s “Engine” is a jeep chassis with a special body atop it.
Much of page five covers the three CJ-6s jeeps used for tourists at Chimney Rock Park in North Carolina. You can find more pics of the jeeps here. Page six takes readers around the world for a few stories.
Page seven introduces the Meyer Products Jeep Cabs to dealers, though not mentioned was their previous history as Orrville cabs. Page eight contains a variety of photos.

These Good Humor trucks have seen better days! Thanks to Mike for sharing them. He notes, “These were from about 15 years ago, the ones in the driveway was in Pa, he was going to restore, and never got around to it.”