<– Day 4 Aug 5th: Lobster Tales and Other Stories | The NF Trip 2019
UPDATE: It seems I landed flat on my face. It turns out that there is a Saint John, New Brunswick, and a St. John’s, Newfoundland, (thank you Ian). It’s all very hard to see that accurately from where I am on the West Coast. So my apologies!
On Tuesday the crew drove from Saint John, NB, to Linwood, Nova Scotia, a distance of just under 300 miles.
Yesterday the Newfoundland 2019 (or Rust) crew woke to a beautiful morning near the bustling city of Saint John, New Brunswick.
Here is a beautiful pic of St. John, NB:
I learned Tuesday that the crew had been in Canada almost 24 hours, yet still hadn’t been to a Tim Horton’s, the second greatest thing Canada has ever produced; the greatest thing the country has produced, of course, are stand-in movie locations: Vancouver as Portland (I’m looking at you Grimm) or the Drumheller Valley in place of the US West (Unforgiven).