Now that I have the longer, six foot cable, I had a chance to continue with the transfer case shifter. The bracket that was provided by JB Customs, caused the shifter cable to run into the engine, which didn’t seem like a valid strategy, so I roughly calculated the angle, then made two cuts into the aluminum bracket. This allowed me to re-mount the bracket and then bend the bracket into the right position, but maintain the correct bracket-end distance.
Here are two pics of the original bracket:

This pic shows one of the two cuts plus the new angle. Even with that small bit of metal holding up the bracket, the shifter could easily shift through the gears. So, next I’ll repair that gap.

Here you can see how the cable angles upward, the veers toward the driver’s side. I haven’t determined where I’ll be securing the cable.
The shift boot needs to be reattached under the bezel. The bezel is the original bezel with the colorful surface sanded, which turned out to be exactly what I wanted. I’ve painted it red since this pic was taken.

Here’s the shifter all the way forward. It’s surprisingly (to me anyway) easy to shift.

Next up I was going to build the final parts for the transmission oil cooler and fan bracket, but I have misplaced a couple pieces that I created and now can’t find them. So, I’ll work on the 1.5″ gauges next. Then, the gas pedal.