I took Sunday off, so no updates for Monday.
Late Sunday night Washington’s Governor shutdown all restaurants/bars, so we’ve plunged deeper into a unique time. Thankfully, Ann and I are well suited for hunkering down for a month (though I’m estimating nothing will be back to ‘normal’ in the US for another 8 weeks at least). As long as we have internet, and I see no reason we won’t continue to have internet, I’ll post eWillys updates.
Our biggest issue will be Ann’s mother-in-law, as her health continues to deteriorate. In ordinary times, her last ditch opportunity to live would be through the use of a ventilator to help her breath. However, if, like Italy, ventilators become a scarce, she will likely be denied the use of one, which will seal her fate sooner rather than later.
If you want to track the rise of COVID-19, I’d recommend this site: https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 (During my time in Silicon Valley, I worked with ESRI and its ARCGIS software, which is what powers the overlays on the map .. they have some cool tech). As test kits get dispersed, I expect US numbers will rise quickly.
For those considering going to Easter Week in Moab, according to my son, Utah’s Governor is urging Grand County to shut it down (part of his job is to work with cities and counties of Utah to manage emergencies like this). There have also been votes within Moab to shut this year’s event down. FCA has already pulled out this year. So, don’t be surprised if it doesn’t take place.