It still needs completion, but it’s unclear what it needs. It hasn’t run since 2014. Having driven around LA multiple times, I’m confident that driving something this low isn’t what I’d want to drive there.

This project rod is so close to being completed, it begs the question “when is a rat rod really completed?”. Start with a fully boxed custom frame. Parts from GM, Ford and Willy’s get this rat a chance to run, or should we say terrorize, the streets.
Much patina has occurred, especially of late. Color starts with Army green and shows much surface oxidation. The sheet metal is based on Willy’s CJ with much, much modification. Channeled and fab’d windshield set the eye to the rest of the modifications. Body is bolted to a fully boxed and custom fabricated steel frame. Unlike many rat rods, the body is not channeled to accept the frame, but directly bolted to the top.
Black vinyl seats are from something small and fit tight and neat. Super-cool modified Willy’s wagon hatch-lid is fit behind the seats for rear-end and suspension viewing. Jerry cans at the stern function as the fuel tank. Surface rust is extensive throughout the interior, but there is no cancer visible. Hard probing shows all panels and flooring to be solid.
Small block Chevy power has not been fired since 2014, she does turn over freely. Custom fab’d headers with direct dumps have this rat shaking the neighbors. HEI ignition, aluminum intake and adapted down-draft twin carbs really set the heart of this rat. Aluminum radiator and electric fan keep things cool. Turbo 350 auto lead a custom driveline to the Ford 9” rear. Linked suspension and coil springs complete the rear. Solid axle front is sprung to the frame and adapted steering. Drums are located at each corner.
The listing can be seen here –
Included in the listing is a pre purchase inspection, vehicle history, as well as a walk around video of the vehicle”