You may have noticed that regular updates have returned. I hope to keep them going, though I may still need a few more days off than normal.
For example, we discovered yesterday that some of our outlets in the living room didn’t work. Three of them each had their bottom portions of the outlet on a three way switch, but the wiring was never completed. I made them work, but not via the three-ways switches. Whoever wired it, did it oddly, so I bypassed the switches. Because we hope to remodel the living area next year, my fix will do for now.
Our back pasture has three and a half new ‘squatters’ in the form of three cows and a calf. A neighbor offered to managed the back pasture in exchange for keeping his cows there. He rebuilt some sections of the fence and brush-hogged much of the grass. He’s getting a good deal, but, for this summer at least, it’s one less thing I need to manage.
Today I left early for the “west-side” so Steve Carter and I can bring back Patterson. I tried to purchase a cheap electric fuel pump yesterday, as the one on Patterson isn’t working at the moment. I only need it to get Patterson up on the trailer, but neither NAPA nor Autozone was capable of selling me a cheap pump. All the ones they had were 8″ long and $70 or more. That was overkill for what I want. So, I’ll do a simple gravity feed setup.
Progress has slowed on unpacking as Ann hasn’t felt good for a couple days.
We had a few amazing, golden sunsets over the past few days. This place will be a bunch of work for the foreseeable future, but evenings like this make it worth it.