DASH: Yesterday was the first true relief from the past few weeks of hot weather, as we only hit 90 degrees. Moreover, there are no more triple digit days currently forecast. The cool weather will make working in the shop more tolerable.
And, while I haven’t made the progress I’d hoped, progress was made. A couple of the delays were part-related, as Ron Francis ignition switch was delayed a week. I also went ahead and ordered an NOS speedometer from Barney Goodwin at Barney’s Jeep Parts, which arrived on Tuesday (thanks again Barney). It looks fantastic!
Most of the wiring is complete, but still some loose ends dangling. It feels like for the two weeks I’ve been saying, “almost there …”
Anyway, below are photos of the dash, one with the fuse box down and one with it stowed away (lower left corner of pic)
One of the dash challenges that still remains is to build that lower flashing

DRIVE: Last Friday we drove over to the west side (and 77 degree temps .. nice) to look at a motorhome. It was a 36′ 1996 Holiday Rambler diesel with a towing capacity of 15Klbs. It used to be owned by Rob Stafford, before he upgraded to a bus. We were very serious about buying it, until Ann had an asthmatic reaction to the musty interior smell. So, we felt it best to pass on the deal. (and out was a deal at $12k .. it sold within a few days). We’ve decided to increase the budget and look for something nicer.