UPDATE II: Here is a color version of the CJ-5 w/hardtop that appears in the brochure below. I found this on Flickr. One commenter there noted that, “Reinforced Plastics Corporation was in operation on Martha’s Vineyard from 1952 to 1959. They made these tops as well as other fiberglass items.”
UPDATE from October 26, 2017: Here’s another one of these rare brochures for sale. Thanks to Bill Norris and Derek Redmond for the extra pics. This brochure has been for sale on the same eBay pager for four years. It’s on sale at the moment.
This unusual fiberglass hardtop was created by the Reinforced Plastics Corp. I have yet to see one in the wild. Two journal articles (Chemical Week 1957, Volume 81 and National Defense Transportation Journal 1957, Volumes 13-14) both have announcements for the new top, pegging its inception around mid-1957. Unfortunately, Google will only provide snipped views of these University of Michigan scanned journals. The date of these journals suggests the lister of this brochure is probably wrong about the 1955 date for the brochure.
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