I don’t know when or where it came from, but at some point my parents obtained a book simply titled “The Jeep“. It was mostly a picture book, which as a young kid was perfectly fine with me. I open and looked through it many, many times. Ok, I still open it ….
However, it wasn’t just a book with a few pics of jeeps you see everyday. Instead, it’s a slim book full of a wide range of pictures. Of course, there’s the standard bantam, mb, seep, gpw, etc. But, there’s also, for example, 3 images of the Willys/Nuffied modified airborne jeep, seen to the right (though not from the book — it’s from a russian site — the book images of the Willys/Nuffield are at the bottom of this post).
I bring this up, as I ran across a copy of the book at the Boise Library today. So, I snapped a few images of the pictures with my digital camera (hence the poor quality – purchase the book to see them sharply) and will post a some of them.
I haven’t asked for permission to post them (I TRIED to, but can’t find the contact info for them), so I’ll add this pitch for the book. This book is a must for any jeep nut. While it’s a fairly small book with only 64 pages, the collectors prices (at amazon) were hovering around $45. It’s a perfect size for your kids. The organization responsible for publishing the book is the Olyslager Foundation (link?), which has published a number of other cool books listed at the Open Library Project.
Now for some cool, but poor quality pics to wet your appetite…
One of my favorite sections of the book show how quickly a crate jeep can be put together. The book documents this particular group only took 3 minutes and 31 seconds to put it togther.

Check out the rest of the pics …..
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