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1947 CJ-2A Phoenix, AZ $9000

• CATEGORIES: CJ-2A This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Different gas tank has been installed in the back. This has an inline 6 engine.

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“This listing is for a 1947 Willys Jeep. The Jeep has been in my possession or my father’s position for a very long time. It was in my father’s garage in Prescott forever and we brought it down here to Phoenix. It has a new battery but needs some overall work. The engine will crank and start but does not keep running. Most of the items on the Jeep are not original – notice the newer wheels etc. However, the battery, upholstery and windshield are fine. Headlights, taillights and blinkers all work fine. It does not have the original engine – the original engine would have been a 4 cylinder. This has a 6 cylinder and I am pretty sure it is from a Studebaker. The odometer gauge does not work and it says 21,227 but I’m sure there are more miles on it than this. I am hoping to sell this to an individual who is into Jeeps – I don’t need help selling it and I am not looking to trade it in – so no dealer emails. Thanks.”

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1957 FC-150 Silverlake, CA $23,950

• CATEGORIES: FC150-FC170-M677 This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The floors could use some work and it’s got two different rear tail lights. So, it’s not perfect, but shows pretty well.

1957-fc150-silverlake-ca3 1957-fc150-silverlake-ca4 1957-fc150-silverlake-ca5 1957-fc150-silverlake-ca6

“1957 Jeep Willys FC-150
Original drive train gone through
4 cylinder L-134 (purrs)
U joints replaced
New fluids throughout
Breaks all new including Mstr clndr
New starter
Shifts smoothly though all gears
New rims (wheel Vintiques)
New Tetra max HD tires 31×10.5 R15
New paint
Gas tank lined
Reupholstered seats” Continue reading

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1948 CJ-2A Ouray County, CO $9500

• CATEGORIES: CJ-2A This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

It’s worth some more pics.

“1948 Willys CJ2A in great condition. Has a new Best Top soft top. Tires are great and driving it is fun. $9500 OBO”

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Cargo Rack Arroyo, CA $200

• CATEGORIES: Parts This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This piece of equipment will give your older jeep an old school feel.

“Cargo rack. Fits Willys jeeps. Well made hub welded on for spare tire”

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2 1961 FC-170s Payson, AZ $3500

• CATEGORIES: FC150-FC170-M677 This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: I thought these had sold, but it appears they are back on the market? No pics provided. Pics below are from an old ad, so they may or may not represent what is there.

“Jeep fc-170s, projects, both 1961 ,$3500,will not separate, call Art for details 602 four three seven 9715 in Payson Have both stock frames ,and running gear,(no stock engines),also both titles ! FC-170,”

2-fc170s-payson-az1 2-fc170s-payson-az2

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“Submarine Jeep” Transmission Trouble

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill shared this video. It is part of a series of videos about its creation and challenges.

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A Different Kind of “Fire Jeep”

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The video highlights the saving of a jeep that’s been through a fire.

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Happy New Year 2022

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.


The year 2021 was a bitter sweet year for us. We lost two people we love (our moms), gained a new home in Prosser, brought to that home the jeeps, yet to make everything work, I’ve had to let eWillys go, or at least leave it on life support. In fact, over the last six months I’ve used my computer less than I have since sometime in the late 1990s when I was using an iMac, one of those Bondi Blue iMacs; that was 2 x-wives ago! Wow, time flies.

Instead of working on the computer improving eWillys, I’m outside removing stumps, inside remodeling another of our interior spaces, or pondering where we are going to put a new barn. Instead of doing updates in the early AM, I am walking the dogs down the driveway to open the gate, eating breakfast, and doing some puzzles on my phone. Instead of pondering the narrative structure of my next book–October Gold, a book that intertwines Japanese Gold, American POWs used as Slave Labor, and the State Department’s denial of their reparations from their use as slave labor–I am wondering if I should just get an old jeep with a snow plow or get a snow plow for my tractor.

In other words, my mind is simply not focused on ewillys or jeeps. This isn’t just an isolated moment; It isn’t the result of contemplation following our mother’s deaths. It also isn’t the result of the fact that at age 56 I am now fully retired, meaning I don’t have to work (but being a work-a-holic, I have to be doing something). Instead, it’s been true since we bought this place.

This doesn’t mean eWillys will come to a dead stop. But, updates will continue to be infrequent and I don’t expect them ever to return to their full glory (Unless someone else wants to step in and do it). I guess the question is, what do I do with all the bits and bytes that constitute eWillys?

That is the big question, a question for which the answer has been elusive. Perhaps I can answer that question in 2022?

In the meantime, we’ll continue to remodel. This summer I hope to do more about redoing the shop area; My hope is to set this place up so we we can entertain folks, so we can hold some kind of annual vintage jeep event, something a little different and unique, hopefully in 2023. But, we’ll see how 2022 progresses.

I hope everyone’s 2022 is fantastic!


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Wild Man Willis Ray Willey

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE II: This post was originally posted in January of 2011 (yes, hard to believe it was eleven years ago!). The post covers some of the history about Willis Ray Willey, which is a pretty cool name for a site about vintage jeeps. Who else had a name that includes both “Willis” and “Willey”? Anyway, this post is full of some great and useful comments. It’s taken on a life of its own.


UPDATE: Thanks to Mike for sorting out Willis’ real name. He was Willis Ray Willey, while his twin was Willard Roy Willey.

It might not surprise you that my interest in history has led me to become the family historian.  As a part of my self-assumed title, I make it a point to look through the family albums and scan images whenever I’m visiting.  This morning while looking through my grandmother’s album, which contains images from Fighting Creek, Idaho, the place her parents homesteaded in 1911 (they actually won a land lottery), I stumbled upon the unusual photograph of a man in an early motorcar that I show below.  I called mom over and asked her if she recognized anyone in the photo, as I didn’t.  She said she didn’t either.

About mid-day I was talking to my aunt (mom’s sister) and briefly described the photo.  I described the guy as ‘wild looking’.  Well, my aunt said that there was once this guy with the name of Wild Willy or something that used to be a colorful character around the Spokane area.  I got curious about who this guy might be and why the unusually nice photo, for a photo taken in 1933, ended up in a family photo album.

So, I powered up Google’s image search feature and input a variety of search strings until I spotted a picture of a guy who looked like the guy sitting in the car.  The story accompanying the photo said his name was Willis Ray Willey and, while he didn’t have a jeep,  he had quite the unusual, adventurous story.  So, I thought I’d share a brief summary of it.

To read more about Willey, visit this article from Nostalgia Magazine. Willey reminds me of the Camel Man, who Hein ran into a few months ago in Australia.

In the picture above, we appear to have Willis Ray Willey in his 1904 REO, the first year that the Ranson E. Olds Automobile Company built a car.  This photo was taken in 1933 (note the ’33 on the license plate).  The photo is taken with the Monroe Street bridge and the Spokane Falls in the background.  Willey planned to drive this car from Spokane to the 1933/1934 World Fair in Chicago.

You’ll note that Willey is only wearing shorts.  It turns out that Willey was a sickly youngster.  After examining him, a doctor suggested that he improve his constitution by exposing himself to the elements.  So, over time, he reduced the clothes he wore, eventually only wearing shorts whether winter or summer.

Apparently, that did the trick, as he never got sick, at least not until he was on his trip to the Chicago World’s Fair.  See, it turned out that simply wearing shorts wasn’t very common practice and, in fact, wasn’t tolerated.  People complained when they saw him and police would arrest him, with many arrests occurring on his way to Chicago.  According to Nostalgia Magazine, he did make it to Chicago, where he was arrested again. However, this time they cut off his hair and beard and he promptly got sick and remained sick for 3 months.

Now in the photo above, you’ll note that along the side of the seat it reads “Postcards 3 for 25 cents”.  One of the ways Willey made money was by selling postcards of himself; I guess he recognized just how much of an oddity he was.

If you look below, you can see two of the postcards he sold.  One is of him on Treasure Island in San Francisco, with a dog, a coyote, a turtle and multiple possums (click on photo and scroll down to see closeups).  The other is of him ice skating at LIberty Lake (thanks Jerry).

Yes, quite the character indeed!

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1969 CJ-5 “462” Profile on Hemmings

• CATEGORIES: Builds, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill shared this story from Hemmings about a restored 1969 CJ-5 with the 462 package.


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Saginaw Steering Conversion Video

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill was kind enough to share this video. I don’t have time to review it, so I don’t have any comment on it at this time.

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Video about History of Mitsubishi Jeeps

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Again, I haven’t reviewed this video, but hopefully it’s done well.

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Mahindra Roxer Review (1 Year Later)

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s one more video courtesy of Bill. It might be a practical vehicle for the right folks.

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The Passing of My Mother

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Thanks to everyone for the kind words.


Christmas 1973, dad, me, my sister and mom. This is one of only a handful of family pics as mom hated to have her picture taken. Boy, those are some early 1970s clothes!

This morning at 2am my mother passed away. She was 82. Over the course of the year she’s endured strokes and several heart attacks, but it was especially in the last month that she faded quickly, both physically and mentally. I am gratefuly she went relatively quickly, unlike my father, who passed in 2019 and whose stroke in 2002 set him on a slow decline for more than a decade.

As many of you know, this comes on the heel of my mother-in-law’s passing in September; we surely didn’t expect my mother to follow my wife’s mother so quickly.

My mother was born in Seattle in 1939. Her father was an aeronautical engineer at Boeing, where he worked, initially, in the famous red barn, the original home of Boeing. He was a fun, silly man who loved woodworking, singing, and mischief.

Her mother was tough as nails, having grown up on a farm her parents homesteaded in Idaho. Because of this, Mom grew up with one foot in Seattle, a suburban teen, and one foot in Idaho, a farmer girl.

She attended Franklin High School in Seattle. That’s important specifically because her group of high school friends remained a tight group to this day. Her passing means that her group has dwindled to only five and all five are surely heart broken this morning.

After she married Dad in Seattle, they moved to Renton in 1963. She gave birth to me in 1965 and lived in that same house until we moved her in November to the elder care home.

When my sister got into gymnastics, my mother did as well, eventually becoming a judge. She worked as a judge at multiple levels for over 40 years.

Mom’s farmer-girl side got great joy out of her seasonal garden. We learned to pick strawberries, shuck corn, collect peas, and much more. During the summers we ate fresh fruit from our property: strawberries, huckleberries, black berries, blue berries, apples, raspberries, cherries, along with the fresh fruit and herbs. That was all her (dad on the other hand loved to grow trees).

When my sister wanted a horse, mom was right there, supporting her efforts emotionally and financially, support that continued right up until the day she died. This relationship and support of my sister naturally meant that they were closer.

I, on the otherhand, more independent, was not as close to her. Over the years, mom and I grew farther apart as our politics and other issues divided us more. My separation/divorce from my first wife in 2000 really ripped us apart and we didn’t speak for more than a year. It was actually dad’s stoke in 2002 that forced us to start communicating again. Still, and sadly, there was always a bit of distance.

From the time I started eWillys in 2008, mom often checked the site. She really loved to follow our trips and was a frequent commenter on the posts. She was always amazed and proud of the warmth, friendship and kindness so many of you shared with Ann and I on our journeys.

Mom was also a big fan of my books. She always wished I would contact Hollywood so they would make a movie of the Amber Panels book. She never quite understood that rewriting the book into a screen play was a non-trivial under taking, me for which I did not have. Still, I’ve always appreciated her support of that notion.

Despite our differences over the years, I never doubted that she was kind, thoughtful, and had a big heart. Having lived most of her life within a 10 mile area, she developed many friends and collegues over the years and those folks are mourning her this morning.

Godspeed Mom on your journey to join Dad.

Obviously, eWillys will likely remain lightly updated over the next week. Best wishes all for a better 2022.


One of the few pictures of mom driving the jeep. She and my sister are trying out a balance event at a jeep playday in the early 1970s.

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Collins Brothers Jeep Collection for sale

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Thanks to Bill for forwarding this video. There’s a lot of nice looking jeeps here. You can also learn more here:

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Merry Christmas 2021

• CATEGORIES: Artists/Drawings, Features, Postcards This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Merry Christmas everyone!

It’s a bit of a somber Christmas in our neck of the woods. Mom has been struggling over the past week with lots of confusion and health struggles. After a 36-hour wait in the ER, she finally made it into the hospital Thursday night. She had an operation yesterday (the 24th) to remove fluids from the sac around her heart. The docs extracted 700ml (which is a lot) and left a tube in to drain more. Needless to say, this indicates her heart is struggling mightily. Without some kind of miracle, she probably has weeks left at the very most. So, Ann and I are having a quiet holiday season at our new home this year.

We hope everyone else has an enjoyable holiday season with your families and friends. And, I hope you all are blessed with good fortune in 2022!

This 1945 Christmas Card was auction on eBay in 2015:


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General George Patton’s Jeep Driver

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill shared this video of General George S. Patton’s Personal Jeep Driver. He once removed a jeep engine in 40 minutes (and was very proud of that)!

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1948 CJ-2A Marietta, GA **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: CJ-2A • TAGS: , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was $12,500.

Chuck spotted this nice looking 2A.

1948-cj2a-marietta-ga401 1948-cj2a-marietta-ga40 1948-cj2a-marietta-ga41 1948-cj2a-marietta-ga42 1948-cj2a-marietta-ga43 1948-cj2a-marietta-ga4

“1948 CJ-2A, restored by prior owner. Documentation including manuals, assembly notes, receipts and restoration photos.

L-134 4 Cylinder motor with three speed manual transmission and transfer case. Has rare overdrive mounted but could be changed to front or rear PTO.

Original 6 volt electrical system.

Red with grey seats. Black top and doors.

Great shape, runs and drives well, however this is a 73 year old vehicle so don’t expect it to drive like a modern car!”

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1969 CJ-5 462 Overgaard, AZ No price

• CATEGORIES: CJ5 This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I don’t see enough info in the pic to verify the “462” claim, but I see no reason to doubt it either. It looks like the V6 emblem was painted over when this was repainted.


“Extremely Rare Find
Original, 1969 Kaiser, CJ-5, Jeep Special Edition 462 (very rare) garage kept 4000 original miles, all gears pristine and like new.
Original Buick odd fire 225 with manual 3 speed plus factory overdrive.
Various internet searches and collectors have valued this at more than $30,000.
Continue reading

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1942 MB Slat Sacramento, CA **Status Unknown**

• CATEGORIES: MB • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Status Unknown. Was $11,500.

(12/25/2021) This has some unusual rear mods.

“1942 Willys Slat Grill Jeep, good condition and runs well. Needs a gas tank and water pump gasket to be road ready. Very complete, always garaged and many extras.
Very rare, only 25,000 produced.
$11,500 or best offer”

1942-mb-slat-sac-ca2 1942-mb-slat-sac-ca3 1942-mb-slat-sac-ca4 1942-mb-slat-sac-ca5

Continue reading

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1949 Truck Louisville KY $15,000

• CATEGORIES: Willys Trucks This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Tom spotted this truck for sale near him.

1949-truck-louisville-ky1 1949-truck-louisville-ky2 31949-truck-louisville-ky 1949-truck-louisville-ky4

“This is an 1949 Willys Overland pickup truck. It has the Willys Go Devil L-134 engine, T-90 3 speed transmission and Timken clamshell differential. It is 2 wheel drive. The truck is rust free except a small bubble on the passenger door corner, which there is a photo of that area and the bed was sandblasted and a few very small pin holes are visible. Very light surface rust on the frame if any.

The cab appears original paint but the seat has been recovered and some newer carpet and possibly door panels. The electrical has been changed to 12v. This is a good running truck and fun to drive but I have to many projects at this time and need to downsize. This is a very solid truck and will be an easy project for someone who is looking for an unmolested Willys truck. The truck is located in Louisville, KY. This is a running and driving truck.”

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BAW BJ212 Available for 2021

• CATEGORIES: Features, Other 4x4s This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill forwarded this article. Looking for a brand new, old school 4WD vehicle? Well, look no further than this Chinese/Russian BAW BJ212. Of course, while you may be able to buy it brand new, getting it to the states (or elsewhere) might be a challenge.


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Year? CJ-3A APU Robertsdale, AL $700

• CATEGORIES: CJ-3A • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Darron spotted this APU jeep for sale. It still has the dash gauges.

“1946 Willys Navy Jeep no engine but rest of drivetrain there, has been used as yard art and started to build rat rod at one time.”

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1961 Wagon Left to Rot, Now Runs

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill spotted this short article about a wagon seemingly left to rot that was restarted.


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Jeep Sales and Service Sign Hamilton, MT $4000

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

It lacks a back panel, but otherwise looks good.

“This is a super hard to find Lightup Jeep sign from the late 50s. It also has Authorized Willys Dealer on it! Lites up and has no cracks or fading to the lens. The back was broken and removed some time ago. Has the original hanging bracket and all original electronics. Been stored indoors for the last 50 years! This sign is aprox. 3ft x 4ft w/o the arms”

jeep-sign-hamilton-mt1 jeep-sign-hamilton-mt2