Ann and I thank everyone for the congratulations and well wishes!! We have been busy cleaning up after the wedding and spending time with my kids, so my eWillys time has been a bit crunched. I’ve got a few updates below.
Here is a pic from the wedding. No, there weren’t any jeeps involved in the wedding, however I did receive an embroidered eWillys hat and Ann an embroidered eWillys purse, so those will make an appearance on here soon.
The wedding was fun. Moments before the ceremony started my parents’ dog Jill realized that there were dogs just across the fence from her, causing her to start a major barking and growling episode. I had to jump into the surrounding bushes and chase her away. That even was quickly followed by a young child throwing up. The parent grabbed the child and rushed to the bathroom. Part way through the crowd, the child threw up again, causing guests to dodge digested matter. What fun would a wedding be without kids and dogs . . .