Our final view of the motorhome. We sold it on Saturday. We weren’t using it and it would only be declining in value, so we felt it was prudent to let it go. We will eventually buy something else, but unsure whether that will be a slide-in camper (which requires a new, beefier truck, which we need anyway), another motorhome (likely not), or a fifth wheel (maybe).
More updates later today …. It’s been a busy few days. We sold our motorhome to the folks that own the water system company that installed our filtering system (we hadn’t used it to camp in two years). So, as a part of the deal, we are getting a new water system for our house, a new drinking system for the kitchen, and a water filter system for the bunkhouse.
We have rented a bull for our heifers, but there isn’t a whole lot of action (a regular Ferdinand perhaps?), other than chewing down our grass, which has meant getting some hay to supplement their diets. Thankfully, our next-door neighbor just swathed his grass hay yesterday, so we’ll be buying up all his hay.
We are shopping for a squeeze chute and panels so we can build a corral.That way, we can just artificially inseminate them rather than host a bull, which is more expensive than insemination, something another neighbor of ours can do.
The side deck on the bunkhouse is near done, another stretch of triple digits looks behind us now.