UPDATE: Thanks to readers for the additional info. The tires are original and it is a Marx Fix-All, a jeep that included the tools shown.
I won this green CJ-2A toy jeep on eBay a couple weeks ago. Other than the tires, which are marked “Marx”, there is no identifying brand. However, it isn’t clear to me that the tires are original (especially given that a couple different nuts hold the tires to the jeep).
The jeep has lots of details. On the underside, there are body mounts, a PTO, a crossmember, a transfercase brake and other identifiable objects. The engine seems about the right size. The windshield looks CJ-2Aish. It’s got a relatively accurate grille and front weight. The spare tire location is fairly accurate.
Curiously, the dash has a glove box and there are six spark plug wires on the otherwise L-head-looking engine. The fact that the toy is “stamped” JEEP in ways that remind me of a CJ-2 is also puzzling.
The plastic quality isn’t the best, which means it does have some broken parts. In addition, the soft top is missing it’s roof. So, not a perfect specimen. Can anyone identify this toy’s manufacturer?

The tires have “Marx” on them, but it’s not clear to me they are original. Certainly, the some of the nuts holding the tires to the jeep aren’t original.

The grille, lights, and windshield give it a pretty accurate jeep look. The JEEP stamped on the hood and windshield give it a CJ-2 feel.

I would say the green jeep is about half the size of an Ogelsby jeep, but in several ways has more accurate details.

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