Marc pointed out an article in the 1944 issue of Popular Mechanics. I didn’t realized it, but this issue has a bunch of jeep-related articles. Some of these you’ve probably seen.
The largest illustration shows a Ford GPA SEEP pulling a MB Slat Grille (pages 84 and 85). For some reason, the wheels were removed (photographically speaking) from the GPA.
Page 87 shows of a half-sized jeep that utilizes an icebox motor for power. I featured this picture back in April.
Page 71 shares the “Follow Me” paint markings with the world.
Page 6 Describes how jeeps can be used to pull refueling tanks or ambulance cars in a train.
Page 80 shows off the limitless capabilities of the jeep by picturing a soldier cutting wood from a jeep powered buzz saw in Italy.
Page 86 discusses the finer points of dropping a jeep over a cliff, including the installation of a can over the driver’s mirror to prevent flashing.
Finally, on page 63 we learn about a “Finishing School for Killers” where soldiers learn how to jump from a jeep while it is traveling at 40mph.