Starting my morning in Brooklyn at Barnes and Nobles. I’d misread the subway, so got off tow stops later than planned. At least I didn’t misread it all the way to Manhattan!
I ran out of time to update you on most of Wednesday’s adventures. However, Ann did post her version of my day on Facebook.
Traveler update. Poor David: it’s dangerous for him to travel without me… To start with, his plane got in at 7amish (an hour late), and included a woman passing out in the aisle next to him (hope it’s not Ebola). He’s gotten almost no sleep OR food in two days. His morning adventure was to visit a grave of a family friend and someone he’s done considerable research on. After a long walk from the train to hotel all the while dragging his bags he faced another long walk to the cemetery, only to find the cemetery much more vast than expected.
And that’s when IT START RAINING.
Undaunted he plodded-on but the grave wasn’t where that dang google map said it should be so he looked it up on the cemetery map, but then it started raining harder. Now my poor soaked traveler recognized an important fact: He should always listen to his wife, but more on that later.
Realizing his folly poor David tried to leave only to find a locked gate. Bewildered, cold, hungry, and soggy, and tired, he used his iPhone to look for an escape route…… but then, it died. In the end he had to trudge his way ALL the way back across the cemetery blinded by foggy rain splattered glasses, alone, all connection to the outside world lost, paranoid the cemetery was acting against him….wanting him to remain forever.
Thankfully, he made it out alive and was able to get a cab right away. He’s now back at his hotel and tucked into a warm bed to sleep while his sweater and only pair of jeans hopefully dry out. Now, I had to recommend a few times that he should:
1. Take more cabs and not kill himself walking all over hell and gone.
2. He should really really get a new phone since he’s been having so much trouble with his current one.
And 3! Take a darn coat. It’s winter and rain is expected in the forecast. My poor guy. While I love being right, heheheee, I don’t love it so much at his expense. Let’s hope the rest of his trip goes better then theses first few hours.
In her explanation, she missed one important encounter I’d forgotten to mention to her . . .
While walking in downtown Brooklyn this morning, some woman walking toward me stopped 20 yards in front of me, lifted her jacket, grabbed her crotch, and shouted “DO YOU WANT TO LICK MY P(female part)Y!?! WELL DO YOU!?! I was pretty shocked! So, was the middle aged woman pushing a stroller with a child in it just in front of me. Both of us froze while the eager, exuberant woman tried to convince us we should sample her wares, “C’MON, DO YA?”
Needless to say I and the stroller-pusshing woman both declined the generous offer and walked purposefully and briskly passed her.
On the bright side, I did have a fantastic burger at the Burger Bistro on 5th Street. They made burgers out of beef, Kobe beef, tuna, chicken, lamb, vegetables, and turkey! I splurged on a Medium rare Kobe burger. It was fantastic. Now, if only they’d made fresh fries.
Kobe beef, caramelized onion, chipotle (spicy!) sauce and hot pepper cheese. It was great!