UPDATE: Zac shared a Parmley that he inherited along with a document that shows some pricing and states it was designed for the 81″ chassis.

Originally posted in 2013, with some pic updates over the years:
As many of you know, I am very curious about the fiberglass aftermarket bodies made for the jeep. While I’ve seen most models for sale over the years, I have yet to run across Parmley Engineering’s fiberglass body, one of the more unique ones ever created.
After wrecking his CJ-5 in the early 1970s, Californian Tom Parmley, a machinist by trade, decided to build himself a better body for his still-good chassis. He wanted the body to legally accommodate wider tires, a dash box with more room, a hood that was lower, and other features. So, he built and tested his dream body with great success. Along the way, he received so much positive feedback that he created a kit so others could easily install a Parmley body on their CJ-5 Chassis.
So far, I have only located two resources that document this body. One is the February 1974 issue of Four Wheeler Magazine, which featured a multi-page article about the new body. Additionally, at least two issues of Four Wheeler Magazine also have ads for the Parmley body kit. The other resource is a June 1975 Popular Mechanics article. The Pop-Mech article also shows off the fiberglass top he invented (at least I assume it is fiberglass).
Here are a couple publicity photos taken by Tom Parley and published in the Feb 1974 issue of Four Wheeler:

This image shows the Parmley with a top and is from Popular Mechanics. Note the top example sports Desert Dogs …

Here is a Parmley-bodied jeep on the cover of a the May 1978 issue of Four Wheeler Magazine.

This Parmley Engineering ad appeared on the back of January 1974 issue of Four Wheeler Magazine:

Bob Christy wasn’t sure what this vehicle was when he photographed it in 2008, but now we know.

This Parmely sold in 2015 and included a rare top:

This one sold in 2017:

This one sold in 2022: