Updates are limited today. I spent much of today repairing a plow for a neighbor, so no jeep work got done. Then, we picked up the new kittens today, which have kept Betty Page and Lizzy very busy this afternoon and evening (which means they will sleep hard tonight).
The 2-month-old kittens are sisters and rescued cats. We discovered that a neighbor fosters cats, though she mostly ships them to the Seattle area as folks over on this side of the state don’t adopt them too much apparently. We formally named them Dorothy and Louise, after these two jeep explorers (because we were told the cats were pretty curious about their surroundings). We can attest that the kittens have wasted no time in exploring their room (they will have more run of the house later).
However, we are having difficulties telling them apart, so they may end up just as Thing One and Thing Two.
In the two pics below, you can see how happy Lizzy is! The good news is that the cats have had lots of dog time, so they aren’t scared of our dogs at all.

Betty Page is enjoying the new kitties, too.

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