It was a long, but productive day yesterday at the swapmeet. We had the opportunity to speak with a wide variety of people about eWillys and the Alaska Or Rust venture. I was pleasantly surprised at how many people (old, young, men and women) agreed that it was a cool idea. Many folks wish they had their old Willys together so they too could make the run with us. Still others had driven the highway and had lots of suggestions on places to see. It was a great way to spread the news about the trip.
Even better, four of the participants (me, Rob, Marty and Wade) had a chance to all meet at the same time. Somehow, we never got a photo of all of us though. Here’s are a few photos we did get:
Me and Wade (he’s in full beard mode .. I was hearing rumblings that it will be coming off soon????)
Me and Paul Barry of Willys America, who had a booth a few rows down.
Marty Tilford, me and Rob Stafford at the AOR booth. (from Saturday)
My poor attempt to show the crowd size. All the rows were full of shoppers and lookie-loos. Pics are like this are one reason I miss having Ann along (of course, there are many other reasons, too!)