videos Research Archives


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Sausages and a Toy Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Features, International, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Hugo in Uruguay spotted this video. Like peanut butter and jelly, ying and yang, Fred and Ginger, Sausages and toy jeeps are a natural fit, right? Well, if you didn’t believe it before, check out this ad that celebrates 100 years of Ottonello sausages. The toy jeep appears at the 15 second mark. After viewing the video, Hugo suddenly remembered that he’d owned a red toy jeep when he was a kid.


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Antwerp’s Liberation Celebration

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Charles forwarded these photos of a recent celebration in Antwerp.


liberation-antwerp-celebration1 liberation-antwerp-celebration2 liberation-antwerp-celebration3

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11Foot8 Bridge in Durham, NC

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Brendan (from posted a link to this video, which was shown on Jalopnik. The video originated at, a website devoted exclusively to capture trucks hitting a low bridge. Once you start watching, you can’t stop . . .


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Jeep Buried in Sand Video

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Blaine forwarded this video. I’d seen it previously and thought I’d shared it, but didn’t find in my posts.So, enjoy. It would be fun to find a jeep buried in the sand, dirt or bushes; we can always dream, right?


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Motor Trend Compares a Farm Jeep vs. a Wrangler

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Leo spotted this video. The comparison is a silly one, since the Wrangle can’t perform any PTO tasks. Instead, it looks more like a Wrangler promo and less like a real story. That said it’s still fun to watch the 3A.


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CJ-2A Video

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Gary forwarded this odd short video of a rough CJ-2A that just keeps going . . . at least until it gets stuck.

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CAR SOS Rebuilds a GPW

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Buz spotted this great video from Car SOS.

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Military Network Motor Pool Video

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Deborah forwarded this video from Tom Townsend and the Military Network Motor Pool. The first segment deals with jeeps. To their credit they spend some time discussing jeep history and describing how to tell the differences between jeeps (ford vs mb and military vs civilian). But, I felt they could have covered the history more accurately.

For example, when discussing the Bantam prototype they showed pictures of the BRC-40 (3rd generation Bantam). They never showed any pictures of the Willys prototypes. They also suggested Willys got the contract for the jeep before Ford appeared. The reality is Ford not only submitted prototypes, but won the principal military contract, before it was taken away and given to Willys. Another mistake was that CJ-2As were produced starting in 1945 rather than 1946.

You can check out the entire episode here:


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Jeep Wagon Goes Nuclear

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Guy found these videos with jeeps and nuclear blasts. Here’s a wagon before and (seconds later) after a blast (see 1:00 minute mark of video)

nuclear-wagon1 nuclear-wagon2

Here are a couple more vids he found. See time mark 10:35 See time mark 2:30

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Starting Nate’s IHC Titan 10-20

• CATEGORIES: videos • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Nate’s got this IHC Titan running. Check out how he starts it.

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Video: The Closing of the Walter P Chrysler Museum

• CATEGORIES: Museums, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This school project about the closing of the Walter P. Chrysler Museum was forwarded by Brian. There’s a really good shot of the WWII jeep exhibit.

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Coast Guard Lengthened Jeep AKA The Invader Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Features, GPW (Ford MB), videos • TAGS: , , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Coast Guard Super-Jeep at the National Guard Militia Museum in New Jersey.

Posted at bangshift (though I couldn’t find this original link), referenced by Jalopnik, linked to by Kaiser Willys, and forwarded by Colin, here is a great video  of a coast guard “super jeep” in action.


1) From the May 06, 1944, Perth Mirror in Australia:

At a Coastguard Station on the Atlantic Coast, U.S. Coast Guards men recently demonstrated a new super-jeep, carrying 10 men and traveling up to 60 miles an hour over sand. Officials said the super-jeep was developed to meet special problems of Coast Guard shore patrols. Chassis of a regulation jeep was halved and steel shafts inserted to add one yard to its wheelbace. Seats for 10 were installed and specially designed wheels employed to permit travel over any kind of beach.

2) Volume 70 of the U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings discusses the results of the Coast Guard Jeep. Unfortunately I don’t have access to the whole document. I do have this:

As a basis for comparison, the regular Army jeep tried to follow the super-jeep over the same course, but foundered in the deep sand. The super-jeep was developed in the Coast Guard transportation office to meet the special demand that branch of services has for a vehicle capable of moving through sand . . .

LINKS: (three good photos of an original coast guard jeep)



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Video of “My Misfit” Restoration

• CATEGORIES: Builds, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Joe found and forwarded this video showing a the restoration of a 1945 GPW. I am not certain whose jeep this is. This isn’t Joe’s video nor his jeep.  If you want to contact the original creator of the film (or owner of the jeep), you may be able to do that through youtube.


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FJ-3A Model from Scratch

• CATEGORIES: Features, FJ, Models, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Guy shared a video of someone who build a FJ-3A model using what you see below.

He turned this:


Into this:


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Louis Marx 1953 Home Video

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Apparently, Toy King Louis Marx not only made toy jeeps, but also owned a jeep he used to cut his lawn. In this unusual home video being auctioned on eBay, it apparently shows him driving a Lefty CJ-2A with some kind of mower or cutter behind it.

“We are proud to offer:
“The Marx of History” a home birthday movie made for toymaker Louis Marx by his family in 1953.
This lot consists of :
One 16mm film on to 2 rolls
Run time: circa one hour
Type: black and white, silent
Recently found in the archives of Academy Award winning producer Jerry Fairbanks one 16mm home movie for the 1953 birthday of Toy King Louis Marx. This black and white silent work print of the Hollywood producer appears to be the only surviving copy of this 1953 film.
The film is in good condition with moderate signs of use.
By all appearance mostly filmed on the grounds of the Scarsdale Estate and Mansion, this film shows the luxurious life style enjoyed by the family of the at the time largest Toymaker in the World.
This film was put together by his family as a birthday gift to Louis Marx on the occasion of his 57 birthday in 1953.”


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More Video from Iceland

• CATEGORIES: Fire/Police/Industry Vehicles, International, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Robin forwarded this video from those wild Icelandic vehicles.

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Kevin’s FC-170 Chopping Wood

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Kevin’s wrote me the other day to tell me about some of his videos.  He’s got a variety of PTO related videos, including one of his FC operating this neat wood splitter. Just don’t get your hands caught in it!  You can see a listing of all Kevin’s videos here.

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Shriner’s 4-Wheel Steer Jeeps in Boise

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Josh was in downtown Boise on Saturday morning with his son watching the holiday parade when two flatfenders appeared. He said they were both named “sidewinder” and both had 4 wheel steer with dual steering wheels.  He said they were going a decent speed doing donuts or driving at an angle.

He snapped the picture below and then found a video of them.  The jeeps show up at the 17 sec mark and then really show at the 44 sec mark. I’ll see if I can dig up some more info on these in the future.

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Pete’s drive in the Sawtooth Mountains of Idaho

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Pete from the OldWillysForum took a break from life and headed to the hills of Stanley, Idaho, with his wagon and a GoPro Hero2 camera. I’m going to check into getting one of those cameras.

Here are two more videos:

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Video Report on MD Juan

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Steve spotted this YouTube video segment about MD Juan.

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Ford GPA SEEPs in Action

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I found this neat video of SEEPS in action on YouTube. The look like they are going faster than I thought they would travel.

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Hugh’s Dad Driving a Jeep

• CATEGORIES: videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s a short video Hugh sent me of his father driving Hugh’s Jeep.  He looks like he’s having a great time bumping around their property.

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Old Jeep Carnival Ride found in 2011 at Garage Sale

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The folks at Billy Bob and Company documented a carnival ride discovered at a local garage sale.  I wish I found garage sales that good!

This link shows a photo of a little girl riding what appears to be the same ride.

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Tim’s Hill Climb at the Monroe Adventure Park

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Steve forwarded this video of Tim’s jeep Priority running the  Hill Climb at the Adventure Park in Monroe, Washington.  I don’t know anything about the Park, but here’s a link to the website.  Here’s an article about the “Prison Break” event.   Here’s the Facebook page.

Priority is powered by an aluminum V-8 followed by a Ford Top-loader four speed that used to be in my father’s jeep.  It’s got a Parkette fiberglass body with a Bobcat hood.  He runs an independent suspension that has been updated since I last saw the jeep, so I’m looking forward to my next climb underneath it.

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Racing at the 2012 PNW4WDA Summer Convention in Oregon

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features, Racing, videos • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s a great video of a run at the 2012 Summer Convention held this year in Camas Valley, Oregon.  There are a few more videos posted as well.