UPDATE: Still Available.
Joe in Mesa has been in contact with Alex, who restored a GAZ in Minsk, Republic of Belarus. He’s wondering if there is any interest in buying the GAZ-67 or trading it for a Willys. You can email Alex at xnnn @ tut.by (remove the spaces around the @) if interested.

Here’s what Alex wrote:
“Perhaps you will be interested in the history of GAZ-67, so I quote it in a concise statement. The translation is done using a computer, so there may be inaccuracies. And I’m sending a few pictures. Built in April 1943 in three prototypes, the GAZ-67 successfully passed the army tests and in August was put into production. The first car came off the assembly line on September 23, 1943, and in October a serial production was already set up. GAZ-67 cars took part in the Great Patriotic War mainly at its final stages, when a lot of machines of this type, mainly American ones, were already in the army. However, they also received distribution there (up to 5,000 cars were delivered before May 9, 1945), and even the famous popularity (under the nickname “Ivan-Willys”) as a distinctive, “Russian” model of the car – sturdy, unpretentious, taut and passable. As you know, each car has its own “face”.
The exterior of the GAZ-67 is a stubborn, albeit unkempt, but firmly knocked down car, confidently moving on any roads on its widely spaced wheels. He worked quite reliably, was used in any weather on any terrain, which earned respect for the soldiers.
After the war, the production of the GAZ-67B was preserved and even expanded. He spread all over the country, on the military line, he got abroad, even to Australia, not to mention Eastern Europe, China, and North Korea. Production of it has grown significantly every subsequent year (until 1950). In the spring of 1950, the lightened GAZ-67B successfully landed on Elbrus. When the drifting polar station was organized in the summer of the same year, GAZ-67B was abandoned on the plane, effectively and for a long time working on the ice as a transport vehicle and tractor. The first parachute dropping from the aircraft was also carried out on the GAZ-67B back in 1949.
GAZ-67B was produced for a long time, until the end of August 1953. In total, over 10 years they were built 92843″