While doing some book research, I ran across the Missouri Historical Society’s online archives, which includes some images of jeeps, mostly photos of jeeps at schools, probably related to bond drives. It may be of use for folks looking for military era jeep photos. https://mohistory.org/collections?text=jeep&images=0
There are also a few pre-war Willys-Overland and John North images: https://mohistory.org/collections?text=willys-overland&images=0
I thought the below photo is neat, as it is a reminder that there was a big push to recycle metals (along with other materials).
According to the sign:
The Beauty Industry Helps Beat The Beasts
Throw It On The Heap
It Will Help Build A Jeep

Photo from the Missouri Historical Society, CREATOR: Sievers Studio. Miss Elengo, who probably worked for the Modern Beauty Shop magazine, is one of the clients and rights holders.
This photo may show a Holden jeep: http://collections.mohistory.org/resource/736142

A reproduction of a photograph of American soldiers attempting to pull a Jeep out of the mud using a Holt tractor during the Battle of Okinawa (April 1-June 22, 1945). Photo from the Missouri Historical Society