Museums Research Archives

Jeeps that have museums

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The Three Wheeled CJ-3A APU

• CATEGORIES: Museums, Unusual • TAGS: , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE 2:  Learn More here

UPDATE:  As noted in the article below, these were developed by O. E. Szekely & Associates, who also created the modified CJ-3A for the Navy.  The APU pictured in color below is from the Miramar Marine Corps Air Museum in San Diego.

I keep thinking that I’ve seen all the different jeeps that were ever built.  But nope, here’s another one I’ve not seen before,  discussed on this Argentinian website. Both the pics below and the video are from that website.  It’s really cool!


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Brian goes to Vienna and all we get are jeep pics ;-)

• CATEGORIES: Features, MB, Museums This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Brian, who’s now our Visiting European Correspondent (did I mention it’s a volunteer position?), found this beautiful MB in Vienna at the Heeresgeschichtliches Museum while visiting Vienna, Austria.  Brian mentions that this museum of military history contains ‘everything from 1600 on up’ that’s war related.

Brian writes:

“This jeep was extremely clean. It is in such great condition that I wondered if it is a repo-tub.   The only thing missing was the radio that mounts behind the driver.  They indicate this jeep was used for patrols.  Note the four allied flags: Russia, British, American and French; the jeep was issued to all four allied forces policing Austria and the flags denoted that no one country was ruling Austria.”

