Brian is looking to sell this running Mighty Mite. Contact text first (due to signal) @ 217-twofoursix-23onenine or email: tallmustang90 at (remove spaces from around the @)
““All original 1965 American Motor Corporation (AMC) Military Jeep M422A1, air-cooled engine, has fording capability, aluminum chassis, and is designed to be airdropped (parachute) behind enemy lines. Only weighs 1700 lbs. It’s a 1968 Mighty Might Jeep; it’s all original/complete, 24 volt system 100 percent intact, and UNCUT body. Was stored in CA’s high desert (dry climate/no rust) about ten years ago. Has correct seats, includes rare jump seats on tailgate and rear fenders. Seats 6 people. New batteries, new fuel pump, new carb rebuild, new plugs, new plug wires, new cap/points, new tires. Runs great. Your chance to own an extremely rare military Jeep to add to your collection. Only 2600 M422A1 were ever produced. Reason for sale is too many projects. Clean title in hand. $12,500 OBO.”