UPDATE: **SOLD** Was $20,000.
This has a pair of early Husky hubs.

“1944 Willys MB with ¼ ton trailer. Sold as a set only.
Excellent condition, been garaged.
Serial # MB 340573
DOD: First week of June 1944
Clear Oregon title for both trailer and jeep.
Vehicle was purchased from a friend of mine in about 2002. I have records of its ownership back to the early 70’s and some correspondence back to the early 60’s. Between 2002 and 2003 the body and frame were separated, engine, transmission and transfer case removed. Frame and tub were sandblasted, primed and painted. There was some minor rust repair done, and the fuel tank well and the fuel tank were replaced due to corrosion. Front frame bumper brackets were replaced as well as the front bumper. Top frame and brackets are replacements.
The wiring harness was replaced with a period copy. The tires are aftermarket replacements, and the combat wheels were purchased as second hand items, sandblasted and painted. Seat covers are aftermarket copies. To the best of my knowledge the rest is original, save some fasteners and other small components. The goal from the beginning was to repair the major issues and re-paint to original military color leaving as much untouched as possible.
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