UPDATE: In his search for Jeepster door mechanicals, George learned that the parts used in a 1952 Dodge Truck were nearly identical to the Jeepster, just shorter. However, since he was able to eventually source a set of Jeepster doors, he didn’t try out this possibility. So, I thought in case someone else needed these parts that I’d let folks know that NOS parts are available for the Dodge Truck.
“A restorer messaged with a picture of one mech from the Jeepster and one from a 1952 Dodge truck this afternoon. They were identical except for the length of the connector between inside/outside handles. They can be found for $90 nos.”

Original Post: George is nearly done with a 1949 Jeepster restoration, but needs to locate the mechanical parts for both doors. If you think you have the parts he needs, contact him at gjasek @ yahoo.com (remove spaces around the @).
And, yes, he has looked for the parts at the Jeepsterman, WO Jeepster club, and other places on the web, but with no luck so far.