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Negative of MB/GPW w/ External Tank on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The negative of this below image was spotted by Steve. I wonder if the handling felt odd when the tank was full?

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“Original one-of-a-kind amateur 2 1/4″ square negative.  Excellent condition. The listing image was created using PhotoShop to make a positive digital image.  I did very little adjusting; you should be able to produce a much better print/image than the one shown in this listing.”


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1953 Ad For Winter Willys and the Farm Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Oops .. this was supposed to appear on Wed morning … Oh well!

This ad for Winter Willys was published in the February 21, 1953, issue of the Sacramento Bee. It highlights the availability of the Jeep branded implements. some of which was saw in these ‘Jeep’ brochure posts.

Clipping from The Sacramento Bee - Newspapers.com

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1946 GET A ‘JEEP’ Mailer

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This 1946 brochure was produced as part of the GET A ‘JEEP’ campaign that lasted through most of 1946.



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Battery Powered Toy Jeep Lexington, KY **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: It turns out that I didn’t have to scoop this up this toy myself after all; Tom from Kentucky obtained it, then mailed it to me. It surely was a cool surprised. In this note to me he mentioned it still runs, so I popped in some D batteries. Sure enough, this jeep still goes backwards and forwards. The only glitch on it is the broken windshield, but I’ll see what I can do to repair it. Many Thanks Tom!

This appears to be a rare Andy Gard G I remote control jeep. If it was near me, I’d scoop it up.




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1943 Jeep Used For English Stag Hunt

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Steve shared this July 2, 1943, article in the South Western Adviser (Perth, WA, Australia) about a couple of soldiers in a jeep who decided to join an English hunt.



July 02, 1943, South Western Adviser, Australia


It happened “somewhere in England,” as soldiers developed their shooting eyes for Jerries on a rifle range. A firing group had just taken up places;’ adjust rifle slings, and were aiming, when the officer in charge yelled, “Hold it, men!”

Directly across the row of distant targets bounded a , magnificent stag. Soldiers’ mouths fell open as out of the; woods a Jeep hurtled in hot pursuit. In it rode two yelling, khaki-clad Robin Hoods.

The sergeant driver sent his vehicle bounding across small streams, missing trees by inches. A few seconds later a pack of hounds appeared in full cry. In fourth place, and well out of the
money, dashed mounted huntsmen.

An officer promptly ended the Doughbouys participation in the hunt. Huntsmen made it clear that chasing stags in Jeeps is definitely frowned upon in England. They also added—politely—that hunting is done only by invitation.

—Canadian Press Dispatch. J

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Albany New York Police Department Jeep Photos

• CATEGORIES: Features, Fire/Police/Industry Vehicles, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Joe shared these two Albany Police Department police photos posted by Albany’s Times Union online newspaper. The CJ-2A riot jeep is pic #30 of 35. The Wagon is pic #2 of 35.




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Original Road Warrior Camera Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Features, Fire/Police/Industry Vehicles, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Roger Martin shared this photo of, most likely, a CJ-2A or CJ-3A that was modified and outfitted with a camera. He spotted on Facebook. It was used on the set of the original Road Warrior Movie.

I was unable to find another photo of the camera jeep, but I did find a modified CJ-3B used for the Road Warrior (Fury Road) remake.

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1945 Article on Jeep Jealousy

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Steve discovered this short article on a problem caused by jeeps in the Philippines (though this is a more complicated situation than just the existence of jeeps). The article was published in the October 11, 1945, issue of the Guinea Gold, a newspaper out of Australia. On the same page, there were two additional stories about Australian war brides getting preferential treatment for their trips (one article noted ‘secret’ trips by ship and another by a few women who got to fly to Hawaii) over returning service men.



October 11, 1945, Guinea Gold

“Filipino men are trying to put US jeeps cut of bounds to all their women under 40 years, states Ray Johnston, war correspondent, in Brisbane Sunday Mail.

Almost any hpur of the day and night, American jeeps carrying attractive Filipino girls can be seen in Manila’s grievously war-damaged streets. Timorous mothers and jealous boy friends have been complaining against the attraction the jeep exercises on local girls.

In China, Government officials and citizens became alarmed over the fact that the Chinese took to jeeps, as ducks to water, so they prohibited their girls riding inthem.

“Maybe such a law would be considered rude in Manila, but we should do something about the
situation,” says the Manila Chronicle. “After all, we don’t want it said in future that the jeep won the war and our women, too!”

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Tonka Fire Jeep Collegeville, PA **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was $100.

Steve shared this ‘all original’ Tonka Fire Jeep. It appears in good condition, but it’s missing a few items, including the ladder, the hood light, and one of the vertical cylinders on the back bumper.  The rear bumper unit is also bent backwards.


tonka-fire-jeep-philly-pa tonka-fire-jeep-philly-pa1


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1968 Democratic Convention Photo M-38A1 & M-151

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill shared this photo taken by a young Jefferson Siegel during the 1968 Democratic Convention. He wrote about being a 16yo photographer during the eventful convention.



6am, the morning after intense street battles in downtown Chicago. Photograph: Jefferson Siegel

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October 1941 Color Slide of Willys MA **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Bantam-FordGP-WillysMA-EarlyJPs, Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPATE: **SOLD** Was on eBay.

A color slide from 1941? That’s a rarity.

“Original 35mm film slide.
Subject: U.S. Army MP Willys Jeep at Camp Sibert (or Siebert) in Boulder City, NV.
Date: Oct. 1941
Mount/Film Type: Kodachrome, red border
The scan below has not captured all detail, but shows the relative sharpness of the slide. The green text reading “embitt scan” was superimposed after scanning.”


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1956 Willys Export Company Ad

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This ad just expired on eBay and will likely be reposted at some point. It’s a Willys Export Company magazine ad, but unclear to me who the audience was. If this were a Canadian ad I imagine it would be tagged with a Kaiser Willys of Canada moniker, so it’s unclear to me what magazine this might have been.

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“1956 4 Wheel Drive Jeep Vintage Print Car Ad – Rare International Life Mag Ad
Aprox 10″ X 14 ” – Excellent condition
This is an ORIGINAL, AUTHENTIC print ad from a Life or Saturday Evening Post Magazine. Not a reproduction or copy. There may be some yellowing or chipping around the edges.”


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1961 Structo Ride-on Fire Jeep Ad on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This is a good ad for the Structo Ride-on Fire Jeep. It appeared in the September 1961 issue of Playthings magazine.

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“You get 1 sheet, 2 pages.”


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1955 CJ-5 Winchester, ID $9000

• CATEGORIES: CJ5, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

What caught my eye about this one was the unusual hubs. Maybe an early Dualmatic (or dalmatic knock off?


“Listing for a friend. 9k OBO”


1955-cj5-winchester-id0 1955-cj5-winchester-id1 1955-cj5-winchester-id2 1955-cj5-winchester-id3 1955-cj5-winchester-id4


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1949 Jeep Trip from South America to Alaska

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Old News Articles • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

An October 18, 1949, article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram announced Daniel M. Towns decision to drive a jeep from Magallanes, Chile, to Fairbanks, Alaska, then drive to Washington, D.C. He is hoping to be able to cross the Darien Gap rather than boat around it. He plans to use tracks on a jeep to get through the Gap. As of the date of the article, Willys-Overland (or a dealer) had already agreed to supply a jeep.


A few weeks later, Towns received some advice from Frank Buck, as described in a November 07, 1949, article in the Forth Worth Star-Telegram. Frank Buck died a few months later.

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DJ-3A Front Seat Installation Instructions from 1956

• CATEGORIES: DJ-3A, Documents, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Somehow, I never posted these Instructions for installing DJ-3A seats that Terry sent me. So, here they are in a post of there own. These are the official instructions dated June 15, 1956, for the front passenger seat installation on a DJ-3A using Field Kit Attaching Parts No. 696529:

1956-06-15-dj3a-seat-install-directions1-lores 1956-06-15-dj3a-seat-install-directions2-lores

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1946 Ad for Olympic Spark Plugs

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Steve spotted this interesting post that shows a hoard of envelopes sent by customers and dealers to Olympic that was found. It’s kind of cool.

“There were over 100 covers here, and I have scanned a number of them above to share with members. A few were pre-war 1930s.

There are amazing array of origin country, commercial covers from the 1940s mainly. They have never been near a stamp dealer for ~65-75 years.

Burma, Portuguese India, Iran, Iraq, Cyprus, Malta, Southern Rhodesia, Thailand, Malaysia, France, China, Netherlands indies, Sarawak, Uganda, Belgium, Portugal, Turkey, a real early Israel cover, Egypt, Trinidad, Fiji, South Africa, Argentina, Sudan (several!), Lebanon, Ceylon, Greece and

There is a 1949 India Gandhi commercially used – a $50-$100 cover in today’s market. Who would know – 1949 Gandhi stuff is white hot.

Includes Registered mail and Postage dues assessed etc. Pretty much all of them sent to Olympic Spark Plugs Pty Ltd in Melbourne.”


This May 29, 1946, ad out of Australia in “The Bulletin” shows what I believe to be a depiction of two Chinese women driving a jeep.

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“Olympic Spark Plugs Large Full Page Original Advertisement removed from a 1946 Australian Newspaper and in good condition for age having some marks and creases and age yellowing and minor damage around the edges. PLEASE NOTE the minor damage around the edges. Size of the paper which the advertisement is on is 43 cms x 27 cms. It would look good framed on your wall or displayed with your Olympic Spark Plug Collection or if you collect Spark Plug Memorabilia. This advertisement would be hard to find in this size.”


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1953 Column by Dick Sanburn about the ‘Old’ Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Photo Credit: http://umanitoba.ca/libraries/units/archives/tribune/photographs/display_photo.php?id=5001 … This is a 1945 photo from VE Day as the paper prepared for the special “extra” paper announcing the end of the war in Europe. Richard “Dick” Sanburn appears to be the follow standing int he back, slightly bent over without a jacket, fourth from the left. He would go on to become editor of the Calgary Herald.

An April 20, 1953, column by Dick Sanburn out of the Calgary Herald, from Calgary, Canada, shared the news that a new type of jeep, the Mighty Mite, had been introduced. This led Dick to reminisce about the capabilities and rough ride of the jeeps he experienced during WWII. I thought his take on the customization of jeeps by their drivers (or jockeys as he refers to them).

Dick Sanburn’s column “Take it From Here” was launched after the joined the Calgary Herald in 1951. It became a local landmark. According to his obituary, “People either loved it or hated it, but they were never neutral. And that was because Sanburn never pulled his punches.”

During his earlier years as a war correspondent, he was frequently under fire. By the end of the war he had been made a member of the Order of the British Empire. Dick passed away on October 1, 1982 (his obit is at the bottom of this post, along with two of his articles).

Clipping from Calgary Herald - Newspapers.com

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August 1958 CJ-3B Farm Jeep Ad **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, International, Magazine This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was on eBay.

This ad was published in an Australian farming magazine.

“Australian Jeep Original Advertisement removed from a 1958 Australian Farming Magazine and in good condition for age having some marks and creases and age yellowing of the paper. Size is 18 cms x 24 cms.  It would look good framed on your wall or displayed with your vehicle at a car show.”


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Several Lots of Full-Size Jeep Brochures

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

An eBay seller has several lots of full-size jeep brochures for sale.

  1. 2 different lots of 8 12-page 1966 Jeep Wagoneer brochures for $25 (plus shipping)
  2. 2 different lots of 8 12-page 1966 Jeepster Commando brochures:
  3. 2 different lots of 8 8-page Gladiator brochures:
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1966 Kaiser Jeep Wagoneer Commercial

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This 1966 Wagoneer commercial from Kaiser-Jeep. According to the commercial’s poster:

“1966 Kaiser Jeep Wagoneer Commercial. The young boy in the commercial is Radio Personality from New Jersey, Dan Klein as a child. He recalls the woman playing the part of the Mother as a Mrs. Emily Mooney. The Husband is Thom Whims and the little girl is Tricia Murphy Duffy. I don’t really understand the commercial, a driver-less jeep wandering on the beach??? … And I LOVE the kid dressed up like a camouflage solider, this was when it was not politically incorrect to dress that way! I don’t think any car company would show that in a commercial now a days. The famous Industrial designer, Brooks Stevens is credited with it’s design. He did much work for Kaiser Industries and also Studebaker. This was one of his timeless designs that still looks good today. The commercial itself was filmed in 1965. The location is the shores of Avalon New Jersey, USA. Apparently according to the young girl in the film, the shots took hours and it was an extremely hot day.”

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FC-170 QSL Postcard **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Features, Postcards • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was on eBay.

Here’s a QSL Postcard with an FC-170 imprint.

“Vintage QSL Postcard ANTIQUE JEEP J Series Truck COMMERCE CITY Colorado”



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3 1956 Photos of CJ-3B on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

These three photos appear to show a CJ-3B with a Beck half-cab. Based on the background, my best guess is the photos were taken somewhere in the Colorado Plateau region. The price is good.

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“Lot of 3 Smae Image Original Vintage Snapshot Photos Jeep CJ on Farm dated 1956 largest Size is 3.5×5″ inches.”


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Wooden Pedal Jeep for Kids Turner, OR $150

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

TJ spotted this custom built toy jeep.


“Very sturdy built wooden pedal car, heavy, one of a kind.”

pedal-jeep-turner-or1 pedal-jeep-turner-or2 pedal-jeep-turner-or3 pedal-jeep-turner-or4

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1962? Gladiator Brochure/Pamphlet

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Documents, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: After reading this more carefully, I agree with Don that this is likely something that was aimed as dealers. It is an odd piece for sure.

1962-gladiator-brochure-1-lores 1962-gladiator-brochure-2-lores 1962-gladiator-brochure-3-lores Continue reading