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Frank Lloyd Wright’s Jeeps

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Tremaine told me he recently visited Frank Lloyd Wright’s Falling Waters and Kentuk Knob homes. At one of the gift shops there was book of Wright’s car collection, as he owned roughly 85 different cars over his life time. The book noted that at he owned three different jeeps over the years: a 1946 CJ-2A, a 1948 CJ-2A ‘Lefty’, and a wagon. While I was unable to locate a pic of the wagon, there is a photo on a Barrett Jackson page showing Wright’s two CJ-2As amongst some Crosleys.


CREDIT: https://www.barrett-jackson.com/Media/Home/Reader/an-architects-love-of-automobiles-frank-lloyd-wrights-passion-for-cars-took-many-forms/ It appears the jeep in the foreground is a 1948 CJ-2A “Lefty”, which makes the jeep in the background the 1946 CJ-2A.

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WWII Jeep Photo “Baby Oh” on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Steve shared this WWII photo.

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“This is an original WW2 photo showing 3 soldiers in a jeep.
The jeep is named / painted on the side: Baby Oh!
This photo measures approx. 4 1/2″ x 2 3/4”



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Photo of M-170 Medical Exercise on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This photo is undated, so it’s unclear whether this is an original from the time period or a reprint. Still, it’s got some good details in it. The front fender suggests this may have been a CJ-4MA.

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“Estate sale find of a vintage photograph of what appears to be a 1954 or 1955 M170 Frontline Ambulance Jeep being used in a medical emergency exercise, with several “patients” on stretchers inside the vehicle and one helmeted stretcher-bearer carrying one. Original period photo, not a modern copy or reproduction. Approximately 10 inches wide, 8 1/8″ tall. “Plate#79″ handwritten on the back.”

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11 Willys jeep Brochures **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was on eBay.

This is a good price for all these brochures. I already have all but the 3B brochure, otherwise I would have gotten it.

“Item Description:
Original 1950’s 1960’s Jeep Brochures, Group Lot of 11 (eleven) different items, no duplicates. Largest measures about 9″ x 12”. Includes pictures, data, dimensions, specifications, weights, descriptions, accessories, More! Includes Jeep, Willys Jeep, Dispatcher, delivery, van, hardtop, canvas full and half top, steel full cab, convertible, truck, tractor, tow truck, CJ-6, Universal, farm tool, farm power, CJ-3B, pickup, station wagon, Station sedan, utility, Kaiser Jeep Corporation, Wagoneer, 2WD 4WD, Gladiator, More! Good used condition, some wear, darkening, scuff, crease. Printing & pictures good used condition, some foldout to large poster-like sheets, enjoyable for “Goes Most Anywhere * Does Most Anything”.”


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Photo Slide of Ringling Brothers Jeep on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s an interestingly modified Flattie for the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus.

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“Original slide. 
Watermark is not on the slide.
 Raw image. Has been dusted but not cleaned. See pics for damage.”



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5 Vintage Jeep Colorado Jeep Slides on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Old Images Jeeping This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Looks like someone had a good day of jeeping in the Colorado mountains.

  1. Jeeping through some trees:
  2. Mountains in the background:
  3. Farther into the Mountains:
  4. Slim Trail photo:
  5. And the finally photo, similar to the shot above:
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Feb 1955 Wagon Ad on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This is another wagon-focused ad targeting females, as it was published in Better Homes and Gardens in February of 1955.


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2 170X CJ-3B Brochures on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

These two brochures are being sold by the same seller with an asking price of $9.99 each and he/she will consider offers. Both of these brochures can be seen in full on this page.

  1. Form 1702 The ‘Jeep’ Makes its Roads as it Goes!
  2. Form 1704 The ‘Jeep’ Means Business
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Kjolseth and Kohlschutter’s 1957 Trip to South American

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Old News Articles • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

On September 11, 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower introduced the People-to-People Program, “to enhance international understanding and friendship through educational, cultural and humanitarian activities involving the exchange of ideas and experiences directly among peoples of different countries and diverse cultures.”

Two students out of Colorado University, Rolf Kjolseth, of Boulder, Colorado, and Andreas Kohlschutter, of Berne, Switzerland, decided to put Eisenhower’s idea into action by driving a jeep from the United States to Rio De Janeiro, where they planned to sell the jeep and return to the United State by ship. Along the way, they hoped to meet people from all walks of life. They called their jeep “Columbus II”.


June 24, 1957, Albuquerque Journal

The trip was sponsored by the U.S. Information Agency and the Pan American Union. The two young men were supposed to write about their trip and send their stories to several newspapers, but I can’t find any articles with their by-lines. They even had their photo take with  then Vice President Richard Nixon on the steps of the U.S. Capitol, but I haven’t located a copy of that yet.


June 13, 1957, Greeley Daily Tribune

According to multiple reports, the intrepid explorers drove their early CJ-5 south from Laredo, Texas, through Mexico, into Central America and, probably via boat, made it to South America. The photos below show the pair in Colombia.


November 11, 1957, The Marion Star, Marion, Ohio,

I could not locate any information following their stop in Colombia.

At the very least, Rolf made it back to Colorado, becoming an associate professor at the University of Colorado from 1971-2011. I don’t know if Rolf is alive or not, but he does have an email address associated with UC. Whether he monitors it or not, I couldn’t say, but I sent him an email. Hopefully someone will respond.

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1949 Ad for ‘Jeep’ Station Wagon on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I don’t recognize this ad and it’s unclear where it was published.

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“Grade per Six Grade System: Near Mint
Page size in English units (approximate): 10 1/2″ X 13 1/4″
Page size in metric units (approximate): 27 cm x 33.6 cm”


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1948 Look Magazine Wagon Ad on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This “One Car you can use for Most Everything” ad appeared in a 1948 issue of Look Magazine, but which issue isn’t yet clear.

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August 1960 Article on Ouray, Colorado

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Old News Articles • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This August 10, 1960, article in the Daily Sentinal out of Grand Junction highlights Ouray and briefly mentions the jeep tours available. You’ll note the tour-jeep in the pic in the upper left photo.


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1952 “Willys Scores a Double Hit Ad” on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I’ll have to double check, but I think this is another Willys-Overland ad that’s unique to the New Yorker.

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“2-sided ad, both sides shown. New Yorker 2/16/1952.
Original magazine page.
NOTE: You are buying a magazine page, a piece of paper. Source publication & date of issue stated when known; occasional closed edge tears not affecting printed area may be present. Sheet size given is approximate. [8 1/2 x 11″]. Two-page ads noted. On some ads, moire patterning may appear in the scan; this anomaly is not in the original ad.”


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Camp Wheeler Pillowcase w/ Jeep **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was on eBay.

This Camp Wheeler, Georgia, military themed pillow case includes a jeep on it.

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“US Army World War II 2 Mothers Pillow Case from Camp Wheeler Georgia near Macon Ga. Pillow case has The Stars and Stripes Forever, with US Flag and neat US Amry Willys Jeep. This is a rare and tough case to find.  Great piece for framing! Aprox . 18 ” by 18 ” inches.”

pillow-case-camp-wheeler-jeep1 pillow-case-camp-wheeler-jeep2 pillow-case-camp-wheeler-jeep3

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1961 Article on the Las Cruces Jeepathon Track

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Old News Articles, Racing, Women & Jeeps This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This July 30, 1961, article shared the news that the Las Cruces Jeep Club planned to allow non-racers a chance to drive the ‘Jeepathon’ race track before the racers got a chance to race.  The photos show Carol McDonald checking the jeep and the track. I wish the photos were clearer. I’m guessing she was a Las Cruces Jeep Club member?


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Year? Spanish Ad Willy-Overland Export Co on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, International This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I thought this a neat looking ad. I haven’t seen one quite like this done domestically.

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1945 B.F. Goodrich Ad on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This B.F. Goodrich Ad features a group of soldiers pushing a jeep over a muddy road while two women chat on a sofa. It is titled, “We took the nicest ride on Sunday”.

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1960 Article on Colorado’s New Industry: Jeep Tourism

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Old News Articles • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

An October 11, 1960, article in Grand Junction’s ‘The Daily Sentinel’ introduced many readers to Colorado’s newest industry: Jeep Tourism.

From the article, “Now, for the first time in history, the ordinary tourist and visitor can within a day’s time see some of the nation’s real back country.”


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Jeep Sales Serice Sign Waynesville, OH **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Roger Martin spotted this sign for $225. It’s 48″ wide by 17″ tall. I don’t know how ‘vintage’ it is, but I would have bought it if it was still available. It sold quickly.



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1944 ‘Jeep’ Planning Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I finally snagged one of these ‘Jeep’ Planning brochures. Based on some of the images (like the WILLYS and JEEP within a link), I’d say this was produced in the Fall of 1944. As best as I can tell, it might be the earliest brochure for what would be the CJ-2A, though you’ll note that only CJ-2s are pictured (unless I missed an X-cj). The brochure breaks down the four principal uses for the “peace time jeep”.

Photos Photos Photos Photos Photos

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VacuCast Plastic’s Bantam Jeep Prototype 1 Model

• CATEGORIES: Bantam-FordGP-WillysMA-EarlyJPs, Features, Models This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This 1/76th scale plastic jeep represent one of the few commercial models designed based on the original Bantam BRC.  Eventually, I’ll remove it from it’s packaging to better take pics of the parts and the directions.


bantam-brc-model-vacucast-plastic1 bantam-brc-model-vacucast-plastic2

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1945 Wood Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Features, Models This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This wooden jeep popped up on eBay last week. After reading the description “To my Wife — Love Joe 5/20/1945 “. I decided to purchase it (Joe-in-Mesa, you didn’t make this for Jan, did you?). I supposed it’s possible that the message isn’t real and it’s less that 75 years old, but I prefer to think it was assembled for someone’s loving wife.

The jeep has been assembled from a few different pieces, but doesn’t look like any kit jeep that I’ve seen or own. The steering wheel is loose, but not broken. The nail needs to be pressed back down. The jeep is 5″ long by 2 1/2” wide.

1945-05-joe-wood-jeep-carved1-lores 1945-05-joe-wood-jeep-carved2-lores 1945-05-joe-wood-jeep-carved3-lores

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1943 Article Buy A Jeep Campaign

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This photo and article appeared in the April 16, 1943, issue of the Los Angeles Times. Kids at the State Street School sold enough war bonds ($12,773)  to purchase 14 jeeps, so the Army sent 5 jeeps to the school’s field.

Natalie Mastavoi is pictured climbing into the jeep. She was the first pupil that got to sit in it. Help her into it is Sgt. Louis Gade. Principlal Frank Wells and Mrs. T.D. Harrington of the local P.T.A. are standing to the right of the jeep. I tried to find out more about the young girl and the Sargent, but had no luck.

Clipping from The Los Angeles Times - Newspapers.com

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Photo of a Davis County Utah Jeep Patrol Wagon

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: JoeB notes that his image is from the family photo collection of Ryan Ward/”Dr Moab”.

See the full collection at: https://www.oldwillysforum.com/forum/index.php?threads/vintage-willys-pictures.2634/page-74#post-158826 and https://www.oldwillysforum.com/forum/index.php?threads/vintage-willys-pictures.2634/page-74#post-158879


Steve spotted this image that was posted to the Justacarguy website, that originally had been posted to Japlopy Journal, but despite the included link I couldn’t find it at that site. The wagon was likely related to David County, Utah.


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1953 & 1956 Auburn Jeep Club Tahoe Trip Articles

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

These two article show how quickly the Auburn Jeep Club’s annual trek to Tahoe grew in size. The Auburn Jeep Club was founded in 1951 and it’s first trip to Lake Tahoe via Wentworth Springs included seven jeeps and twenty participants. By 1953, reservations were required. By 1956 it had grown to 33 jeeps and 116 people.

April 30, 1953, article in the Auburn Journal:
Clipping from Auburn Journal - Newspapers.com

July 19, 1956, article in the Auburn Journal:
