This article in the April 14, 1946, issue of the Daily Oklahoman, highlighted jeeps, among other issues, with causing injuries in Tokyo.
Features Research Archives
June 1946 Surplus Jeep Sales w/ Serial Numbers
UPDATE: I’ve added high-resolution examples of each of these articles. You can download the zipped file here:
This is a cool find. It announces the first sale of jeeps to veterans in Hawaii for personal use (as well as business). There have got to be a few jeeps still around that originated at this surplus sale. This was published in the June 01, 1946, issue of the Hawaii Tribune-Herald (page 4). I’ve divided up the list into multiple images. At the bottom of this post is a link for the entire clipping.
FC-150 Outside Bar & Grill in Rawlins, WY
No Updates today, but Ann flew into MN and will accompany me back, so there should be some updates in a day or two.
While trying to locate a place for Betty Page to pee on the way to MN, I ran across this FC-150 outside Big City Bar & Grille in Rawlins, Wyoming.
And from this angle …
Jack & Doreen’s 1958 Wagon Trip from Australia to England
UPDATE: Gil’s hoping to reconnect with he Shakespeare family, so I’m reposting this in the hopes some family member might see it.
Original Post January 18, 2017 — Bill shared the video below from Jack and Doreen Shakespeare. Together, the couple recount their 1958 journey in a late 40’s wagon from Australia to England. The trip took them 114 days. Fortunately for us, they filmed much of the trip. It’s a great story.
1969 Jeep Wagoneer **SOLD**
This 1969 Jeep Wagoneer was spotted by Dan. It’s already sold, but still worth a look:
July 1946 Jeep Surplus List
Some of the serial numbers are the same, but it also appears to include some new ones (I only did a cursory comparison). This appeared in the July 11, 1946, issue of The Honolulu Advertiser.
September 1946 Jeep Surplus Sale
This ad appeared in the September 06, 1946, issue of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. I have not compared this list to the previous lists, but it sure appears that a lot of jeeps sold over the summer of 1946. This list also contains more non-jeep vehicles.
Quick Trip to MN
UPDATE (late Monday night): Well, it being 2020, this plan went awry. A few hours before we were going to leave, Ann’s mother had a breathing episode (she has COPD), so Ann couldn’t join me. That means I’m doing a solo trip with our 10-month old puppy and returning with a second puppy.
We’ve decided to get a full sister for our newest pup, as we don’t think our older dog will be around much longer (he’s got a bad heart). So, we’ll be on the road the next few days to Minnesota and back. Updates will continue, but I likely won’t be very responsive to email. We don’t plan on any reader stops or fun explorations, so I expect there will be little to report. Our goal is to beat the coming cold weather, avoid the virus, and return quickly so that Ann’s mother isn’t by herself for too long (we’ve lined up support for her while gone).
July 1962 No-Low-High Road Brochure
I like the full-layout image of the country and jeeps on this brochure. It’s form number is DM 62-07.
1942-1943 Photo of Lt. General Walter Krueger on eBay
There’s no date associated with this photo, but General Krueger made Lt. Gen. in 1941. Given the jeep appears to be an MB, then this is most likely a 1942 or 1943 photo.
While in Louisiana, according to Wikipedia, the General adapted quickly to modern warfare, In at least two different phases of mock battles, the Lt. Gen. out gamed his opponents. He’d later use similar strategies to confront Japanese forces in the Pacific Theatre. After the war, he authored From Down under to Nippon: The Story of the Sixth Army in World War II.
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“Press Photo Lieutenant General Walter Krueger and Soldiers with Army Jeep. This is an original press photo. When a three star general roams the maneuver country, no cushioned limousine will do the job. Lieutenant General Walter Krueger, left above, confers with Staff Sargent M. Hanson about the ground-covering capabilities of his “war” Jeep, complete with two-way radio, siren, and – just to clear the road – the General’s three-starred flag. Both the Jeep and General have a task ahead – for General Krueger, as Commanding General of the Third Army, will direct strenuous maneuvers in the battle-tough Louisiana area.Photo measures 9.25 x 7.5inches. Photo is dated –None.”
8 Wagon Ads Between 1947-1951 on eBay
These eight ads featuring wagons have a good starting price of $14.95. You can use the links below to date the ads.
- 1946-1947 Ads:
- 1948-1949 Ads:
- 1950-1951 Ads:
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“EIGHT original 10×13″ magazine ads in very good condition.”
1956? Kaiser-Willys of Canada Ad on eBay
I”m guessing this ad is from 1956 given it’s sharing the news of the new CJ-6. The seller has incorrectly dated this to the 1930s.
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“Kaiser-Willys Jeep AD. Condition is “Used”. Shipped with USPS First Class.CJ-6 4wd 1930s”
1956 Sierras Jeep Trip Article
This July 30, 1956, article in the Sacramento Bee gave a brief description of the late July jeep trip over the Sierras.
Art Hasler’s 1945 Experiences in Germany
A search for something else led me from a jeep photo (below) to a post about Major Art Hasler’s experience in Germany. The post is mixed with original and period photos, a few of which include jeeps. His story about Karl von Frisch’s work on bees was fascinating to Art, and later to the Nobel Price Committee, as he won the Nobel Price for his work on the social behavior of bees.
Read the full post here:

PHOTO CREDT: Art Hasler, June 1945 ..
1946 Letter About Troublesome Hunters in Jeeps
It wasn’t all rainbows and unicorns when civilian jeeps arrived. This August 20, 1946, article highlights hunting conflicts in the woods. I can’t blame these hunters for being angry …
Dark Smoky-Glass Saucers w/ CJ-5 Imprints
I saw these on eBay and decided to snag them. I’d guess they were produced circa 1960? For some reason the jeeps are printed backwards, with the steering wheel and gas inlet on the passenger side. While there are lots of details, a battery box lid detail was not included, so either it was an oversight or the artist didn’t care or it was a post ’62 illustration.
1949 Spanish Ad for the Willys Jeep Truck on eBay
Lots of text on this Willys Jeep Truck ad.
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IN ENGLISH: Jeep Trucks: Work with Less Cost
The ‘Jeep’ Trucks have been designed to lower transportation costs and to give safe performance under the toughest working conditions. They consume less oil and less gasoline, the longer they last longer, and their functional design makes them easier to preserve and repair.
Four-wheel drive models, with a capacity for 1 ton of payload, are built “on purpose” for heavy duty off the road. Conventional rear wheel drive models can handle 3/4 to 1 ton of payload and their economical performance on the road is unmatched.
In both types we offer a wide selection of standard body styles, all with fully enclosed cab, suitable for any climate, and in the four-wheel drive models, the motive power take-off is optional.
July 1945 Press Release Photos #11 & #13
Below you’ll find Press Release Photos #11 & #13. The seller did not have #12, so at this point I’m left to guess what #12 was. My best guess is that given #11 shows a half top and #13 shows no top, that #12 may have been an image that included some version of the full top.
Photo #11 shows the half or front top:
Possible Photo #12: These images were published in an article on the introduction of the jeep. The top photo is press photo #13, which adds weight to the bottom photo being #12:
The original photo caption for the bottom photo would likely have been identical to #11 and #13’s captions, except that the last sentence probably read, “Here it is shown with both tops up“.
Photo #13 shows the jeep without a top:
Press Photo #14? Finally, there’s this photo which shows the windshield down. It could easily have been Photo #14 as it was taken in the same location, but I have no evidence such a photo was included in the press kit.

If this was actually included in the press kit at photo #14, the caption for the photo would likely have been identical to #11 and #13’s captions, except that the last sentence probably read, “Here it is shown with the windshield down“.
Two Die-Cut Warn Hub Brochures Compared
Barney sent me a Warn Locking Hub brochure which turns out to be a match for a similar Warn Lockomatic Hub brochure I already had. These are rather small (about 4″ in diameter), so I’m surprised either one survived as well as they have.
One thing that’s evident from these brochures is that the Lockmatic hubs lacked the rings (or perhaps indents or groves are better terms) on the lower portion of the hub that the Locking Hubs had.
This photo shows the fronts:
Here are the opened brochures:
And these are the backs:
1947 Article About Italian “Jeep Squads”
UPDATE: Mark shared a link to a “Reparto Celere” model jeep:
Original Post: A December 12, 1947, article in the Austin American-Statesman showed an image of an Italian “Police Squad” jeep breaking up a crowd. The phrase “Reparto Celere” translates to Express Department in English, but I doubt that’s a correct interpretation.
November 1961 Jeep News
Barney from Barney’s Jeep Parts sent November 1961 edition of the Jeep News our direction. The FJ-3A makes a big splash with a variety of images on page 4. Several Jeep Clubs, including California’s Auburn Jeep Club, Denver’s Mile-High Jeep Club, and Washington’s Trailer Breakers Jeep Club get mentioned. One article highlight’s Buddy’s win of a Surrey and Sailboat from the Del Monte Contest and includes an image.
There’s also a mention of photos and writeup about the Jeep Jamboree in the December 1961 issue of Argosy Magazine, but I cannot seem to find the issue on eBay.
CJ-5 Glass Coasters
These two glass coasters popped up on eBay last week for a reasonable price. Strangely, the image of the jeep is reversed. The gas inlet and steering wheel appear to be on the passenger side in the image.
1944 Photo of Sgt. Baker Digging Out Jeep on eBay
That soldier looks awfully clean for being in the process of digging out a jeep. Even the lighting looks staged to me.
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“1944 Press Photo Sgt. John Baker digs a Jeep out of the Marianas Island mud. This is an original press photo. A 7th AAF base in the Marianas — Staff Sgt. John W. Baker, 920 York Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, transportation sergeant for a 7th AAF fighter group in the Marianas, slugs it out with General Mud, which occasionally masters even the powerful jeep. A modern building program is rapidly doing away with such troubles as these as Americans convert the Marianas into giant air bases. Baker, a veteran of the Saipan operation, formerly worked as a machine operator for the G & G Manufacturing Company, now the Crosley Corp. in Cincinnati. He holds the Soldier’s Medal for heroism in rescuing trapped crew members from a crashed and burning bomber in the Hawaiian Islands last December.Photo measures 8.25 x 10inches. Photo is dated 12-08-1944.”
July 1945 Press Release Photo #10
This was labeled press photo #10. Like the other press photos, this memorable family picnic photo with the jeep and camper appeared in multiple publications. The marking on the bumper is X32.
1948 Willys Jeep Pocket Calendar on eBay
UPDATE: I thought the one had sold, but it’s back on eBay, with a price drop down to $33.49 (Was $49.99).
(02/29/2020) Chris spotted this odd Willys Calendar. It’s got an imprint of a horse head on it, but we didn’t understand why that might be. It appears these were produced for the Ohio Willys Sales Company, of Cleveland, Ohio.
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“6 5/8″ TALL X 3 3/4″ WIDE