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Globemaster Airplanes and Jeeps

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Old News Articles • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

No year listed on this press photo that shows a slat grille MB being loaded into a Globemaster. The photo appears to have been ordered on July 2nd, 1947, but that’s likely not the date of the photo. My attempt to find the photo in a newspaper failed, but I did find a few other photos of jeeps and the Douglas C-74 Globemaster.

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“This is an original press photo. Military – Jeep – Globemaster aircraftPhoto measures 10.25 x 8inches. Photo is dated –NONE.”

year-07-globemaster-jeep-slat-grille1 year-07-globemaster-jeep-slat-grille2

In the summer of 1946, a Globemaster was loaded with 15 jeeps. A few photos of the event made the newspapers. This first one appears to have an illustrated jeep on the elevator:


CREDIT: June 22, 1946, in The Sentinel out of Carlisle, Pennsylvania

This photo shows a broader look at the lineup of jeeps.


CREDIT: June 23, 1946, in the Quad City Times out of Davenport, Iowa.

This article in the September 06, 1945, issue of the Daily News out of Los Angeles introduces the world to the new Globemaster. The bottom image shows two jeeps loaded next to one another.

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Jane Bundy’s 1947 CJ-2A

• CATEGORIES: Builds, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This nice looking CJ-2A wasn’t restored to 100% original, but it sure looks nice and will provide owner Jane Bundy with a great vehicle for years to come. The Miller Brothers Hot Rod Barn in Wilkesboro, NC, did the work.



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Classy Jeep at Kaneohe, Hawaii

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Sedan-jeep This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This undated article and photo from an unknown newspaper was posted to Facebook where Roger Martin spotted it. The “classy jeep” is driven by Lieut. Commander W. P. Tyler, USN, of Medium Seaplane Squadron Three. There were eighteen privately owned jeeps undergoing modifications. My guess is that the photo was taken  post WWII given the jeeps were privately owned.


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December 1942 at Camp Hale in Colorado … Brrr

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This article from the December 30, 1942, issue of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram shares a press photo that has been available on eBay a couple times. Camp Hale was located just north of Leadville. It sat at 9500 felt and must have been a difficult place to train (cold + high altitude .. even the USO didn’t go there). The camp was only active until 1945.



UPDATE Posted Feb 14, 2018: Here’s the same photo with nearly the same caption on eBay. The one shown at the bottom of the post was for sale on eBay in 2015.

“1942 Press Photo Soldiers driving jeeps through snow at Camp Hale, Colorado.
This is an original press photo. Snow jeeps—Parka-clad soldiers whip howitizer-carrying jeeps through unbroken snow at Camp Hale, high in the Colorado Rockies. The pack artillery of the Camp Hale mountain troops use the rugged little jeeps to carry dismantled sections of 75 millimeter howitzers until the going is so rough that mules have to take over (United States) (Wars) (World War II) (Camp Hale, Colorado) (Mountain troops) Photo measures 9.25 x 7 inches. Photo is dated 12-23-1942.”




Original Post May 2, 2015: “1942 WWII Parka Clad Soldiers In Jeeps Camp Hale Colorado Press Photo”

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1942 Ad for Santa’s Christmas Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This 1942 advertisement in the Capital Times (Madison, Wisconsin) informs readers that they need to get their gifts in the mail by November 1st if they hope to reach military personnel in time.


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1960 Willys of Canada Limited Ad on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The ad mentions the “yellow pages”; now that’s a dated reference!

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1958 Willys Essential Special Service Tools Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Documents, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Miller Manufacturing provided essential special service tools for jeeps. An earlier edition of this brochure from the 1940s can be seen here and for trucks here.

This particular brochure is Form F-741 A and is 10 pages. It was printed in April of 1958 and includes some tool order forms.

1958-04-form-F-741-miller-special-service-tool-02-lores 1958-04-form-F-741-miller-special-service-tool-03-lores 1958-04-form-F-741-miller-special-service-tool-04-lores 1958-04-form-F-741-miller-special-service-tool-05-lores

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April 1970 Jeep Family Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This April 1970 brochure contains some good jeep photos. I’m not very familiar with the “2-Car Car” campaign, so I’ll see if I can figure out when it began and when it ended.

This jeep family brochure is Form 70-04, which to me suggests it is an April 1970 brochure. However, at the bottom of the brochure is written ” Feb-70′ “.





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1960s Monarch Hydraulic Schematics/Parts Documents

• CATEGORIES: Documents, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The following Monarch hydraulic schematics and parts documents were included in the Meyer products binder. Hopefully, they will help someone out when rebuilding one of these units.

1. This first page covers the Monarch Hy-Lo Hydraulic Power Control Type UHT-JA. It is dated August 01, 1959:

1959-08-01-monarch-UHT-JA-1-lores 1959-08-01-monarch-UHT-JA-2-lores

2. The next page covers the Monarch Hy-Lo-Jack Hydraulic Power Control Type HFC-5. It is dated August 01, 1959:

1959-08-01-monarch-hfc-5-1-lores 1959-08-01-monarch-hfc-5-2-lores

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1946 Photos of Roy Harmon and Underwater Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE II: Unfortunately, while the photo sold, the seller was unable to find it.

UPDATE: This photo shows two photographers riding through the water taking photos as Sgt. Roy Harmon, from Washington, D.C., navigates the jeep (named The Reluctant Turtle). Given it was taken in October, the water can’t be very warm. Below this photo are two additional photos that also include Roy Harmon from the same event.

“This is an original press photo. Bay Ridge, Maryland — Photographers hitch a ride to photograph the progress of the “underwater” jeep demonstrated by the Navy today (October 17). Sgt. Roy Harmon, USMC of Washington, DC, clothes in a Marine wading outfit, drives the jeep in 6-foot of water. The underwater operation is made possible by a waterproof kit, which contains an ignition system, waterproof battery, distributor and coil, and aviation-type spark plugs. Two periscope-like pipes serve for the air intake and the exhaust. The jeep, which cannot float, can cavort around in water 6-feet deep for a period of 45-minutes and will make amphibious operations much easier.Photo measures 9 x 7.25inches. Photo is dated 10-17-1946.”



The October 21, 1946, issue of Hope Star (Hope, Arkansas) featured this image:


An October 21, 1946, article in the The Morning Call (Paterson, New Jersey) provides some great additional details about the ‘submarine’ kit:

Clipping from The Morning Call - Newspapers.com



Original Post in 2017: The below photo was likely taken by the intrepid photographers pictured in the photos above:

As part of the post, Luis added the following comment:  “Its a true USMC jeep as seen by the use of the electric “Dynamo” windshield wiper motor which were used only on Marine Corp jeeps, these motors are quite rare and highly desirable for a true USMC jeep restoration.”

From the eBay ad: “1946 Press Photo Bay Ridge MD Sgt Roy Harmon USMC in underwater jeep. .This is an original press photo. Photo measures 9 x 7.25inches. Photo is dated 10-17-1946.”


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1946 ‘King of Jeeps’ Berg’s Truck and Parts Company Ad for Engines

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Berg’s Truck and Parts Co. placed this ad in the October 13, 1946, issue of the Chicago Tribune. I figure that either engines were selling good and Berg was promoting the sale of more or they weren’t selling good and he had backlog of them that needed to go.


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“Jeep Range” Photos and Articles

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Tyndall Field in Florida is credited with creating the first “jeep range”, a place where jeeps carried objects for gunnery practice. Here are a few pics and articles about “jeep ranges”.

This photo appeared in the Atlanta Constitution Sun newspaper on June 06, 1943:


A year earlier, a model plane was attached to a jeep in the first iteration of a jeep range:


Here are some larger photos of the ones shown above from the July 12, 1942, issue of the Fort Worth Star Telegram:

1942-07-12-fort-worth-star-telegram-jeep-range-gunnary-practice-pic-lores2 1942-07-12-fort-worth-star-telegram-jeep-range-gunnary-practice-pic-lores1

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Photos of CJ-2A Crossing River in Colombia on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

These pics are likely from the late 1940s and show a CJ-2A being ferried across the Rio Magdalina river in Colombia.

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“(circa late 1930’s, early 1940’s)… A great series chronicling the task of getting your jeep across the Rio Magdalina, Colombia South America… jungle-primitive as one would expect! Great detail showing the car ferry and their local methods of getting across river. Photo Came from an estate where owner spent years in Colombia as a pilot. These are original photos! …as you can see, original owner had one blown up to bigger size… Big one measures about 7.5″ x 5.5″ while the smaller about 4″ x 2.75 inch. $2 DOMESTIC S/H… (or, Worldwide, International S/H $3.95).”




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1996 Book The Military Jeep by Lawrence Nabholtz on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Books, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I don’t know anything about this book in terms of value. Starting price is $125.

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1945-6 Willys Jeep J-Logo Business Card on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Given the “J” logo, this was likely printed in late 1945 or early 1946. I can’t remember seeing the vertical-jeep portion with lines like that one has. I’m guessing that rather than using a two-color printing as was usually for this logo, the lines were added to create the visual separation.

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Iron City Garage, Pittsburgh, PA

• CATEGORIES: Features, Willys Trucks This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Price for the truck dropped to $7500.

Bill sent a link for Iron City Garage, a unique used vehicle business that both sells vehicles, with a guarantee that the title is good, and rents them for photo shoots and other events.

The business’ goal is to take some of the risk out of purchasing a used project. The owner writes in the about section of the website, “Believe me, “winning” the bid on eBay is just the beginning. Out of the 10 vehicles I’ve bought online myself, 9 have turned out to be completely misrepresented. When we offer a vehicle for sale it is ready to be delivered and pushed into your work shop because we have eliminated any of the risks involved with electronic payments, titling and shipping.”

Iron City currently has a 1950 truck for sale $7500: https://www.ironcitygarage.com/store/p208/1950_Willys_Jeep_Pickup.html


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1978 Article on Road Rebels Playday

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Old News Articles, Racing This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

An article in the June 22, 1978, issue of the Longview Daily News highlighted an upcoming Road Rebels jeep club payday. The reference to 199 trophies to be awarded reminded me of just how big of an event the Sunday evening trophy awards could be. They could last hours. People usually lumped together by clubs in one large group. Each name would be called. Imagine it takes one minute to hand out each trophy; in the case of this event you’d be looking at over three hours for 199 trophies.



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Warn Belt Buckle

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Thanks to Dave for sending me this custom Warn hub belt buckle that he made! I’ll have this one on a belt next week. If you are interested in one, he charges $50, but can reduce the price a little if you can donate a hub.

warn-buckle-1-lores warn-buckle-3-lores


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1950 Willys Makes Sense Postcard

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, Postcards This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This oversize 5″x7″ postcard arrived as part of a multiple postcards from eBay.  The postcard was part of the 1950-1951 Willys Makes Sense campaign and was the first image published in magazines as part of the campaign.

It’s unclear to me just how many different images were used from the campaign for Willys Makes Sense postcards, but beware that there are a variety of newly printed postcards on eBay and Etsy.

1950-09-willys-makes-sense-postcard1-lores 1950-09-willys-makes-sense-postcard2-lores

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The Mufflermobile Fredericton, NB, Canada **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, Unusual This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE II: If you thought this was the only vehicle to be built in a muffler shape, think again. One Art Car website has pics of a variety of muffler-themed vehicles:


That site also had an additional photo of the yellow muffler mobile built on a CJ-2A body, which had been posted to Flickr:


Originally posted September 03, 2012:  Like the Oscar Meyer Mobile (on a FC), this is built on a jeep platform (CJ-2A). This sold on eBay in 2012.

“The Mufflermobile! What is The Mufflermobile? It’s a fully-functional four wheel drive 1948 Willys Jeep CJ2A that’s licensed for the road. The body has been replaced with a custom made wood framed, aluminum skinned replica of a muffler that’s 8 feet high and 11 feet long. This is the most unique advertising vehicle since the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile!

Purchase The Mufflermobile, wrap it with your company’s advertising message, park it around town or show it off at different events, and people will come to your business just to tell you that they saw it! They’ll tell their friends about it; they’ll post pictures of it on facebook and twitter. They will promote your business for you! You can’t buy advertising like that! Oh wait, yes you can! Bid to win or Buy It Now!

The Mufflermobile is located in the Fredericton, NB area and is being sold as-is, where-is, no warranty expressed or implied. It is, after all, a 64 year old muffler.”

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1953 Photo of American Relief for Poland Wagon on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This 7″x5″ photo shows a Jeep Station painted up for an American Relief of Poland campaign.

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” US Shipping is $4 per photo/lot as listed. Photo shipped in archival plastic sleeve & in greeting card w/ stamp.”


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Happy Thanksgiving

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Thanksgiving is a sign that 2020 is almost over …

Mark shared this photo of a CJ-2A and a successful turkey hunt. Per a website about Texas license plate history, the plate indicates this is a 1950 plate, meaning it is likely a 1950 photo. Unfortunately, the KT on the left side of the plate is not a county abbreviation or code.


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Early Tractor Race Video

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

They aren’t jeeps, but they are definitely off road (and through buildings). Thanks to Roger Martin for sharing this unusual video. The race took place in 1920s New Zealand according to youtube.

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CJ-2 Fire Jeep Photos

• CATEGORIES: CJ-2A, Features, Fire/Police/Industry Vehicles, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This nice little nugget of Willys history has been posted since 2011, but somehow I missed it. The Kaiser Willys blog has three photos of a CJ-2 (not CJ-2A) Fire Jeep that includes the “JEEP” plate across the front of the windshield.



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1945 Photo of Rocket Launcher

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: The press photo at bottom was published in several newspapers, including the February 04, 1945, issue of the Knoxville News-Sentinel:



Originally Posted May 14, 2016: 

“1945- Barrage rockets are readied for firing from an experimental rocket firing jeep at test range in Inyokern, California. Photos measure approx. 7″ x 9”.

1945-01-26-rocket-launch-jeep1 1945-01-26-rocket-launch-jeep2