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1947 Photo of Dorothy Lamb in a CJ-2A on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The point of this photo was to get this point across: “People, return your milk bottles!” … newspaper reports of the time indicate there was a shortage of bottles throughout North America.

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“January 24th, 1947, Original Press Photo.
Mrs. Dorothy Lamb of Scarsdale, New York, goes to market in the modern manner, with a basketful of empty milk and beverage bottles. She is answering the plea for return of the 35 Million bottles that have gone “truant” in American homes. Every one must be returned to circulation if a shortage milk and beverages is to be avoided because raw-material shortages ins curtailing bottle production.”


As you can see in this ad published the January 04, 1947, issue of the Bradford Era (Bradford, Pennsylvania), the shortage was serious and ‘dangerous’!

This article from The Province, dated January 16th, 1947, out of Vanouver, B.C., provides more information about the crisis:


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Chris’ Unusual 1960(?) Jeep Calendar Find

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE II: Here’s the YouTube version. There’s background music that might offend the DCMA, so not sure if YouTube will keep the video live or not (They’ve taken down another video of mine for background music — music that happened to be playing in the car at that time of the video).

UPDATE: I’m not sure if this will work for everyone or not. I worked on my MacBook Pro and on my iPhone. I can upload to YouTube later today, which should make it more speedy to load (it takes a short time to load before playing.

Check out this unusual hanging and spinning jeep calendar that Chris found on Facebook. It’s not an easy calendar to read, nor is it all that practical, but it’s certainly a rare jeep item! Given it shows that January 1st fell on a Friday, this appears to be from 1960.

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Photo of a CJ-2A Fire Jeep **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Features, Fire/Police/Industry Vehicles, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was on eBay.

This black and white photo (free shipping) appears to show this CJ-2A fire jeep in a parade (based on the folks sitting in the background).


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1954? Video /Commerical for the Willys Wagon Line

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s a neat video published on Facebook. It shows several models from the Willys Motors Wagon line.

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Frank’s Engine Stand

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I dropped the ball on this one. Frank sent me this photo of the engine stand he constructed last month, but it got lost in all my busy-ness. Thankfully, he circled around and reminded me so we can all enjoy it. It looks great Frank!

Frank wrote, “I wanted to send a picture of my spare 226 and the test stand. I got the engine back from the machine shop 3 years ago and didn’t want to leave it without running any longer. I put together this stand so I could break in the engine,tune it and check for any leaks. I have pumped up the oil pressure with a remote pump and filled the crank case that way. Tried to use what I had around to build it and used some parts that I got from my Willys friend Ken. All I need now is a YF carter and put gas in the tank. Doubt it will ever see my wagon but it has been fun playing with it.”


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Year? Photo of Jeep/Trailer Build on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This photo is currently for sale on eBay. It shows a WWII jeep combined with a WWII trailer. Looks like it was a practical rig.

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“You are bidding on a Nice Vintage WWII US Army Late 1940s Willys-Overland Jeep Pickup Truck with Box Bed Photograph.
Very nice condition with light discoloration spots on back, from album mounting.

Great photo view showing WWII era U.S. Army late 1940s Willys-Overland Jeep pickup truck with box style bed.
Jeep hood shows # 37829

Measures 4″ x 2 5/8″.”

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When Packages aren’t Packed Properly ….

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I bought this Yipao-themed jeep off of eBay. It included $15 for shipping. Given it is ceramic and given the shipping cost, I assumed the seller would properly package it. I was wrong. It arrived broken, wrapped in some bubble wrap, inside a flimsy plastic USPS mailer. Worse, nothing indicated it was fragile … Ugggghhh …. Based on the postage stamp of $8.55, I can see the seller went cheap and didn’t spend all the postage money I’d provided. Had he used a “if it fits, it ships box”, it likely would have arrived safely.

I’ve asked for my money back and he’s agreed.

I am hoping to be able to glue it back together, but we’ll see.

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Here’s how it should have looked:


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1943 Ad Highlighting the Go-Devil Engine

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: The eBay seller sent me the wrong ad and doesn’t know what happened to the ad shown below. So, we may never know the dates or publisher of this ad.

I can’t remember running across this two page magazine ad highlighting the Go-Devil engine. I bought it off of eBay.


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Rosemary’s Obit

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Rosemary, the queen of Halloween in her natural habitat (part of the garage converted to a dungeon the night of Halloween, 2015).

My mother-in-law passed away on Tuesday afternoon at the age of 76. She was a complicated woman. As I’ve alluded to in the past, her declining health was a factor in the summer-long hiatus of eWillys.

Between the pandemic, her cancer and her COPD, the last two years have been full of medical appointments, oxygen machines, 911 calls, drug management, and patient management. Two Christmas’s in a row have been interrupted with Emergency Room visits.

Much of the work (and frustrating grief) fell into the hands of my wife, Ann, who, through the deaths of her sister and father (both from Huntington’s disease years ago …. a terrible way to go), along with the deaths of several other relatives, has become someone of an expert in palliative (end of life) care, especially related to COPD and/or congestive heart failure. She was a huge asset to my father during his last years and I’ve learned a great deal from her about end of life issues.

My MIL was both grateful for our help and critical of our help during her ill years, because she could be critical of most anything. One of her favorite statements was, “whoever designed this [whatever it was] should be dragged out and shot.” We heard this more and more as she got more and more confused about technology and life; but she was certain she was right and the designer of said service/item was wrong. In fact, she was usually right about everything, whether she was actually right or not.

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Authenticast Surrey Jeeps

• CATEGORIES: Features, Models • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I’ve had a little more time lately to spend sometime on eBay. One of the things I stumbled upon last week was an authenticast Surrey in Cerulean Blue for only $30 (including shipping)!! Now that was a score! I then made an offer on a pink one that I found and that got accepted, too. Here are pics of both.

I was surprised that these have such good weight to them; they are about 1.5lbs. The one moving piece on both is the hood, which lifts (tilting up while the windshield tips back), but the straps must be removed from one side for this to happen.

The Blue one still has some fringe on one side, but a piece of the bumper is missing and a strap is broke:

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1973 Slide of Las Brisas Surreys/Galas

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This 1973 slide that was on eBay is taken from behind two DJ-3A Galas/Surreys. In the background are some DJ-5 Galas/Surreys.


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San Angelo Die Casting and Manufacturing Products For the Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Texas’ San Angelo Die Casting and Manufacturing company was founded by Raymond V. Hart, according to a May 23, 1998, obituary in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. The company manufactured a wide range of inventions, from nut shellers used as far south as Brazil to jeep products as evident below.

One of the more unusual products was this jeep trailer. Somewhere in the eWillys archives is an actual example of one of these trailers. I thought it was a custom concoction, but clearly it wasn’t.

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The company’s main jeep-oriented product was gun racks (the firm produced both jeep and non-jeep gun racks). This hard-to-find brochure from the San Angelo Die Casting and Machine Company explains why there are a number of jeeps with similar gun racks in them. That “No. 20” model is particularly prevalent in jeeps.


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1954 “Harvest Your Sales Crop” Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This literature was on eBay (and bought by me). Given this unusual document is dated October 1954, I wonder how many other docs like this were distributed to dealers and distributors. This is the first item like this that I’ve run across. I’ll get a better scan of it at some point in the future.



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Allstate Hubs of CJ-2A Lebanon, OR $65

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They look like a good price for a vintage set of Husky produced and Allstate branded hubs.


“Surplus to my needs are a set of 2 matching Allstate locking hubs that came off of a 1947 Willys jeep flat fender. I do not know much about them other than the brand shown on them. They appear to need some cleaning, but I assume they work as they are supposed to. You be the judge of that.”

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Photo of 2 Early Wagons at a NC Drive-In Theatre

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Blaine shared this vintage photo. It’s undated, but the Jeep wagons are early enough that I would guess it’s a late 1940s or early 1950s photo? It was posted to the Our State website. The article is about early North Carolina drive-in culture.


The wagon on the right is obvious, but the one forward and to the left is kind of hidden.


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Photo of Jeeps on an Aircraft Carrier

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

JR spotted this photo in an Air Force Commemorative Facebook Group.lt looks to me like the ship is shown near San Francisco.


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July 1944 Water Color

• CATEGORIES: Artists/Drawings, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Scott shared this link to a Watercolor painting by C. Baij. It shows American Soldier Uncle John 507 PIR; 82 ABN in France. He spotted it online at the Las Laguna Art Gallery.


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Knox Trailers

• CATEGORIES: Features, trailer This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE IV: Here’s another Knox, this time owned by Clint. It appears to have a few mods:


UPDATE III: While searching for any info on Knox trailers, Brandon ran across this post. So, he sent in some pics of his Knox trailer.  He recently sold it.

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UPDATE II (From July 13, 2021) : Here’s another example of a Knox trailer that Jared recently purchased:

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1950 Wagon Endurance Photo **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE II: I got curious about the origin of this photo. I wondered if the story behind this marathon could be found. After examining the wagon closely, I noticed just to the right of the fellow with the hat that Hill Motor Company was in ——S, GA. After some searches, I discovered that a Kirven’s store was located in Columbus, Ohio. Unfortunately, I could find no article associate with the photo on the internet or within newspapers.com.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was on eBay.

I wish I knew more about the story behind this photo.


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The Free-Lock Corporation and Their Hubs

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UPDATE VII: A set of NOS Free-Lock hubs included documentation stating that by December of 1973 Free-Lock had become a “Quality Division” of Dualmatic Products Company. So, I believe this suggests that Free-Lock was acquired by Dualmatic, so now the questions are 1) when did this happen and 2) why didn’t Dualmatic use the branding sooner than circa 1970 (there was a gap between the end of Free-Lock in 1959 and the re-emergence of the brand circa late 1960s or early 1970s).

UPDATE VI: I located a set of Free-Lock hub instructions that are a pre-view for a later set of near identical Dualmatic instructions. This is clear documentary evidence that Dualmatic was linked to Free-Lock.

UPDATE V: I recently packed many of my father’s tools to bring them back to Prosser. I was a regular user of them when working on my bicycles, then my jeeps. So, I thought I knew them pretty well. That is why I was so surprised and did a double take when I removed this tool from a drawer and read the name stamped on it: FREE-LOCK WRENCH …

What??? Where’d that come from? I once asked Dad about Free-Lock hubs, but he didn’t know anything about them. So, I don’t know how he obtained it.

Anyway, given the primitive nature of it, I’d have to guess it was a first generation version of the wrench. As seen below, a second, more elegant curved-design with a better branding stamp was likely introduced after this version.

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Here’s a reminder of the other version of the Free Lock Wrench:


UPDATE IV (From February 12, 2017): This page contains two later model Free-Lock hubs that resemble Selectro hubs. My theory is that Free-Lock might have evolved into the Selectro Company: http://www.ewillys.com/2019/07/08/selectro-husky-dualmatic-overview/

UPDATE III: Thanks to Steve, we’ve discovered an additional version. It is now number 5, which seems to be an evolutionary step between 4 & 6.

UPDATE II: Thanks to Frank Day and his grandfather Merton, who saved this rare piece, here is a scan of an eight page brochure related to the Free-Lock corporation. 

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Thor Products & White Automotive (Whitco)

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UPDATE II: Dinesh obtained these Thor-Automatic looking hubs, but on the cover they read Allstate Power Matic rather than Thor. I suspect they are Thor hubs rebranded for Allstate. Here are some pics:

thor-allstate-branded-hubs2 thor-allstate-branded-hubs1

Here is a the interior portion of a set of Thor hubs:



UPDATE (May 24, 2021): The October 1963 issue of Four Wheeler Magazine include this Thor-designed product to make shifting the transfercase more convenient. It moves the shifter from the passenger-side of the transmission to the driver’s side. I imagine there are few, if any, of these shifters out there.



Originally published April 9, 2017:


More information on some of these companies can be found here: http://www.ewillys.com/2019/07/08/selectro-husky-dualmatic-overview/

White Manufacturing Co. (also known as White Automotive and Whitco over time) was started in the late 1950s by Richard T, Bingman and partners. The company progressed at a modest level making, among other things, aluminum floral display stands. Eventually, White allied with Kaiser and began making tops. White filed for incorporation in 1959. One of the company’s earliest products was a white soft top for jeeps.

The next year, in 1960, Richard T. Bingham filed a patent for a pair of locking hubs. One set would automatically shift into gear when it sensed the axles were being powered (i.e., when the transfercase was shifted into four wheel drive). The second set of hubs added a dash-mounted button to allow for control of the hubs from the driver’s seat (assuming I have interpreted the patent correctly!).

The interesting thing is that Bingham never assigned the patents to the White Automotive Company. Instead, the patents and hubs ended up being used by Thor Products, which also operated out of Colorado Springs (though sometimes the address is Manitou Springs, a small town just west of Colorado Springs).

thor-automotive-logoThis suggests that Bingham had some time of relationship with Thor, but his exact connection to Thor isn’t known at this time (my guess is that it was a subsidiary or sister company of White).

1. The Thor auto-matic hub patent vs. the finished device:

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1942 Jeep Comic Book

• CATEGORIES: Comics, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This 1942 souvenir Comic Book titled JEEP was spotted by Micah on eBay. It sold for $22.50 (not to me). It also included the mailing envelope, which I’m amazed still existed. Here are some pics:

From the eBay Ad:
1942 Jeep Willys MB cartoon comic Book US Army WW2 Rare Vtg Ex++ Truck Croft 40s.

Front cover has one small blemish on Bottom edge, otherwise the pagers are mint, no creasing or foxing or any signs of use, very crisp and edges nice, spine tight. 
Has been sitting in a drawer for 75 years.
Comes in the original paper sleeve.
Sleeve shoes wear and splitting but still displays nicely.


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Revolution in Pleasantville Video

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Barry worked with Periscope Films to get a higher quality version of the film and preservation of the original film. Read more here: https://www.farmjeep.com/revolution-in-farming/

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2021 Northern Ohio Flatfender Willys Gathering, Sept. 12th

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: This event is this weekend.

Bob Christy’s 2021 Northern Ohio Flatfender Willys Gathering takes place September 12, 2021. It should be another great event!


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2021 FC Jamboree September 10-11

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Dan’s event is this weekend!

Dan’s FC Jamboree is still happening in Lake Mills, Iowa, September 10-11.
