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Year? Custom Widened Flatfender Slinger, WI $4000

• CATEGORIES: Features, Unusual • TAGS: , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s an unusual rig. Note the three windshield wipers.


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“EXTREME MONSTER>>>>ONE OF A KIND…. CUSTOM JEEP This Heavy Duty glass jeep was professionally cut in half and stretched 12” to fit on to a modified J10- ½ Ton Frame. IT IS NOW A MONSTER JEEP!!! WIDE like a HUMMER and lifted. All of the hard work is done BUT now I have to make room for a different interest in my garage. I have ALL of the custom made parts to complete the rest of the build already created. So with a little finishing up this BAD BOY is ready to take on anything. STREET LEGAL rock climber. All vehicle DOT inspections have been done. ( In a DOT inspection center ) I have a CLEAN Wisconsin title with no hidden BS about the build.>>>> Transfer Ready to Your Name It has the best of everything….
4 speed Dana
Petronic Ignition
New Radiator
New Carb
nice paint, good interior.
Additional custom made stainless steel and aluminum parts to complete build. Jeep will need some TLC before it is ready to roll…Has been street and highway test driven only. You can OWN THE ONLY ONE AROUND. VERY WIDE JEEP”

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1956 Warn Hub Manual

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Documents, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I have been going through a whole two stuffed Willys Motors Equipment Books and documents as part of trying to organize the stuff I’ve purchased recently. I was surprised I hadn’t noticed this Warn manual when I first when through the books. I suspect (hope) I find some other cool items. This brochure has a form number of SR-456-4, which possibly means it was produced in April of 1956, but this is a version 4 of the manual.

1956-04-warn-selective-hub-manual4 Continue reading

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1960s Colorado Mountain Safari Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Sometime in the 1950s Bob Meyer partnered with Lloyd Sehnert to form Mountain Safari, a guide company out of Walsenburg, Colorado, The pair took clients into the Sangre De Cristo’s in Southern Colorado.

According to Bob Meyer’s obituary, Bob “took his jeeps where no one had before, including the Walsenburg fair grounds where he had challenged local horsemen to a calf-roping competition wherein Bob had mounted a saddle to the hood of his jeep so he could freely swing his lariat and lasso the calf.”

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Updates Are Back

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

We still have some work left to do, but we got a whole lot done. I was able to help Ann with a bunch of stuff and work on the jeep some. The new irrigation systems are up and running; the calves are dining on the neighbors grass (to help out the neighbor), and our front drive/parking lot (just over 10,000 sqft) has been filled and oiled heavily and looks way better.

Here’s a quick peak at the small gauge cluster setup. seats and top are up next, though it will probably be a couple days. I need to build some more boxes for Ann.


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Unusual Customized CJ-3A(?)

• CATEGORIES: Builds, Features, Unusual • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

David Adams posted this oddity on Facebook. He was hoping to learn more about it. The jeep appears to be a CJ-3A that’s been modified for some purpose that’s not clear.  The side looks kind of like a Willys Quad; was that a coincidence?

Here’s one of his posts (there were several posts and I got several IMs about it).

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DIY Kit for Ventilated Windshield

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Joe Evans is offering up a kit to convert the standard CJ-3B windshield frame to a ventilating one. You can contact him through Facebook.

You may need to connect with him via the Willys Flat Fender Facebook Group (you may have to join to contact him): https://www.facebook.com/groups/117429165419787/permalink/1567767307052625/

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Plastic Jeeps

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: I’ve added a pic of my toy collection at the bottom per John’s request.  As for the next updates, our hectic spring property schedule and some 16 hours days seem to have taken a toll on me, so I’m needing to rest (Apparently, 57yo is not the new 40yo). Fortunately, we’ve gotten a ton done and I made additional progress on the racer. The flooring and firewall all have paint. Now, on to the seat frames  (once I feel better). 

(April 27) … I still have a couple days of work (irrigation systems and garden stuff) before regular updates resume. In the meantime, I’ve got the race jeep floors and firewall painted and ready to assemble. The “dash” gauge plate (actually hooked to the horizontal rollbar) is being constructed in free moments. Once the seat brackets and seat belt anchors, and the top anchors drilled, I’ll be ready to clean and paint the chassis (rattle can paint as the chassis has some rubberized paint that is a bitch to get off. Then, the final assembly can begin.

In the meantime, thanks to Andy spotting the ad, I was able to pick up these 9 plastic jeeps (only one was slightly broken) and one metal one for only $10! I ended up paying the woman more, because she went through the trouble of shipping them. She was grateful for the extra dollars, but it only seemed right. She is keeping a watch out for more jeeps  for me.

Note the Oglesby jeep is there for size reference.

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John asked about my jeep-toy collection. Here are many (sorry the pic isn’t better). The “jeep room/study) still needs to be setup (we were going to redo this room in the shop, but I am trying to get the real-jeeps all running first:


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August 1947 “Pink Heap” Photo

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, stainless/jewels This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I know I’m still on a break, but when folks send cool stuff, it is hard to resist posting it. Maybe someone has this jeep …


Caption: August 1957. “Nantucket, Mass. Jock Gifford’s ‘Pink Heap’ beach buggy.” 35mm Kodachrome by Toni Frissell for the Sports Illustrated assignment “Nantucket Essay.”


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Video: Rescuing a 1950 CJ-3A

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill shared this video of a 1950 CJ-3A extracted from a collapsed barn.

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1979 Golden Eagle CJ-5 w/ 5K Miles

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Roger Martin shared this link. This Golden Eagle isn’t for sale, but this low mileage CJ-5 would have been fun to find. The video is from this page: https://www.autoevolution.com/news/world-s-lowest-mileage-1979-jeep-golden-eagle-comes-out-of-the-barn-after-36-years-213508.html

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Making More Progress on the Racer

• CATEGORIES: Builds, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Sorry the pics aren’t better, but the focus is on creation and not documentation. The goal is to be able to drive it during the first week of May.

The clutch and brake pedal system are all ready for install, though it’s apart for paint. The floor framework is partly complete as of today. I should have the floor frame and floor itself ready for some paint by Sunday (assuming there aren’t more distractions (there have been plenty of those ..).

I ended up building a custom bracket system for the clutch and brake. Because of the holes in the firewall from the old clutch/brake system, I sandwiched the firewall between the bracket I made and a thin sheet of metal to make it look cleaner. Here’s a very rough look from a few days ago. Both pedals had bends, which I straightened (and are straighter than shown below) with the press (as I didn’t need the bends).

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Below are some of the parts with a layer of paint. There’s nothing fancy here. I’d love to have the time to tear the whole jeep down, properly clean it, then paint it. But, I want to run the racer first to see how it does before investing more time doing a big overhaul.


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Rubber Ducking From Canada

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill shared this link to a Hemmings story about the origins of getting ducked from Canada.



This photo is from this article on ducking: https://www.cartalk.com/cars-content/jeep-ducking-its-a-thing

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Propane Powered 6×6

• CATEGORIES: Builds, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Barry Andre posted pics of his 6×6 to Facebook. It’s a pretty cool rig.


“Here’s my 6wd Willys 231 Aluminum Industrial Buick 231 V6 on Propane Twin Stick Transfer case Hydraulic Steering and all 6 wheels drive when it 4wd”

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Unusual Jeep-Parts Bench Nappanee, IN $250

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Rick shared this unusual jeep-military-themed bench.


“One of a kind bench. Shirts came from early 70s, Nom era.”


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Testimonial: Davis Farm Contracting

• CATEGORIES: Documents, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: This was previously published August 25, 2013.

This and other testimonials are from 1946 and were combined into a sales binder used by Willys Overland salesman.

This particular testimonial is by Davis Farm Contracting, Company, of Albany, Georgia.



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1956 DJ-3A Brochure on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, DJ-3A, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This is a pretty good price on this rare DJ-3A brochure from no W-301-6. I thought I had posted the version of the form that I have, but apparently I didn’t. So, I’ll include the pics from this eBay auction and update them with better pics from my brochure at a later date.

View all the information on eBay

“This is an ORIGINAL brochure, NOT a reprint

It is in GOOD condition with some very light shelf wear to the covers. Interior pages are CLEAN

It is a 4 PAGE color FOLDER that measures 8 3/4″ x 10 1/2″”




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Meanwhile In Italy

• CATEGORIES: Features, International This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Valerio sent me some updates from Italy. He was able to get his 1975 CJ-5 vm 2.5L diesel racer into good enough shape to compete in a regional trial championship. He’s only got this one photo, but will share more if he receives more.


Let month Valerio and his friend Fabio trailers home two FCs. One is an FC-150 and the other is a Zanzi. They plan on restoring both vehicles. Those look like some good projects!


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1959 Surrey/Gala Press Release on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, DJ-3A, Documents, Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This press release package is currently at $29.50 with three days to go. It’s unclear if this is a complete press kit or a partial one (seems partial to me given there is only one photo). The date on the photo suggests this kit may have been release September 16, 1959.

What’s interesting to me is that the 2-page document on the left is one of the few documents create by Willys Motors that explains that the new Surrey is the name of the model released domestically and that the Gala is the export name, though no explanation is given for the difference.

View all the information on eBay


Here is the document I mentioned. See the last sentence on the second page for the link between the Surreys and Galas>


1959-09-16-surrey-press-release7This is caption for the photo. Note the date at the lower left hand corner 9 16 59.

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1950s(?) Scenic Jeep Tour Postcard

• CATEGORIES: Features, Postcards • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Grant thinks this jeep may have been owned by the Grand Imperial Hotel out of Silverton. That does make sense given the logo on the side.

This looks to be an early Scenic Jeep Tour postcard. I don’t *think* this was the San Juan Scenic Jeep Tour company. Maybe it was the Davis Scenic Jeep Tours? Here is where I found the photos.

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Jeep Changes Iconic Grille for 2024?

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Brian shared this odd headline and article. You can never be sure whether the author is responsible for the headline, and it may just be pure clickbait, but the title reads, “2024 Jeep Wrangler Risks It All with Change to Iconic Grille, But It Works

Seems like hyperbole to me, especially given the number of times the “iconic” grille has already been changed.

Here’s the link to the article: https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a43509572/2024-jeep-wrangler-revealed/


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Half-Size Jeep Monroe, WA $2500

• CATEGORIES: Features, Models This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE:  Price dropped to $2500. 


“This is a hand built 1952 half size Willys jeep. It was constructed for my old neighbor by her father when she was a little kid. It has a wooden frame with the tires are original and the seats are the original canvas. It has a 18 hp Wisconsin air cooled motor out of an old washing machine. I reassembled it with the intention of it being a stationary display. It has functioning LED headlights and tail light that function from a 110 volt standard outlet.

This would be ideal in a restaurant, office, or museum. We decided to restore it as if it were to be for display and not for drive ability. Everything is still as it was when it was running and driving. While my neighbor was tiny when she drove it with the intent to drive around in parades next to her dad in the full-size Jeep. I would be reluctant to make it operational due to its antique nature. When she was younger she and all the neighbor kids what get together every Sunday and ride in it at 5 mph all day long so it has 141 miles on the odometer. it is 66 inches long by 33 inches wide sitting on 15 inch fire stone tires. while I would prefer cash I would consider trading it for”

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FC Rides and Planters

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

It’s been a busy week and a half. Mitch Carter stopped by for a ride around the property in the tour jeep early last week, then Marty Tilford came by for a ride yesterday. We sure can’t wait to get this on the road so we can give proper rides!

Somehow, I never got photos of them in the FC (probably because I was driving). However, I did find a photo of what I think is our FC on eBay (I bought the slide).


I took a break from the race jeep to build these three 8′ planters for Ann. The sides are built from 60-year-old cedar that my parents used to wall their kitchen in the mid-1960s. They pulled it down during a remodel circa 1995 and kept it until I grabbed it after mom passed. I know she’d be happy we were able to put the wood to good use.



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VW Producing a “Scout” EV Under Scout Motors

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I managed to lose the original I had about the folks that own the rights to the IH Scout brand, which was interesting, but the nut of the article was about the revival of the “Scout” as an EV vehicle under the Volkswagen brand. Here’s an article that explains the EV company:



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New L-Head Engine Blocks From Sudest.com

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Scott forwarded this link to Sudest.com (in southern France). The company is offering new L-head blocks (likely from China) for sale. They are priced at 3995 Euro ($4310)



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1965 Jeep News Vol 11 Num 3

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Lots of dealer news in this issue and less human interest stories.

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