Today, phase one of Ann’s garden is finally complete. I had hoped to have it done by Mother’s Day, but I missed that target date by three weeks. The biggest hurdle was that I had some mystery health issue with fatigue, uneasiness, sleep issues, and tightness in my chest (I really thought I might have a heart issue), yet I never felt sick or had a temp. I had attributed it to accidentally handling some strong fertilizer with my hands. However, over the last three days (which was a day after I went to see the doctor .. and he indicated he thought my heart was fine) everything has dissipated. Unfortunately, today Ann seems to have come down with what I had. So maybe it was type of illness after all??
Anyhow, I can now turn my attention back to the racer, finally. I have an extremely happy wife, which was worth all the work.
As a reminder, here’s what the area looked like when we first bought the place in April of 2021.
In Feb of 2022 we had the willows removed. Then I began tearing stuff down.
One year later, we have the following … And here we have a short video (yes, I do mention horses mooing and I accidentally call a rail a railroad tie … )
Before and after pics: