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More Pics from Charles

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

end of war –fulda (germany) langebruckenstrasse


british para’s give sigarettes to liberated russian labourers -no place/date

fernand gravey - oostenrijk

Het bericht kan nu met het volgende bijlagen of koppelingen worden verzonden: fernand gravey – oostenrijk.JPG


berlin 1945

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1946 Photo of Texas Governor in SEEP on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, GPA (SEEP), Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Nice bit of Texas history here.

“An original press photo of Texas Governor Beauford Jester Lee Vanderpool Amphibious Jeep. Photo measures 7 x 9 inches and is dated 8/29/1946.”

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1950s Photo of Flattie on Obstacle Course on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The photo is dated 12/09/no year. I suspect this is photo from a mid 1950s South Padre Island Jeep Jamboree in Texas.

“This is an original press photo. This rugged stretch was a typical part of the obstacle course “Over hill, over Dale, we will hit the dusty trail —-” Only here the dusty trail appears to hit back! This is a typical stretch of the rugged terrain through which the Jeeps traveled in the obstacle course event of the jeep jamboree. Autos – Jeeps Photo measures 10 x 8.25inches. Photo is dated 12-09-NONE.”




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Garwood Dump-O-Matic Hoist Orlando, FL $4000

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, Willys Trucks • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Steve spotted this unique dump hoist.

“Antique Dump Hoist For Willy’s Jeep Utility Pick up, 1/2 ton, late 1950’s to early 1960’s, with 226 inline 6 engine.
Had this hoist installed on a 1953 Willy’s Utility Pickup, Belt driven, with mechanical clutch.
Now the hoist is installed on a custom utility trailer built with a 1960 Willy’s Utility Wagon Frame and is operated with an electric power unit.
Have engine driven pump, tank, and hoist.
Have original manufacturer parts, installation, and instruction books plus some original blueprints.
The cylinders had to be replaced due to damage from moisture. The new cylinders are of the same dimensions and the cylinder bases were reused to retain the same mounting to the hoist frame.
This hoist will only fit the old style Willy’s Utility Pick up.
Cash is desired. Can arrange for shipping, but cost of shipping is above the asking price, and payment is required in advance.”



Here are a couple brochures of the Garwood:

garwood-dump-truck-conversion-brochure2 garwood-dump-truck-conversion-brochure1

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1947 Willys Ad from Ottawa

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This ad was featured in the May 27, 1947, issue of the Ottawa Citizen.


A few months later, a similar ad appeared in the Ottawa Citizen, this time featuring the wagon:


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Rusty / DJ-3A Questions & Needs

• CATEGORIES: Builds, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I’ve spent some time over the last couple of days assembling information on what I have/needwant for Rusty.  I’m throwing this info up for questions/answers/comments:

1. AIR CLEANER: Bill has hooked me up with an air cleaner. I just need the horn, seal, and tube –  http://www.jeepsurreygala.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/oil-bath.jpg … cj3a looks the same to me? From 3A forum: http://www.cj3apage.com/cgi-bin/3Ayabb26/YaBB.pl?num=1303907998. Nice writeup on air cleaners here. Walcks has an air cleaner sticker, so that takes care of that.


2. IGNITION SWITCH: Early ignition switch http://www.jeepsurreygala.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/KeychainEmilBruce.jpg. I don’t know if this style was used on any other jeeps? It dishes inward with the word “START”on it.


3. PARKING BRAKE: I will need parking brake parts: http://www.jeepsurreygala.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/62-hand-brake.jpg. Are the later 3B T-handle parking brake setups the same as the DJ cables and parts? I have a handle that is salvageable, but lack the rest. The image below is from a 1962 book. I’ve seen nothing to indicate this changed from early DJ-3As.


4. TRANNY CROSS MEMBER: I need a transmission cross member: http://www.jeepsurreygala.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/55-dj-frame.jpg (image http://s247.photobucket.com/user/64_Surrey/media/rearmount_zpsee48cf46.jpg.html) Should be the same as a 3A/3B/CJ-5? Note the cross member does have the transfercase mounting hole (far bottom) so it may be the same as the typical cross member.


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VW Body Loaded in Wagon

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Mike shared this pic of a VW he loaded in the back of a wagon many years ago. I’m still hoping for an explanation :-). To paraphrase the USPS, if it fits it ships?


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1953 Photos of Grace Kelly on a CJ-3A

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Patrick spotted a photo of Grace Kelly on the front of a CJ-3A, which led me to find other photos. The photo shoot was part of a fundraiser for the Stevens School, the high school from which she graduated. Grace and the Jeep are in front of her childhood home. The photo was taken shortly after her sudden rise to fame in her first big movie role, High Noon with Gary Cooper. That set her on the path to fame and, several years later, to marrying Prince Rainier of Monaco.

Actress Grace Kelly helps her old school, Stevens Junior School, raise funds, in 1953. (AP Photo/Philadelphia Bulletin)

Actress Grace Kelly helps her old school, Stevens Junior School, raise funds, in 1953. (AP Photo/Philadelphia Bulletin)


From the UK Mail.

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Jeeps From Venezuela

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Old News Articles • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

These photos were published in the February 1956 issue of Globetrotter Magazine.

1956-02-globetrotter-venezuela5 1956-02-globetrotter-venezuela6 1956-02-globetrotter-venezuela7 1956-02-globetrotter-venezuela8 1956-02-globetrotter-venezuela9

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1945 Press Photo of Jeep w/ Saw

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Another early Press Photo

“This is an original press photo. Post war jeep adapted for peacetime work.Photo measures 10 x 8inches. Photo is dated 07-10-1945.”

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1945-07-10-cj2-buzz-saw1 1945-07-10-cj2-buzz-saw2

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Grilling on Rusty

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

On Monday I spent some time testing the engine. After lightly sanding the points, the spark began to work, but the engine still didn’t start. I took a second look at the fuel pump and discovered it in fact wasn’t working. When I checked the bolts to remove it I discovered that the bolts were snug, but not tightened. So, someone at some point looked at the fuel pump.

After further examining the non-stock solex carb, I then removed it (I plan to sell it anyway). That’s when I noticed there was a pool of varnish/gas along the bottom of the intake. I decided I would get all that cleaned up before trying to restart it.

I next turned to the grille. The first two photos show how bad the grille was bent. I can’t image what they hit. Thankfully, the radiator seems to be fine.



Using a variety of strategies, I flattened the grille and straightened the edges. One side smoothed out quickly. In the pic below, you can see the right side too a little extra bending to come out correctly.2016-10-10-grille-rusty-straightened3

Here’s the final result. I’m pleased.2016-10-10-grille-rusty-straightened4

I will still have to repair both sides of the grille where it mounts to the bottom mount. I haven’t decided how I was to repair those areas. Here’s the right side where it mounts to the frame. As  you can see, the metal was cracked.


We returned to Pasco late yesterday. I won’t be going back to Seattle until after Halloween, so I brought back a box of goodies to work on.


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Jeep Blade Knife Kit on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Tom spotted this Jeep knife kit for sale.

“This is a vintage Jeeps advertising knife kit made by Imperial. It comes with five interchangeable tools, the instructions, and the original vinyl case. The case and the four tools stored loose are soiled and will need cleaning if you choose. The knife itself is in excellent condition. The imitation pearl handle doesn’t have a single chip, scratch or crack. The knife blade has the original sharp factory edge.”

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1943 Photo of Laying Cable in New Guinea on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Can’t see much of the jeep.

“1943- U.S. troops using a jeep to lay cable in New Guinea.Photo measures approx. 6 1/2″ x 8 1/2″”

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1943-12-18-laying-cable-newgineau1 1943-12-18-laying-cable-newgineau2

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Original Bristol Wrenches on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Josh has five original Bristol Wrenches for sale. He writes, “The Bristol wrench have long been sought by the tool guys with GPW’s and MB’s. They are often substituted for a modern reproduction or even Allen wrenches in displays shown at shows. Until recently no one had actually found or seen a correct size wrench with only the ends fluted as called for in the original Willys factory drawings. After consulting with more than one tool expert, confirming measurements, actual use, and discussion with the surplus dealer, we do believe these are the real deal. I can also confirm the BRC uses the wrench and suspect the MA should also as they are both T84.”

“You are buying 1 BRISTOL WRENCH used on T84 TRANSMISSION SET SCREW. WILLYS MB FORD GPW JEEP TOOL KIT. Wrench is stamped 41-W-2459, Dimensions 2-5/8” long & 15/16” wide. (Original US Army Surplus). You will receive an unused wrench as shown in the last picture.”

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bristol-fluted-wrench-tool1 bristol-fluted-wrench-tool2 bristol-fluted-wrench-tool00.jp bristol-fluted-wrench-tool0

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The Flying ‘Jeep’ Universal

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Newspaper Ads in 1965 & 1966 championed the CJs and the V-6 power plant, calling it The Flying Jeep. This first article was published on August 21, 1965, in The Evening Independent.


The Toledo Blade published an article two days after the one above, noted that Kaiser Jeep faced a new competitor, the Ford Bronco:


This ad was published in a variety of newspapers. This particular one appeared October 12, 1966, in the Southeast Missourian.

1966-10-12-southeast-missourian-flying-jeep-cj5 1966-10-12-southeast-missourian-flying-jeep-cj5

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Brazilian Couple Touring the Globe in a Wagon

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Linho & Vanessa on the Alaskan Highway.

Brazilian married couple Linho Bergamin and Vanessa Zandona Sartori are touring the world in their modified wagon. They plan to travel across five continents over several years. They began their journey in Brazil and have already gone a long ways.

After traveling to Prudoe Bay last month, they made their way south on the Alaskan highway, drove through Canada, and are currently in Toledo, Ohio. From there, they will head to Niagara Falls. According to Vanessa’s Facebook page, they will be in the United States until December, then they will ship the jeep to Africa and continue their trip.

Here is the official Facebook page for the trip. It includes still photos and videos: https://www.facebook.com/avoltaaomundo/?pnref=story

I’ve assembled the following maps based on photos they’ve posted on Facebook and a small map they have there as well.

Map 1 of the trip, from Brazil to Colombia:


Map 2 of the trip, from Panama to Prudoe Bay, Alaska:


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Wahl & Borg Slide Out Bed Extension

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This Wahl & Borg Enterprises ad from the late 1960s shows a bed extension that slides out from inside the bed. I’ve never seen one of these for sale.


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Merlin’s Southeast Willys Get Together Report

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Merlin attended the Southeast Willys Get Together. He wrote that it went well. You can read his entire report here: https://hansonmechanical.wordpress.com/2016/10/05/first-annual-southeast-willys-jeep-get-together/


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CJ-7 Quadra Trac Playing Cards

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

For the CJ-7 collectors, maybe these are a must?

“VINTAGE JEEP CJ-7 Optional Auto Transmission Quadra Trac Deck Playing Cards. Deck is complete (no jokers) and good vintage condition”

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Wine Bar From Jeep

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These photos were posted on Facebook a month or two ago. I can’t remember who posted them, but if you like wine and jeeps, you might like something similar.

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NOS Jeep Ice Scrapers

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Thanks to Chris for spotting these hard-to-find jeep labeled ice scrapers for me. The one in the middle will be saved for Rusty. These are more advertising items than practical scrapers, as they aren’t very big.  Above them is a 3×5 postcard for comparison.


On another note, Chris also found a set of these. On what were they installed?


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1942 Photo of War Bond Campaign on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Great early bond campaign photo.

“1942 Press Photo Jeeps here for Jeep Day War Board Campaign. This is an original press photo. Jeeps here for Jeep Day War Board CampaignPhoto measures 9 x 7.25inches. Photo is dated 06-22-1942.”

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Roof Palomino Mower Williams Bay, WI **SOLD**

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UPDATE: This may have sold. Was on eBay for $20,000.

Craig forwarded this eBay listing for a rare Palomino Mower. It’s listed at $20,000. For that price you can get a restored CJ-2A and a set of mowers to pull behind it.

“This is the very rare mini Jeep “Roof Palomino” made in the Roof factory in Pontiac, Illinois. There were only about 200 of these mini Jeeps made in the 60’s. These were very expensive, costing around $1,700.00 when new, about the same as a new Chevrolet. Therefore, not many of these were sold, as only the wealthy could afford one.

This Palomino is in excellent original condition. It runs really well. It cuts a 5 foot swath with no problems. This could also be used as a golf cart, since the mower deck removes easily. This is a lot of fun to use since it creates so much attention when you are driving around your yard, either cutting grass or golf carting. According to your local ordinances, this could be driven down the street in your community.

It has a hydra static drive, so it is easy to use. This works really good, except the headlights and horn are not working. I never needed them, so I never bothered to have them fixed. There is no rust damage, and it has never been repaired for rust. I have owned this for about 20 years. It has a new 12 volt battery, and it starts right up. It has a large Kohler 2 cylinder engine, with more than enough power to cut tall grass. It is capable of speeds over 25 mph. How cool is that????

This type of vehicle does not require a title or registration. The purchaser will not have to be in a rush to pick it up since I will keep it safe in my garage until arrangements can be made. Look at photos closely and ask any and all questions you may have.”



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1950 Jeepster Rural Hall, NC $11,500

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Looking pretty snazzy with them white walls.

“Classic most original you will find in this nice Jeepster. In dry storage for the last 15 years. Go devil 4 cylinder engine. Runs and Drives. Relatively new wide white bias tires. It is rust free. The most solid Jeepster you will find. The front seat has been recovered with correct material. Original floor mats. Original heater. I have driven it 40 miles. It still needs some mechanical. New water pump and fuel pump. Top is in good shape. Several new parts with vehicle. Showing 30,000 miles but not guaranteed. Has original owner’s manual. VERY RARE FIND. They are only”


1950-jeepster-ruralhall-nc0 1950-jeepster-ruralhall-nc1 1950-jeepster-ruralhall-nc2 1950-jeepster-ruralhall-nc3 1950-jeepster-ruralhall-nc4

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Jeeps @ Albuquerque’s Balloon Festival

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Don shared these photos from this year’s Albuquerque balloon festival. There were at least three jeeps, including an M-170, M-38, and M-38A1.

IMG_3556 IMG_3559

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