This Any Time, Any Where, Any Job Jeep Family brochure is undated. Given the Maverick show reference, I’d guess this is 1959 or 1960.
Features Research Archives
1943 Photo of Ford GPA, GPW, and Command Car on eBay
Note the caption’s name for the jeep is peep. The name jeep is assigned to the far right Command Car.
“1943 Press Photo Ft Knox KY armored 14 ton truck, all purpose car & a jeep. This is an original press photo. Photo measures 8.5 x 6.75inches. Photo is dated 05-21-1943.”
1950 Photo From South Korea on eBay
Hard to find many press photos from Korea on eBay.
“1950 Press Photo South Korea Cpl William A Shuey, Pfc John Mauldin & jeeps. This is an original press photo. Photo measures 9 x 7inches. Photo is dated 07-24-1950.”
More Pics From Charles
I have not information on the rest of these:
India’s Rajputana Jeep Club
There’s an article on the gulf news website about the Rajputana Jeep Club. The group has 29 members with a variety of older jeeps. Nice to see them fixing and running them.
Searching For APUs
Tom Sterndale has been building a database of existing APUs, a challenging task given how little they’ve been documented. As part of his effort, he hoped to identify these jeeps which were once listed on eBay.
Tom writes, “Help me prove that ebay is not a black hole out there some were sucking up all the Szekely APU’S.
- The four pictures of the four wheeled APU is a NC/5 Szekely used by the Navy up until the 70’s. Was on Ebay in 2010 would like to know were it is now.
- The pictures of the Tricycle APU’S are NC/1 Szekely’s they were on ebay in 2003 or 2006 I would also like to find them or others like them.
- Both the NC/5 and the NC/1 used Willys Jeep as a base.I have found some APU’S like the red and blue ones they all seam to be NA/3 Szekely built for the Air Force. I
I am trying to keep a data base of all units that I can find any body with a Szekely of any type I would like to be put in contact with them.”
1. Four Wheeled APUs:
Tim’s Report From Puerto Rico
I received a report from Tim on his search for Willys during a trip with his wife in Puerto Rico. Coincidently, on the same day, I received an email from Angel in Puerto Rico who was searching for some fenders for a truck restoration (I was able to locate fiberglass and metal ones for him).
Tim writes, “We got away from the cold and spent a few days in Puerto Rico. As mentioned before we try to rent a Jeep when we travel. But the Jeep fun factor was way too much this trip. We settled for a little red car for $9 /day verses the $90/day for Jeep Wrangler. We kept our eyes open but did not see any Willys this trip.
We did find several new 2016 Jeeps at Fort Buchanan post exchange as part of the Military Overseas Car Program. Service members can order new cars through this program and have them shipped to their home state side. Program offers military discounts and special orders. Here is Cathy with a 2017 Jeep Wrangler 75th Anniversary editon. Later that day we saw an interesting display at a local Jeep dealer, the sign Gran Venta means Big Sale. They had 3 new Jeeps suspended from a crane.”
Warn’s “Summer Hubs” Hub Caps & Others
UPDATE: Matt spotted a here-to-for unseen set of hubs. They are listed as #7.
Most know that Arthur Warn’s jeep-related business began with his introduction of the summer hubs, designed to allow the front axles to spin freely. They came packaged in red, green, or blue boxes. As you can see in this ad, Warn advertised them as “hub caps”, but their use during summers led people to call them “summer hubs”. He also credited them with all kinds of benefits.

Ad was posted to the CJ-2A page. I don’t have a date for it.
But, few know that there were two different types of Warn summer hubs. In addition, there were also at least three different other summer hubs produced.
- According to this thread on the CJ-2A page forum, the first type produced was the waffle version:
- This example shows the second version. They were larger and had dimples:
- Ted introduced me to the Kurtland-branded hubs. He’s got them for sale on eBay.
- A photo of these unbranded, aluminum (non-magnetic) hubs were posted to the CJ-2A page by Bruce W. If you recognize them, please let us know the manufacturer.
- Bruce M. posted this photo of an FEG branded summer hub to the CJ-2A page. (now, more on this hub here:
- Andy shared pics of this flange familiar to M-38A1 enthusiasts, the Clary Flange:
7. This set appeared on eBay in October of 2018. No indication of model or maker:
If anyone knows or has photos of other summer hubs, please let me know!
1941 Photo of Ford GP in Leesville, LA on eBay
A good shot of a Ford GP.
“1941- Ford GP jeep leads motorcycle troops of the 66th Regiment of the 2nd Armored Division over a road constructed beside a bridge that was “destroyed” by Red forces during maneuvers north of Leesville.”
FC Interior Photos Needed
Tyler Powers needs some high resolution (300 dpi) interior and chassis photos of an FC for a 3D model. Contact him at if you can help.
He writes, “I have recently bought a professionally made 3d model of a FC-150. I am going to take it and put it into a video game I play called spintires. The trouble is being that the model designed to be used for renders and has no interior and no frame or drivetrain. I am going to have to model these myself. This is difficult with the limited quality and number of pictures of FC’s on the internet.
What I could use help with is if you could make a post asking for any high resolution pictures people have from their FC’s specifically of the interior and frame. Restoration pictures of rolling chassis would be really useful.”
Here are some examples of the photo angles he’s hoping to get:
1942 Photo of Bantam BRC-40 on eBay
UPDATE: Another version of this sand dune photo is available on eBay. Another was sold in 2014 (see end of post).
“1942 Press Photo West Point Military Academy Jeep Jockeys in Army Maneuvers. This is an original press photo. Photo measures 9 x 7.25inches. Photo is dated 07-31-1942.”
View all the information on eBay
Here’s a similar press photo that was sold in 2014.
1941 Photo of Ford GP on eBay
Even though Willys had won the contract, you can see they were still running the Ford GPs through their paces.
appx size :7 1/2″ x 9 1/2”
1958 ‘Want to Keep Operating Costs Down’ Brochure
1961 Billion Mile Jeep Family Brochure
1944 Photo in Wadke Islands on eBay
I wonder if it stopped working before it rolled into the water? That would explain the raised hood.
“WW2 1944 Press Photo U.S Infantrymen Roll Jeep Ashore in Attack on Wakde Islands”
Woodstock Legion Speedway
Gary shared this interesting post about early car racing in Woodstock, New York. Some of these custom race cars were equipped with pre-war Willys engines. So, while not much of a “jeep” story, there is a tenuous link to this interesting bit of regional history.
2017 Events for Willys-Am-Tegernesee
Christian has finalized this year’s Willys-Am Tegernesee reunion. It will take place from July 7th till July 9th with the main event on Saturday, July 8th , including an extracool little concert of some oldtime blues. I can’t go this year, but maybe Ann and I can figure out how to get there in 2018. We have been wanting to tour Europe, meet readers, and chase some more family history, but have delayed that opportunity for several years.
In late April this year’s Colonna della Liberta / Column of Liberation in Italy will take place. Date to be finalized.
1943 Photo of Woman Testing a GPW on eBay
I love the driving goggles.
“This is an original press photo. Jeep tester Marie Martin rounds a curve at Ford Test Track.Photo measures 10 x 8.25inches. Photo is dated 06-11-1943.”
1950 Photo of Rations Delivery in North Korea on eBay
Interesting photo.
“1950 Press Photo 1st Marine Division jeep loaded with rations crosses bridge. This is an original press photo. 1st Marine Division jeep loaded with rations crosses bridge west of Kotori North Korea.Photo measures 9 x 7.25inches. Photo is dated 11-16-1950.”
Santa’s Bringing in the New Year
Anyone Recognize this 3 Point Lift?
Nick’s got this CJ-5 for sale that includes an unusual 3 Point Lift. Anyone seen one like this. It appears built for installation under the bed so the bed remains free for hauling. You can see more pics of the jeep here: View all the information on eBay
Sam’s Got a Wagon Problem in Elizabeth City, NC
Sam wrote me for the first time asking if someone could evaluate some work done on his wagon. You can contact him at 252-330-9999 or
He wrote, “I have a 61 sw.In Oct 2014 made a deal to restore the truck for 6k and a 60 day time frame. 8k and 26 months later the truck returned as a total disaster. i need a willys expert to look at the truck in Chesapeake and write a critique of what it needs ,the work done and estimate of the $ needed to complete.I will gladly compensate you for you time and travel. Im in Elizabeth City NC 252-330-9999 Sam.The truck is on military hwy Chesapeake.”
1962 CJ-6 Brochure on eBay
Original Bountiful Jeep Posse Badge
Frank shared this original Bountiful Jeep Posse Badge that’s painted on a red CJ-3A he bought from an early founder of the Posse.
Happy New Year 2017!!
UPDATE: For some reason the comments were turned off on the original post, so I made this new one.
Today begins the 10th year of eWillys. What began as a handful of posts and a couple of readers has mushroomed into over 40,000 pages that reach people around the world. Along the way I picked up a new wife, journeyed all over the US, and made lots of great friends. It’s been an wonderful experience and the longest “job” I’ve ever had. The reality is, it’s far more than a job. It’s become a part of me.
The other day I asked Ann if I should call it quits at the end of year 10. I explained that I’m seeing more and more activity on Facebook groups and on Twitter streams and I’m sure there’s much more happening on Youtube channels, Instagram, and other newer media that I don’t (yet capture). I told her that a website seems so old school at this point (perhaps olde skool is more accurate). But then, the newer types of media are more like streams of consciousness than reservoirs of knowledge like websites can be. So, I asked Ann what should the role of eWillys within the changing media landscape be and what will that landscape look like in another five years?
She just stared at me as I explained all this and asked, “What would you do if you didn’t do eWillys every evening?” She’s right. I have no idea.
So, eWillys will be marching onward for the foreseeable future. I do have some ideas for some changes to improve the timelines of the site. We’ll see how it all goes…
Have a Happy New Year!