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Stainless Flat Fender Düsseldorf, Germany $25,000

• CATEGORIES: CJ-3A, CJ5, Features, International • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Daniel’s neighbor in Germany has decided to sell his stainless flat fender jeep. Shipping is available. For more information, you can contact Daniel at kontakt @ langkau-automotive.de (remove spaces from around the @) and he can field initial questions.

“It has a galvanized CJ5 Frame, 3.8l AMC Engine, dana30 disc front, D44 30 Spline rear, power steering, power brakes.
Price $25K
Location Düsseldorf / Germany”






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1951 3-Door Wagon Little Rock, AR $3000

• CATEGORIES: Features, Willys Wagons • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Price dropped to $3000

(07/01/2023) While it has three doors, according to the seller it does not appear to be a hyrail or Fairmont build. So, the history of it isn’t clear.


“Very rare 1951 Willys wagon with the third door passenger side. It’s not a railroad. Or Fairmont built There are no holes in the floor for the towers.  so if you know anybody or any company who needs a Sema build that was my plans”

1951-wagon-fairmount-hyrail-littlerock-ar7 1951-wagon-fairmount-hyrail-littlerock-ar8


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Busy Week

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The cooler temps (highs in 70s, lows in 40s) this week means winter is approaching all too fast. Our pasture irrigation will shut down Monday, so we moved cows, slaughtered our 2 steers (with 8 of our neighbor’s steers), so I am flush with beef cheeks, hangar steaks, skirts, tails, and some organ meat (neighbor wanted none of those cuts). I walked away with about 100lbs of extra meat! Our three heifers get slaughtered next month.


We joined lots of other folks who enjoyed the northern lights this week. These are early shots (circa 8pm) as Ann is still navigating life on a knew-trike after having light foot surgery earlier this week, so we didn’t stay out too late.

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The other day Ann and I talked about how we wanted to remodel part of the shop so we can add a pool table and some other stuff, including a Wurlitzer jukebox. That led to me doing some searches to see what a jukebox would run. It turned out, a local guy was selling off his uncle’s collection of jukeboxes, speakers, and music. This guy’s uncle has so many records, they line the walls of his roughly 60′ shop in multiple rows– immense!

The guy also had 36 jukeboxes. Apparently, he was quite the collector before he passed. Anyway, since I was local and since I mentioned that Rudolph Wurlitzer was my great great grandfather, the guy cut me a heck of a deal on these two jukeboxes. I haven’t had a chance to plug them in yet (figured I’d do ewillys updates first). I know they at least light up, and given what I paid, just that would be enough.


The one on the left is a 2600 from 1962 and the one on the right is a 1500 from 1952.

So, no surprise, not much done on jeeps this past week!

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Short Cut: The Concept Compact Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This video covers Short Cut, a concept compact throwback jeep that lacks a top and doors shared by Bill. The video also describes this jeep as “cheap”, but I suspect the price-point on one of these would still be substantial. If this ever went to production, I expect buyers would be looking for top options at some point. More info: https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a15349161/prime-cut-jeep-shortcut-concept-is-a-wrangler-trimmed-to-cj-5-size/

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Stainless Jeeps For Sale in the Philippines

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Thanks to bill, here’s a short video showing a lineup of stainless steel jeeps for sale in the Philippines.

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Massimo Mini Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Features, Other 4x4s, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill shared this video of a guy walking through and driving a Massimo mini-jeep. I’ve seen ads for these posted in various FB and Craigslist ads, but this is the first video I’ve seen. At $2500 through Tractor Supply, they aren’t a trivial purchase, but I have to say they do look kind of fun!


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Hamilton Pedal Jeep Fresno, CA $650

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Forgot the link …

Mike shared what appears to be a good price on a nicely restored Hamilton Jeep.


“Recently restored 1950s Hamilton Jeep pedal car”

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Newest Folk Art “Jeep”

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Before I return to working on the FC, I am finishing what I started before our Balloonfest event; I am completing a thorough cleaning and organizing of the shop. I even bought one of these nut/bolt organizers to reduce the hunt for nuts and bolt and other items that are stuffed into cans that sit on my table tops. Some of these cans of bolts were ones that I put into cans back in the mid 1980s. Clearly, I’m not going to use some of them, so it’s time to sort, dump and organize!

I picked this folk art “jeep” off of ebay for cheap. I think it is supposed to be a Fiat Campagnola, or some derivation of it. HOWEVER, I later re-discovered these were sold through Hobby Lobby. I even posted about this (thanks to John) back in 2022, but I forgot about it … oh well, at least I didn’t pay much for it!

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Balloonfest 2024

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Ann taking her cousin for a spin in the Race Jeep.

We had our annual family gathering last weekend (hence the lack of updates). I was busy up til folks started arriving on Friday morning and didn’t stop moving until Sunday night. We had around 40 folks camping, tenting, RVing, staying in the house, crashing in the bunk house, and even sleeping in the shop’s extra rooms. The weather was perfect, warm during the day and cool enough at night for some fires.

The balloons launched at 7am Saturday morning, but Sunday proved too windy (the balloons launch about a 2 miles from us). This year the winds took the balloons east, so we didn’t get any close up views from our property (but most relatives went to the airport to watch them). However, most of the time we were all having fun, playing games, eating and hanging out. Here are some random pics from the event.


We rented a bounce house and obstacle course for the young ones.


A silly race.


Using chalk paint, I made four square, hop scotch, and a tic-tac-toe play areas.


I built a set of corn holes with a balloon theme. These were a bit hit.


On Friday night, one of the relatives got out his fire dancing items and entertained us at the fire pits. He’s been spinning fire for more than a decade (though he’s only been part of the family for just over a year). So, this is a neat treat.

Continue reading

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DJ-5 Electruck Brochures

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, DJ-5 & DJ-6, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Bill shared this article about the DJ-5Es, the electric postal jeep. 



Originally posted January 21, 2020: Thanks to Gayland for sending me this brochure of the Electruck, an electric powered DJ-5E made by AM General.

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These images were from an eBay auction in 2015:



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One Man’s Afrikan Dream to Own a CJ-2A

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill shared this short story about a man from South Africa who had a life-long dream to own a Willys. FYI: 1 South African Rand is currently equivalent to $17.50 USD. R21,000 = aprox $1,200USD.



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Anyone Recognize this Dually Adapter?

• CATEGORIES: Features, wanted • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Tanner found a set of four of these adapters, but several of us don’t recognize them (Here are some for comparison: http://www.ewillys.com/2017/04/05/dual-wheel-adapters/). They seem closest to the Hickey adapters, but also different front them. Here are the pics:

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History of VIASA

• CATEGORIES: Features, International, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

JW added a comment to one of the VIASA posts, which led me to do some googling. I landed on this YouTube video that appears to do a good job sketching the history of VIASA and the vehicles.

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1969 Viasa Brochure (Spain)

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, International This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I just picked up this Viasa brochure from Egypt via eBay (along with some other 1 sheet brochures). Note that these rigs are all powered by the Perkins Diesel. I’ve dated this using the legal notice at the bottom of page three that ends in “1969”.

This front page is about 8.5″ x 11″ landscape oriented:


This middle section opens horizontally:


This is the back page:


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4 1969? Viasa Spanish Jeep Ad Sheets

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, International This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I could not find dates on these, but the models and designs look very similar to the 1969 brochure, so I can only guess these are from around 1969. Each of these models are similar to the M-series forward control designs.

The “Jeep” Campeardo is reflective of the M-676; just a basic forward control truck:

1968-ish-viasa-campeador1-lores 1968-ish-viasa-campeador2-lores

This “Jeep” Duplex has four doors and a small truck bed, similar to the M-677:

1968-ish-viasa-duplex1-lores 1968-ish-viasa-duplex2-lores

The “Jeep” Toledo is similar to the M-678:



This “Jeep” Furgon has few windows than the Toledo model above, sort of like the M-679:

1968-ish-viasa-furgon1-lores 1968-ish-viasa-furgon2-lores


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New Sketches from Roberto Flores

• CATEGORIES: Artists/Drawings, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Given the above posts shows some jeep brochures from Spain, this is a good time to share some sketches from Roberto Flores.

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FREE Toddler Jeep-looking Bed Vancouver, WA FREE

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Blaine shared this FREE toddler bed for sale.


“Yellow homemade toddler car bed, extended toy box, really sturdy and well made.”

toddler-bed-vancouver-free1 toddler-bed-vancouver-free2

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Few Updates Until Monday

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I’ve missed out on some updates, but for good reason. Our annual family gathering is this weekend, so I’ve been spending, literally, the last few weeks cleaning, organizing and straightening up various parts of the property, including creating a new parking spot for the motorhome.

So, updates will be limited, but I know there are a few readers who will be sending me some items for sale and I’ll get them up as I get a chance.

Meanwhile, I picked up a few more “folk art” jeeps on the cheap from eBay. This one is about 7″ long. It’s missing one roll bar, but who cares. Someone spend some time building this oddity (shown next to a small Surrey for comparison).



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Odd Ball Model Jeeps

• CATEGORIES: Features, Models This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I just purchased these two odd ball model jeeps for cheap. I’ll update the post with better picks once I received them.

wood-model-jeep military-model-jeep

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Circa 1945-46 13′ Willys Cars Trucks Jeep Dealer Sign **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This early sign just sold at auction for $12,000.


“Scarce Multi-piece SSP (single sided porcelain) signs mounted back to back on the original can have good color and moderate gloss. The display field has small chips with areas of discoloration and lower gloss. The perimeter has small bends, chips and additional discoloration. The reverse is similar with additional chips in the field. The factory can is in good condition with general age-related wear. Marked Ark. Sign & Neon Co. Overall a scarce complete Willys Jeep Vertical porcelain neon sign. 155″ H x 42″ W x 14.25″ D. Condition: 7.75/7.25.”

willys-jeep-cars-13'-sign2 willys-jeep-cars-13'-sign

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Fiberglass Parkette Drag Body(?) Loganville, GA **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Features, Racing • TAGS: , , , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was $350. This was listed in Loganville, GA, in January of 2024. The price is dropped and is now for sale in Batesville, MS. It looks like the 305 engine was removed, hence the lower price. Thanks to Brad for updating us.

This body appears to be a Parkette style body (with the site swooshes) with a Bobcat type hood, but assembled together as a single drag-like body.

“Has a Ford 9” rear end on it. Pretty heavy so good scrap. I do have a forklift to load on trailer.”

parkette-race-body-from-GA-Batesville-ms1 parkette-race-body-from-GA-Batesville-ms2


Ad from Jan 5, 2024, in Loganville: 

“X dirt dragster. Has no suspension. Has no transmission….Ford I beam front end. Ford 9 rear end. Ford steering wheel and collom and Gear box ford….Chevy small block 305 ci engine and headers and solid motor mounts……rusted locked up drum brakes on all 4 corners. This is an unfinished project….read this. the carburetor and distributor is not included …..I can part out…..located in Loganville GA”

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Article on Georgia Jeep Collection

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill shared this article about a vintage jeep collector in Georgia from last April. The author overuses the “GP” term a little bit too much for my tastes, but the general message is that owner Dane Schoff is having a good time with his jeeps!



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FC-170 Ashtray on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Listed at $150, you can make an offer this one.

View all the information on eBay

“This is a vintage FC170 Jeep promotional ashtray. Jeep is in a fixed position. Chrome is in good condition with minor wear. A few blemishes on the underside. See photos.”


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Upton’s CJ-5 May be For Sale

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Patty Upton plans to sell this jeep in the not-so-distant future, according to this earlycj5 thread: http://www.earlycj5.com/xf_cj5/index.php?threads/160468/ (thanks Maury!)



Originally posted August 14, 2019: Daniel Strohl reported on Hemmings that the CJ-5 used to circumvent the earth will spend a year at the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame. You might remember that the Upton’s made it around the world in 1984, well all but a small, but a difficult mile of their trek in the Middle East proved impossible to complete. For two decades they held onto the jeep, then they eventually fixed it back up and drove the last mile in the Middle East in 2017.

  1. Here’s more information on Facebook
  2. News report from our local station here in the Tri Cities.


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Vigilante 4X4 in Texas

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Bill shared this article link about Vigilante 4×4 in Texas, but I forgot to post it last night. The company focuses on restomods of classic jeeps.

Here’s the article: https://newatlas.com/automotive/vigilante-4×4-love-of-jeep/
