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1950s? Jeep Tour Postcard **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Features, Postcards • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.


This CJ-3A has been extended in the rear to accommodate passengers. It looks pretty comfy!

“A new color advertising postcard probably of SAN JUAN SCENIC JEEP TOURS of their early 1950’s Jeep CJ-5 with a lunch and coffee box mounted off the tailgate, very lightly bumped corners, no creases, no postmark. Crisp and clear. Nothing written on the back. About 3 1/2″ x 5 1/2″. Any glare or distortion is from my digital camera.”




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Perris Valley Four Wheelers Badge on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Artists/Drawings, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This club badge would have been mounted on a jeep. I tried to learn more about this club, but had no luck finding any info.

“Perris valley jeep club badge. In great condition. 8″ metal sign with painted graphics and great detail. Great for a jeep enthusiast, or in your man cave. Please see pictures for condition. If you have any questions, please message me.”

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1963 Magazine Review of the “New” CJ-5

• CATEGORIES: Features, Magazine This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Desert Magazine reviewed the “new” CJ-5 in 1963. Click on images to enlarge them. Spoiler alert .. the author concluded the jeep is a “man’s car”.

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1960ish Las Brisas Jeep Rental Card W/Map

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Artists/Drawings, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I found this neat little card from the Las Brisas resort on eBay. Folded up, it’s about the size of a post card. The illustrated side advertises pink jeep rentals in English and Spanish. The other side shows a map of the area (here’s a google map link). It’s meant to sit on a table or desk.

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Article about Sale of Willys MB

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

PHOTO CREDIT: Rick Kintzel, Photojournalist.

This article about the sale of a 1945 Willys MB appeared in Pennsylvania’s Bucks County Courier Times. The new owner is a U.S. Army Colonel who hopes to use the jeep to support Wounded Warrior projects.

This seems a worthy cause; however, it is ironic that he’s using the jeep to support an organization that in turn doesn’t support (and arguably has worsened the situation of) wounded and disabled members of WWII and the Korean War (and any other wounded veterans before 2001), folks who might have actually used this jeep during their tours of duty.

One example of this is the Caregiver Support program, promoted by Wounded Warrior, and available only for the caregivers of wounded veterans post 9/11. Ann’s shared with me other examples of programs and opportunities given to new wounded veterans that’s created two classes of wounded, those before and those after 9/11. That’s a shame.


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1950 Photo of Jeeps in Korea on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Hopefully the actual photo is clearer!

“1950 Press Photo American Jeep Crosses 38th Parallel Going Towards Seoul. This is an original press photo. An American Jeep is shown crossing the 38th Parallel, going toward Seoul, as the US 8th Army retreats southward. Under pressure of Red China’s Million Man Invasion Army, UN forces in North Korea have been put to flight with it still indefinite whether they’ll make a stand in North Korea or be evacuated by sea. Also, the UN is awaiting an answer from Peiping on its request that Chinese troops stop short of the Parallel. Photo measures 9 x 7.25inches. Photo is dated 12-10-1950.”

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Las Brisas Brochure W/ DJ-5s

• CATEGORIES: DJ-5 & DJ-6, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE II: There are more photos of the DJ-3A “mobile bar” in the February 1962 Jeep News.

This 1966 brochure for the Las Brisas resort included some pics of Surreys.


Here’s a DJ-5 with hubcaps.

We’ve seen this DJ-3A “mobile bar” featured in a photo from another angle.1966-las-brisas-dj5-surrey1-lores

This is the booklet’s cover. 1966-las-brisas-dj5-surrey3-lores

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1945 Photo of Ledo Road on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I’m going to guess that Pvt. Green is not inspecting the sign for any fine print ….

“1945 Press Photo Pvt Oscar Green in Jeep on Ledo road in Burma jungle area. This is an original press photo. Pvt Oscar Green of Taylorville, Illinois, stands on the side of his jeep to get close up view of this caution sign, one of many which dot the Ledo road forming junction with the Burma road and breaking Japanese land blockade of China which has officially been named the Stilwell Road.Photo measures 9 x 7.25 inches. Photo is dated 02-17-1945.”

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Jeep 75th Ann. Windshield Shade Medford, OR $5

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Blaine spotted this. We tried to find an online source for more of these, but didn’t have any luck.

“I have a brand new windshield sunshield cover that unfolds to cover the inside of the window. About 26 inches tall. It has 2 suction cups with it.”



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Can Anyone Identify This PTO Winch?

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I’m having some trouble identifying this PTO winch. Does anyone else recognize it? There appears to be an “N” stamped on the end (not easily seen on the bottom pic). 
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Wormobile Denmark, WI No Price

• CATEGORIES: Features, Other 4x4s • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This jeep-engine-powered screw-tractor called the Wormobile was spotted by Aaron. There’s a third photo of this here.

“one of a kind screw type vehicle built in 54 has willys jeep motor and transmission a complete overhaul 2 years ago
willing to trade for a black stripe ten or a good utility tractor 3 pt and hydraulics a must”




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1946 Testimonial Maine Fish & Game

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The “it can do what others can’t” message of this testimonial pretty much defines the jeep’s niche at this point.

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1945 CJ-2A Memorial Press Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I thought I had a good chance to win this one on eBay, but it slipped away at the last second buy a second bidder. Anyway, it’s a souvenir program of the first national press event for the CJ-2A. Here are some photos.

1945-07-17-cj2a-press-sounvenir-program 1945-07-17-cj2a-press-sounvenir-program0 1945-07-17-cj2a-press-sounvenir-program1 1945-07-17-cj2a-press-sounvenir-program2

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1950 Photo of Troops in Taejon, Korea on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This was taken a month into the war.

“1950 Press Photo American Troops in jeep with 50 Caliber Gun in Taejon, Korea. This is an original press photo. American troops take a rough Caliber as they advance in jeep armed with 50 caliber machine gun. Communist troops were reported smashing into and around Taejon as battle action see a wed on the Western Korean Front Photo measures 7.25 x 9.25 inches. Photo is dated 07-20-1950.”

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1955 Jeep Journal on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Seth shared this Wheatfield High School newsletter called the Jeep Journal and named for the high school’s mascot. The school appears to have closed. According to this source, the high school became known as the “Jeeps” in the 1930s, preceding the introduction of the Jeep.

“For sale is a vintage booklet, Jeep Journal, from Wheatland High School in Wheatland, Indiana. This is the April 7, 1955 “Junior Issue.” It is filled with 10 mimeographed pages of school news. This publication measures 8 1/2 by 11 inches and is in very good condition. It is extremely hard to find”

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1946 Testimonial Toledo Baseball Company

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Not the most enthusiastic testimonial we’ve read for the new jeep!

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1945 CJ-2 Press Photo on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: S. Giraud correctly noted that this is a CJ-2 rather than a CJ-2A. 

Taken before the official press demonstration July 17th & 18th, 1945.

“1945 Press Photo Postwar Jeep Unveiled to the Public by Willys-Overland Motors. This is an original press photo. This is one of the firsts photos of the Postwar Jeep, especially adapted for peacetime work, combining the four basic functions of tractor, light truck, mobile power unit and passenger conveyance. Here, the new Jeep, just unveiled to the public by Willys-Overland Motors, operates a spring tooth cultivator. Photo measures 9 x 7.25 inches. Photo is dated 07-10-1945.”

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1968 Jeepster Comparison Booklet on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Books, Documents, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This publication was designed to teach the sales force and dealers about the new Jeepster Commando and Jeepster Convertible. Looks interesting.

“This is a vintage 1968 Jeepster Comparison Data Brochure, measuring approximately 5.75×8.5” and is 20 pages long. It is an original piece of literature from Kaiser Jeep not a reprint and is in very good to excellent condition. Dated April 1968. Carefully stored since new, minimal handling, center staples tight, clean with no smudges, tears or folds. “7-68″ written lightly in pencil on bottom left of back cover. Contents include b&w photos, competitive vehicle comparisons, exterior and interior comparisons, general appearance, engines, frames, electrical, suspension, drive line, body, safety features, etc. Models covered include the 1968 Jeepster Convertible and Commando.”

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eWillys Ad in Kaiser Willys Catalog

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

It’s rewarding to hear how many folks enjoy eWillys with their morning cup of coffee. When Kaiser Willys invited me to send them an ad for next year’s catalog, I decided on this one. It’s part ad and part tribute to all who read, support, and enjoy the site. Thanks go to Roberto Flores for the eWillys bear.


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A Special Tribute From Charles

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Charles asked me to share these with Dave as a tribute to his father, who  fought in the Battle of the Bulge (if I understand correctly). Charles collects photos of that era. Dave, Charles was wondering if you had any of your father from there?

these photo are for dave who commented on my last set photos which included a photo of the battle of the bulge – i believe his father fought in it. A huge monument was especially created for the fallen US soldiers –THE MARDASSON– in bastogne (in that town fighting was very hard – the famous word NUTS was mentioned there)”

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Jim Carter’s 100mph Plaque – Dedication

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UPDATE: Jim Carter Dedication


This  photo of Jim that made it into the May 1975 issue of Four Wheeler Magazine (back page).

This past Friday long-time family friend Jim Carter passed away from a brain aneurysm. It happened very quickly. Those that knew Jim from the PNW4WDA know he was a life long jeeper willing to help anyone. He was one of the first racers to install a welder in his motorhome, making him very popular with folks that broke down.

Jim grew up with my father and uncles in Salt Lake City. Jim’s first “wreck” in a jeep came at the hands of my father around 1950 in the Olympus Cove area of Salt Lake (before the homes and the highway for those that know the area) when Dad tipped his CJ-2A on its side and Jim (who was in the back) fell from driver’s side to the passenger side (That’s a story Dad still likes to tell).

Jim lived just down the block from my grandparents on Walker Lane in Salt Lake. He helped build my grandparents house there, then later went to work for my grandfather at the University of Utah’s Kennocott smelter (it was a mini-smelter on campus). As Jim said to me one day, “One thing I learned from your grandfather is that there’s a right way to do things, a wrong way, and the Eilers way”. So, when grandfather built the house, he Jim, Dad and my uncles bolt the roof trusses together. My grandfather was not about to have his roof collapse!

Jim’s wife Patti went to school with my mother in Seattle. She and mom were both part of a group of girlfriends that still gets together, though they are short a couple friends these days. Patti’s still alive, but struggling with alzheimers.

At some point in the early 1960s Mom, Dad, Patti and Jim all found themselves living in Seattle. I think it was Dad and Jim who figured out they were both dating two women who knew each other.

My parents small home wedding including both Jim and Patti. A year later I popped into the world and it was Patti and Jim who gave me my name. Four years later, it was Jim and Patti who invited mom and dad to the charter meeting of the Wandering Willys in 1969. It’s entirely possible that without Jim and Patti, eWillys might never have been created. So, RIP Jim! Without a doubt you made a big impact on my life!!


James Carter

As many of you probably remember, a couple months ago I posted my story about Jim’s plaque, how it came about and how I acquired it. I’d like to run it again in his memory. I never got the chance to call Jim and share the news about his plaque.

Originally posted October 20, 2017

jim-carter-sign1Scott Gilbert from Cincinnati called me last week. We talked about a few Alaska or Rust loose ends, then he asked if I’d seen a 100mph club plaque on eBay.

“No, I haven’t seen that,” I responded.
Scott explained, “It’s a cool plaque with a Willys speedometer on it. I thought it was an unusual piece, so I’ve been watching it ever since the seller listed it at $100. It’s now down to $20, plus $10 shipping.”
“Well, that’s definitely a better price,” I told him.
“The strange thing is, I’ve tried to find out more about the plaque, but can’t find anything. So, I figured I’d try you,” he said. Then he asked, “Have you ever heard of the Wandering Willys Jeep Club or the 100mph club?”
“Well, as a matter of fact I have …,” I paused for a moment, then added, “My parents co-founded the club in 1969. So, I know that club pretty well. In fact, it’s still around.”
At this point I stopped. If Scott was listening carefully, he probably heard the creaking sounds of the gears in my brain slowly grinding, triggered by our conversation. Wandering Willys + 100mph Club. That sounded familiar. Then, I realized he was still talking.
“… and the Wandering Willys name is on the plaque and there’s a person’s name on it, too …”
I stopped him, “Wait, I know the name! It says Jim Carter!”
He was genuinely shocked. “You are right, but how did you know?”
“Because I remember it. I was there the day Jim went 100mph in his jeep!”

Here’s the story ….

The Wandering Willys Jeep Club was founded in 1969 in Seattle’s Eastside area. Jim & Patti Carter were charter members as were my parents, Karl & Marge Eilers (there were seven other charter members). 

Karl had grown up with Jim in Salt Lake City and Marge had grown up with Patti in Seattle, so the couples were good friends by the time the jeep club was founded. 

In May of 1982, I was 16 years old. The Wandering Willys Jeep Club was on a jeep trip with about eight members traveling to an area above Cle Elum, a small town in the Cascade Mountains along I-90 east of Seattle. We expected to reach some snow that day and sure enough we did.

Jim was driving his modified fiberglass flattie named Otis (my all-time favorite jeep). He was crawling over some frozen snow on the trail when it gave way and he sunk enough to where he was high centered. Attempting to escape, he tried spinning his wheels, but he was too stuck. At that point he realized there was no friction on the tires, so he slowly pressed the gas pedal. He made it up to 100 mph on his speedometer, before backing off the gas. But, he backed off too quickly, breaking his front driveline. It was a silly thing to do and he, not usually prone to doing things like that, found himself getting teased by everyone. The plaque memorialized the event and was probably presented to him at a later club meeting.


Otis circa 1982 with Patti Carter (Jim’s wife) racing.

So, that might have been the end of it. I told Scott he was welcome to bid on it, as I didn’t want to pay $30 for it. However, subsequently the eBay auction ended with no bids. So, following the auction, I wrote to the seller, telling him where and how he probably acquired the plaque, the story behind it, and the fact that I didn’t think it was worth anything, but for me it had sentimental value. I wished him luck with the sale.

The seller responded, telling me he loved the story and wanting to give the object to me for free. I told him his offer was gracious, but I would only accept if I paid for shipping. He agreed, so I bought the plaque for a penny and paid shipping. It arrived a couple days ago.

jim-carter-sign2 jim-carter-sign3

So, for me it is a neat story and plaque, now with an even better history.

And, for a little Otis retrospective … Otis circa 1969 as a truer CJ-3A:

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More Pics From Charles

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here are some more random pics from Charles!

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waco glider


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The “On Hold” Scam

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A reader is in the process of selling his jeep. He listed it on eWillys and Willysforsale.com. He soon ran into a scam. We don’t know which site “Jay Larsen” used to find the jeep for sale, but I wanted to warn everyone just in case, as this scam has been used before (though I’ve never heard of any problems from eWillys readers).

The seller wrote, “I was contacted by a Jay Larsen. He agreed to buy the Jeep, but told me he wanted to use PayPal. I reluctantly agreed. I received a series of emails this morning indicating that the money was “on hold”. I was told that for the money to be released, I would have to send a money gram to a shipping company. They wanted $2,000. I did not proceed with the deal and told him I knew it was a scam.”

There’s nothing inherently bad about Paypal as I use it a lot to buy things and get paid for advertising. But, it doesn’t mean scammers won’t use it either. So, here are some warnings provided by Papal that include the “on hold” scam mentioned above: https://www.paypal.com/us/selfhelp/article/Scams-on-Craigslist-and-Other-Classifieds-Websites-FAQ3022

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1943 Photo of Nurses & Officers On Adak … eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Yep, this is all about sightseeing. It couldn’t possibly be a double date?? The nurse climbing into the jeep is Mary Louise Eckes of San Francisco and Dickenson, ND. The other nurse is Margaret Allen of Denver, Colorado.

“1943- U.S. Navy nurses climb into a jeep to go on a sightseeing trip through the mountains in Adak, Alaska. Photo measures approx. 7″ x 9”

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1943 Photo of Jeep Hauling Cargo Car on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

One of the better jeep train photos.

“1943 Press Photo Pvt. Ward directs the jeep carrying cargo and three others. This is an original press photo. 6 –The jee takes on cargo at the loading platform in an air depot. The jeep has only one small trailer. In jeep is Sgt. D. Kelly. of Betava, N.Y. Pvt. Ed. L. Ward, of Kenton, Ohio, directs from the platform, while Pvt. Henry Martion. of Great Falls, Mont, is in the truck on platform. Sgt. M. J. Bacciarina, from Merced, Calif., stands at rear of trailer.Photo measures 9 x 7.25 inches. Photo is dated 08-20-1943.”

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