UPDATE: Jim Carter Dedication

This photo of Jim that made it into the May 1975 issue of Four Wheeler Magazine (back page).
This past Friday long-time family friend Jim Carter passed away from a brain aneurysm. It happened very quickly. Those that knew Jim from the PNW4WDA know he was a life long jeeper willing to help anyone. He was one of the first racers to install a welder in his motorhome, making him very popular with folks that broke down.
Jim grew up with my father and uncles in Salt Lake City. Jim’s first “wreck” in a jeep came at the hands of my father around 1950 in the Olympus Cove area of Salt Lake (before the homes and the highway for those that know the area) when Dad tipped his CJ-2A on its side and Jim (who was in the back) fell from driver’s side to the passenger side (That’s a story Dad still likes to tell).
Jim lived just down the block from my grandparents on Walker Lane in Salt Lake. He helped build my grandparents house there, then later went to work for my grandfather at the University of Utah’s Kennocott smelter (it was a mini-smelter on campus). As Jim said to me one day, “One thing I learned from your grandfather is that there’s a right way to do things, a wrong way, and the Eilers way”. So, when grandfather built the house, he Jim, Dad and my uncles bolt the roof trusses together. My grandfather was not about to have his roof collapse!
Jim’s wife Patti went to school with my mother in Seattle. She and mom were both part of a group of girlfriends that still gets together, though they are short a couple friends these days. Patti’s still alive, but struggling with alzheimers.
At some point in the early 1960s Mom, Dad, Patti and Jim all found themselves living in Seattle. I think it was Dad and Jim who figured out they were both dating two women who knew each other.
My parents small home wedding including both Jim and Patti. A year later I popped into the world and it was Patti and Jim who gave me my name. Four years later, it was Jim and Patti who invited mom and dad to the charter meeting of the Wandering Willys in 1969. It’s entirely possible that without Jim and Patti, eWillys might never have been created. So, RIP Jim! Without a doubt you made a big impact on my life!!

James Carter
As many of you probably remember, a couple months ago I posted my story about Jim’s plaque, how it came about and how I acquired it. I’d like to run it again in his memory. I never got the chance to call Jim and share the news about his plaque.
Originally posted October 20, 2017
Scott Gilbert from Cincinnati called me last week. We talked about a few Alaska or Rust loose ends, then he asked if I’d seen a 100mph club plaque on eBay.
“No, I haven’t seen that,” I responded.
Scott explained, “It’s a cool plaque with a Willys speedometer on it. I thought it was an unusual piece, so I’ve been watching it ever since the seller listed it at $100. It’s now down to $20, plus $10 shipping.”
“Well, that’s definitely a better price,” I told him.
“The strange thing is, I’ve tried to find out more about the plaque, but can’t find anything. So, I figured I’d try you,” he said. Then he asked, “Have you ever heard of the Wandering Willys Jeep Club or the 100mph club?”
“Well, as a matter of fact I have …,” I paused for a moment, then added, “My parents co-founded the club in 1969. So, I know that club pretty well. In fact, it’s still around.”
At this point I stopped. If Scott was listening carefully, he probably heard the creaking sounds of the gears in my brain slowly grinding, triggered by our conversation. Wandering Willys + 100mph Club. That sounded familiar. Then, I realized he was still talking.
“… and the Wandering Willys name is on the plaque and there’s a person’s name on it, too …”
I stopped him, “Wait, I know the name! It says Jim Carter!”
He was genuinely shocked. “You are right, but how did you know?”
“Because I remember it. I was there the day Jim went 100mph in his jeep!”
Here’s the story ….
The Wandering Willys Jeep Club was founded in 1969 in Seattle’s Eastside area. Jim & Patti Carter were charter members as were my parents, Karl & Marge Eilers (there were seven other charter members).
Karl had grown up with Jim in Salt Lake City and Marge had grown up with Patti in Seattle, so the couples were good friends by the time the jeep club was founded.
In May of 1982, I was 16 years old. The Wandering Willys Jeep Club was on a jeep trip with about eight members traveling to an area above Cle Elum, a small town in the Cascade Mountains along I-90 east of Seattle. We expected to reach some snow that day and sure enough we did.
Jim was driving his modified fiberglass flattie named Otis (my all-time favorite jeep). He was crawling over some frozen snow on the trail when it gave way and he sunk enough to where he was high centered. Attempting to escape, he tried spinning his wheels, but he was too stuck. At that point he realized there was no friction on the tires, so he slowly pressed the gas pedal. He made it up to 100 mph on his speedometer, before backing off the gas. But, he backed off too quickly, breaking his front driveline. It was a silly thing to do and he, not usually prone to doing things like that, found himself getting teased by everyone. The plaque memorialized the event and was probably presented to him at a later club meeting.

Otis circa 1982 with Patti Carter (Jim’s wife) racing.
So, that might have been the end of it. I told Scott he was welcome to bid on it, as I didn’t want to pay $30 for it. However, subsequently the eBay auction ended with no bids. So, following the auction, I wrote to the seller, telling him where and how he probably acquired the plaque, the story behind it, and the fact that I didn’t think it was worth anything, but for me it had sentimental value. I wished him luck with the sale.
The seller responded, telling me he loved the story and wanting to give the object to me for free. I told him his offer was gracious, but I would only accept if I paid for shipping. He agreed, so I bought the plaque for a penny and paid shipping. It arrived a couple days ago.

So, for me it is a neat story and plaque, now with an even better history.
And, for a little Otis retrospective … Otis circa 1969 as a truer CJ-3A:

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