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Day 4 – Wednesday May 2: Old Friends

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

<– Day 3 – Tuesday May 1: Weathering OZ | Day 5 – Thursday May 3: Rainy Day Quilts –>

Day 4: Today we didn’t drive far. We left Kansas and the tornados behind, arriving in Missouri to learn that more tornados were expected.


We had a very nice stay in Topeka at the Best Western Inn & Suites on Tuesday night, even taking the opportunity to sleep late, so late we missed the free breakfast. It appeared a family owned the motel and they were very nice.

For example, at one point in the morning, I stepped out to get some ice from the ice machine. Next to the ice, the soda machine was being refilled. The woman in charge pulled out a Mr. Pibb and offered it to me for free, telling me that if I didn’t like it, I could have something else. I don’t drink it, but I figured Ann would. I’d definitely stay there again.

Our goal for the day was to drive to Whiteman Air Force Base, where Ann is officially still based, and obtain a new military ID for her, then meet up with some of her old friends. Dale, a co-worked and close friend of Ann’s, still worked at the base and was excited to meet us at the main gate.


Old work buddies Dale & Ann

That turned out to be a good thing, because when we arrived at the entrance, we discovered that my dependent-ID had expired, so if it hadn’t been for Dale, we couldn’t have gotten on to base to get her ID updated. To be fair, I hadn’t used the ID to access a base in 4 years, so I hadn’t paid too close attention to the date. Anyway, thanks to Dale, we accessed the base and found the place we needed to get Ann’s new ID and mine updated.

After that, Dale invited us back to his place to see Edith, his wife, who just had surgery. Ann had a great time getting reacquainted with them, while giving me a chance to finish up work by a reasonable hour. Now, if only those pesky Tornado warning sirens would stop going off we could go to sleep!

For Thursday,  we *think* we are heading through the Ozark Lakes, then on to Paducah to visit the National Quilt Museum. The weather may play a role in dictating our path.

<– Day 3 – Tuesday May 1: Weathering OZ | Day 5 – Thursday May 3: Rainy Day Quilts –>

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Jeep “Junkyard” near Franklin, PA

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

TJ shared this post from Barnfinds.com of a collection of jeeps near Franklin, Pennsylvania. I figured someone might recognize the location?


Here are a couple pics:

roadside-jeep-junkyard2 roadside-jeep-junkyard

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Day 3 – Tuesday May 1: Weathering OZ

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

<– Day 2: Monday April 30th: Life’s Twists & Turns | Day 4 – Wednesday May 2: Old Friends –>


Day 3: I thought there wouldn’t be much to share from yesterday, but boy did we find a wide range of weather! I’m a bit rummy after our long drive… hopefully most of this makes sense. Here’s Tuesday’s route:


We drove from Rawlins, WY, to Topeka, KS on Tuesday.

We began Tuesday driving in the snow and 30 degree temps through Wyoming. Brrrrrr. As we dropped into Nebraska the temps improved. Turning south, we drove into Kansas asthe temps rose to 82 degrees! It felt like summer, with blue sky surrounding us.

The only problem we faced regarding Kansas is that Ann is banned from driving there. Here’s the story:

My wife is banned from driving in the state of Kansas (and as far as we know is still banned). Yes, you read that correctly. It’s a funny story of how a comedy of errors coupled with some brain damage can get you banned from a state.

Many years ago Ann was driving a Ford Explorer (with Purple Heart plates) she’d just bought through Kansas with her grandmother in the back. Her granny had been in a car accident and suffered brain damage. Ann herself has some slight brain damage from Khobar and, when driving, sometimes get’s tunnel vision, so it is prudent of me to make sure we don’t miss exits (otherwise, she’s a very good driver). I’m sure the two were quite a pair.

With granny in the back seat asleep, Ann had the music on and was cruising down the freeway. At some point she noticed there were police lights in the rear view manner. So, she pulled over. The officer who approached her window was NOT happy, explaining that he had been following her for “some time” and that she had been speeding. Ann told him she was unaware she had been speeding and didn’t hear the sirens over the music.

That’s when things go interesting, for granny popped up from the back seat and started calling Ann by the name Kathy (Ann’s aunt’s name) and wanted to know where Kathy was taking her in a manner suggesting granny was being kidnapped. This caught the officer’s attention. Asking for her license and registration, the officer soon discovered that Ann’s boyfriend at the time, who worked at a dealership and sold her the Explorer, had not properly registered the Explorer.

To the cop, the whole situation was suspicious. Any officer would be suspicious about a woman who 1) wasn’t who she claimed, 2) was kidnapping an old woman, 3) driving an improperly registered vehicle, 4) speeding, and 4) not pulling over in a timely manner.

So, off to a small town jail they went. When they arrived at the jail, it turned out the jail was flooded, so they had to be ‘held’ at the local diner. Eventually, all was sorted out, but it took a while. The next day, they were released and off they went.

Sometime later, Ann received a letter from the State of Kansas claiming she was banned from ever driving in the state again.

Not long after entering Kansas, we noticed storm clouds off to the east. Here’s a pic from Phillipsburg, Kansas:


Philipsburg, Kansas, town square with the storm behind it.

Continue reading

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Pilsen 2018 Liberation Festival

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features, International This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

John pointed out that In a couple days the town of Pilsen in the Czech Republic will be celebrating its “Liberation Festival”. There’s a great photo on the front page from a previous year’s parade.

Read all about it here. http://slavnostisvobody.cz/en/


Here’s some footage from 1945 of Pilsen:

And a few more links thanks to John:

  1. 70th liberation celebration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toG_WswIrdQ
  2. Another 70th video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toG_WswIrdQ
  3. Laying of wreaths at Thank You Monument: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYb8wbYv9cs


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Day 2: Monday April 30th: Life’s Twists and Turns

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

<– DAY 1: Sunday April 29th: It’s a Fluid Situation! | Day 3: Tuesday May 1: Weathering Oz –>

DAY 2: We made it to Rawlins, Wyoming, yesterday. Progress has been made.


Here’s what happened to delay our departure from Utah …..


After a stressful morning, a very happy wife.

It was an interesting day of twists and turns. Yesterday morning began with a startle. At 5:17am the motel TV’s audio, but not video, sputtered to life, crackling at first, then clearing up to broadcast some kind of TV news interview. I hunted down the remote in the dark, hit the power, thinking the tv would shut off, but instead the video came to life. I hit the power one more time, then the video and audio shut down. That was weird!

Later, as we were leaving the hotel in search of tires, Ann discovered that she didn’t have her purse. If not in the motel room — and it wasn’t there any of the 74 times we checked — then the only other place it could be was at the nearby Spanish Fork’s Cafe Rio, where we ate the previous night. We called the restaurant at 9am and were able to speak with the manager who closed the night before and was opening it that morning, learning that he hadn’t seen the purse. After another search of the motel room, we concluded it had been stolen after we’d left the restaurant. Gone were her cash, her banks cards, her military ID, her driver’s license, her inhaler, her new glasses, and some other stuff.

We are WINNING on this trip, lol.

Back to the tire search … based on my the previous evening’s research, we ended up at the Springville Big-O tire shop. They had the best local reviews and could get the original OEM tires (which no local tire-shops had in stock). Now, we just had to wait.

How to kill time on a rainy day? First, we thought eating breakfast was a good idea. Not wanting to drive very far on the crappy spare tire, we found a Denny’s just a block away. After being seated, the server asked what she wanted to drink and Ann responded “apple juice”.

Turns out, Denny’s sold out of that the day before. Poor Ann, she just couldn’t win …. having had enough by that time, she broke the soda embargo she’d put in place for the past month and ordered a Dr. Pepper. Since Ann couldn’t see the menu (reading glasses in the missing/stolen purse), she explained to the waitress that she could not read the menu, then described what she wanted: 1 egg over easy, 2 pieces of bacon, a bowl of grits, and the Dr. Pepper. I had the grand slam (2 eggs, toast, 2 pieces of bacon, hash browns). Continue reading

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Roberto’s Latest Doodle

• CATEGORIES: Artists/Drawings, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Roberto Flores recently created this doodle.


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Day 1- Sunday April 29th: It’s a Fluid Situation; at Least No Fluids Spilled!

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

<– Trip Overview MapDay 2: Monday April 30th: Life’s Twists and Turns –>

DAY 1: When folks ask when we’ll be somewhere on this trip, I tell them it’s a bit of a fluid situation until we get closer to the East Coast. Case in point ….

Yesterday we left Pasco, headed for Grand Junction, Colorado. As we passed by Provo, we heard a strange noise like a tire popping, but nothing seemed amiss. We turned off at Spanish Fork and made it several miles up the canyon when we heard another noise followed by a ding: one of our tires was flat. Fortunately, we were able to pull safely off highway 6 (no fluids spilled, no damage, etc).

We put on the wimpy spare, then drove back down to Spanish Fork, where we spent the night. After a bunch of research on tires, we’ll hit Big O tire in Springville at 7AM to see what they can offer us. By the time we are out of here, we’ll have lost about a day.

Below is the planned route for yesterday … We are 3/4 of the way there.


And, the tire:


Finally, the phone issue. For five hours on Sat night/Sunday morning my phone showed no signs of life. Then, at 2am, when I happened to be awake, it popped on with a Facebook alert. After talking it over with Ann, we decided we would go ahead and upgrade my phone (it had been three years), as I no longer trusted it. We left early, reaching Twin Falls, Idaho, just as the store opened.

Purchasing the phone went fairly efficiently, though the transfer of info was slow, so slow that after we left some of my apps were still loading. By the time the tire blew four hours later, the apps were still loading. So, no Priceline app to reserve the hotel room in Spanish Fork and no Yelp app to help me locate a restaurant that was open (it was Sunday night in Utah after all). For sure, these are 1st world problems, but they didn’t help my day!

Let’s hope tomorrow goes more smoothly.

<– Trip Overview MapDay 2: Monday April 30th: Life’s Twists and Turns –>

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Jeep Stop Sign **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was on eBay.

Maury theorizes that this may have been used by the military as a type of bus stop on bases, where folks could go to grab a ride somewhere. He provided this photo as another example.

Jeep-O-Stop Sign Jeep-O-Stop

Original post: Scott was wondering if anyone had any history on this unusual sign?

“Original “Jeep Stop” sign, has some rust and damage. The “STOP” portion of the sign is embossed.
The Sign Measures Approximately 24 inches wide by 24 inches tall and is stamped steel.”


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Just a Few Updates

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

We will be on the road early this morning. We hope to make it to Grand Junction this evening. Tomorrow we hope to reach Kansas.

At 10:30pm last night my phone died (most likely just the battery). What are the chances? The good news is that the phone lasted me four years. I should have a working phone by the time we leave either Boise or, if it is too early, then after Twin Falls.

Prior to the untimely death, we spent yesterday prepping the house, the yard, and the mother-in-law for our long trip, so only a few updates today.

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The Yagu, a Tucker-Combat Car-like Vehicle

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

All old is new again? Maury pointed out this vehicle called the YAGU, an Israeli built three-person lightweight, speedy, offroad fighting machine with a gun mounted on the top. Look familiar? Seems like an updated version of the Tucker Tiger Tank, also known as the Tucker Combat Car (see videos below).


The Tucker Combat Car. First vid is short with sound, the second is a detailed look without sound. One of the innovations the Tucker has that the Yagu doesn’t? All the (very thick) windows are the same size and can be quickly swapped in and out (read more at Hemmings).

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Anyone Recognize This Dash?

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

A reader asked what vehicle used this dash. At first I thought it was an M-38 or M-38A1 dash, but they are slightly different.


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Eastward HO!: 2018 East Coast Trip

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

OVERVIEW | Day 1: Sunday April 29th: It’s a Fluid Situation; at Least No Fluids Spilled! –>

UPDATE II: Because of events at the beginning of our East Coast trip, we were forced to change our planned routes (see original map at the bottom). As a result, this was actual route:


Original post from April 28th: On Thursday evening, we made it back to Pasco after successfully repairing the mower and my mother’s computer. Hurray!

We have a pile of things to accomplish before our goal of leaving on SUNDAY APRIL 29th. Ann’s managing the annual launch of the sprinkler system (from lawns to farms, she’s a water pro), meanwhile I did my klutzy best to set us back by sitting on my glasses. Sigh …. so I spent yesterday getting a new set of glasses. Fortunately, I’d already secured a prescription last week when I bought new contacts.

Now that Ann and I are on the same page in terms of travels (there was some initial confusion), we’ve scoped out the early part of our trip. Our first must-be-there date is Black Mountain, NC, on May 11th. The next is Aurora, Ohio, May 16th. Once we get to Missouri (which we think will be two days), we ought to be able to pin down our dates more specifically. Here’s the rough route:


On our agenda, are several jeep barns, a couple museums with early jeeps, the Pizza Hut museum (who knew?), Omix Ada museum, several family visits, the Midwest Willys Reunion, and much much more. Thanks to everyone who plan to share their jeeps, their homes and their stories with us!

  1. OVERVIEW: 2018 East Coast Trip
  2. Day 1: Sunday April 29th: It’s a Fluid Situation; at Least No Fluids Spilled!
  3. Day 2: Monday April 30th: Life’s Twists and Turns
  4. Day 3: Tuesday May 1: Weathering Oz
  5. Day 4 – Wednesday May 2: Old Friends
  6. Day 5 – Thursday May 3: Rainy Day Quilts
  7. Day 6 – Friday May 4: Parker To the Rescue!
  8. Day 7 – Saturday May 5: There’s a Coffee Shop Here?
  9. Day 8 – Sunday May 6: Somber to Soda
  10. Day 9 – Mon May 7: Jeeps, Rest & Laundry
  11. Day 10 – Tues May 8: Laurel, Hardy & Wood Cars
  12. Day 11- Wed. May 9th: Exploring the Palmetto State
  13. Day 12 – Thurs. May 10th: Willys to Hawgs
  14. Day 13 – Friday May 11th: Lawrence & Lubbeck
  15. Day 14 – Sat. May 12th: Ann Gets the Boot
  16. Day 15 – Sunday May 13th: Great Scott, Another Jungle Jims?
  17. Day 16 – Monday May 14th: Drive Them Jeeps!
  18. Day 17 – Tuesday May 15th: Cheese N’ Hardware
  19. Day 18 – Wed. May 16th: We’ve Arrived in Aurora
  20. Day 19 – Thurs. May 17th: No Rain Yet …
  21. Day 20 – Friday May 18th: Reunion Day 1
  22. Day 21 – Saturday May 19th: Mr. Infamous
  23. Day 22 – Sunday May 20th: Hittin’ The Road
  24. Day 23 – Mon. May 21st: From Summer Santa to the Police Academy
  25. Day 24 – Tuesday May 22: Rain N’ Fog in Coal Country
  26. Day 25 – Wednesday May 23rd: Steel, Strings & Sellersville
  27. Day 26 – Thursday May 24th: Architecture & Organs
  28. Day 27 & Day 28 – Fri/Sat May 25th/26th: What is Happening?
  29. Day 29 – Sunday May 27th: The Exley House Curse
  30. Day 30 – Monday May 28th: Grilling in the Rain
  31. Day 31 – Tuesday May 29th: Nous aurons toujours Paris
  32. Day 32 – Wednesday May 30th: Little Town, Big Ideas
  33. Day 33 – Thursday May 31st: Getting Our Kicks on Route 66
  34. Day 34 – Friday June 1st: The Route of Confusion
  35. Day 35 – Saturday June 2nd: Following the Western Cattle Trail
  36. Day 36 – Sunday June 3rd: Leaving The Plains
  37. Day 37 – Monday June 4th: Up and Over the Rockies
  38. Day 38/39 – Tues/Wed June 5th/6th: Road Home – Epilogue

OVERVIEW |  Day 1: Sunday April 29th: It’s a Fluid Situation; at Least No Fluids Spilled! –>

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Dry Gauze Air Cleaner

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

A big thanks to Tim Ward for sending me this gift, a Dry Gauze Air Cleaner he didn’t need. It’s got a few dings, but nothing that can’t be cleaned up. A big thanks Tim!



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Patterson Working For His Keep … Mower Fixed

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: I finally got the Tractor flywheel to release. The key was sheered. Got a key, reassembled, and Mom is mowing the lawn!


We made a quick run up to Seattle yesterday to fix my parents lawn mower and mow the lawn with our mower. To work on the mower, I needed to pull it out of the barn and get it to the garage. My options for moving the John Deere L110 were limited. After considering my options, I decided to enlist Patterson to pull the mower.

It turned out that the mower wasn’t easy to pull up hill, especially when my mother had her foot on the brake. I suggested she jump off the mower. Once she did that, it was much easier to pull, though without low range and only 2WD, it was still a bit of a challenge.  Still Patterson persevered. Eventually, we got it in the garage. … who said a DJ-3A isn’t a real jeep?!!??

The mower is proving to be a challenge. It looks like the key has sheered between the flywheel and the crankshaft, keeping the flywheel from releasing off the shaft . I have a good puller and it is still be stubborn.

Anyway, that kept me busy last night, so just a couple updates today.

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Identifying This Model of Ramsey Winch

• CATEGORIES: Features, wanted This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

A reader was wondering if anyone knew what model of Ramsey winch this was? Most of my books are back in Pasco and the internet wasn’t too helpful. Anyone know?

IMG_5538 IMG_5539

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The Heath Hitch & Dirt Moving Outfit

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Using the Heath Hitch, a person could attach several different attachments. This brochure came from a late 1940s Willys-Overland Equipment Book.

Scan10069-heath-hitch-equipment-lores Scan10070-heath-hitch-equipment-lores


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1948 ‘CJ-2B’ Attack Engine Riot Control Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Features, Fire/Police/Industry Vehicles, Unusual • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Derek did the initial research and writeup on this project, correctly identifying it as a CJ-2A. Check out the pre-restoration pics and info here: http://cj3b.info/Fire/NewSalem.html

The folks at the New Salem Fire Department near Albany, New York, recently ‘restored’ what they call a “CJ-2B Attack Engine”. And, to be fair, I suppose this CJ-2A has undergone some major changes. Perhaps it should be relabeled a 1948 CJ-2RC (Riot Control) jeep?

You can read about it here: http://newsalemfire.com/new-salem-fire-apparatus-Jeep-CJ-2B.php

1948-riot-control-jeep-newsalem-fd1 1948-riot-control-jeep-newsalem-fd2 1948-riot-control-jeep-newsalem-fd3

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1972 Salem Mud Bowl Poster

• CATEGORIES: Features, Racing This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

TJ shared this cool 1972 Salem (Oregon) Mud Bowl Poster he go from a friend of his, Ken, who used to race jeeps in the Pacific Northwest. That’s Ken in the photo.


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1953 “I’ll take the Jeep” Ad For a CJ-3B

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I’ll take the jeep, too! This early CJ-3B ad is in the May 7, 1953, issue of the Heppner Gazette Times one I hadn’t seen.


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1942 Illustration of an early “Jeep”

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The September 24, 1942, issue of the Nyssa Gate City Journal out of Nyssa, Oregon, published this interesting illustration.


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Packaged Pump Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This is a brochure for an early pump.


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Photo Negative of FC-170 Howe Fire Truck on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I’ve inverted the photo to give a sense of what it might look like printed.

View all the information on eBay

“Original factory photograph negative , 8 x 10 , also includes factory envelope , 8.5 x 10.5 , listing is for both items.”



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1961? Howe Commando Fire Truck Brochure on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The numbers at the bottom suggest to me the date of this brochure is September, 1961. But, this still has the split glass, so those numbers might not be referring to the date.

View all the information on eBay

“Original non color sales sheet , 8.5 x 11 , printed both sides , three file holes at edge”

1961-09-howe-commando-firetruck-brochure1 1961-09-howe-commando-firetruck-brochure2

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Several Interesting Photos from eBay Seller

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Darrins, a seller on eBay, has these two photos, plus a few others you might enjoy viewing.

View all of Darrin’s Jeep photos here

  1. This FC appears to have a custom camper:
  2. I wish I could see more of this jeep! Note the unusual hardtop and front bumper/fenders.unusual-mods-to-jeep
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Restored MB Custom Truck

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This 2013 post from Offroad Action popped up while I was searching for something else. It highlighted the rebuild of an MB-turned-truck in Europe. There are a variety of photos showing the rebuild process.

