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Lot of Parts from former Jeep Dealer Fredericksburg, VA $10,000

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Thanks to Joe for sharing this link. The sale includes a 1956 CJ-5. Should someone buy the lot and finds there’s a bunch of interesting brochures or documents, I’d be interested in them (or sharing them). No pics provided.


“We were a previous Kaiser Willys Jeep Dealer from 1950-1974. We have over 3,000 new Jeep parts; all different types. From Steering, Transmission, Rear, Motors, Joints, Springs, Axles, etc. To include a 1956 CJ5 that runs good. Manuals and Parts catalogs included. Total package price- $10,000”

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1944 Drawing by Artist Ken Riley **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Artists/Drawings, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was on eBay.

This is a great illustration. Turns out, he became an accomplished artist.

View all the information on eBay

“1944 Press Photo A drawing depicts a soldier relaxes in a jeep at a battle zone. This is an original press photo. A Jeep At Ease Coast Guard Combat Artist Ken Riley catches a jeep in a rare pose–at ease–in this drawing from the South Pacific battle zones. Reliable companion of the fighting men, these tough little fellows roll off Coast Guard-manned landing craft with the first waves of invaders. Artist Riley, who lives in Parsons, Kansas enlisted in the Coast Guard and carried his sketchbook into the Pacific war theatre. Photo measures 10 x 8.25 inches. Photo is dated 05-04-1944.



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All Breed Jeep Swap Meet Sat. June 30th Kingston, GA

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I spotted this on Craigslist.


“Open to all!!! If it has a Jeep brand on it, it’s welcome!
We will still have our CJ only Swap meet & shows last Saturday of March & September”


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Poppa Pig Has Arrived!

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

My newest cutting board arrived today, thanks to an eWillys reader named Tom Gallagher. His boards earned a great write-up in the National Barbecue news a few years ago. He carefully selects the wood and makes each one himself.

This is a great addition to my growing collection of cutting boards (I like kitchen stuff as much as jeep stuff), so many thanks to Tom for sending it! You can learn more about his boards at his website: http://pigcuttingboard.com/


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All-Purpose Advertising in Late 1955

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The Truck ad is from the September 8, 1955, issue of the Heppner Gazette-Times, while the wagon is from the October 27, 1955, issue. I guess the 1955 fall advertising theme was “All-Purpose”.

1955-09-08-heppner-times-truck-all-purpose 1955-10-27-heppner-times-only-allpurpose-wagon

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Action Traction Truck Ad

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This ad was featured in Oregon’s Hepnner Gazette Times newspaper on March 5, 1953.


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Parade Trophy

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The Suttons entered their jeep into an antique auto parade and came away with a trophy. It might not be a pristine antique vehicle, but it sure looks like they are enjoying it!

Daniel Sutton wrote, “Here is our 53’ Willys. We entered it in an antique car parade and got a 3rd place Peoples choice trophy. We didn’t know they were giving out trophies!”





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1949 CJ-3A Boyer Fire Jeep Bentonville, AR **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: CJ-3A, Features, Fire/Police/Industry Vehicles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.


(11/11/2017) It hasn’t been washed in 40 years!

1949-cj3a-gravette-ar5 1949-cj3a-gravette-ar6 1949-cj3a-gravette-ar7 1949-cj3a-gravette-ar8

“1949 Willys CJ3A Fire Engine Jeep. This is a Boyer conversion. This jeep is very complete, original, and unrestored. This jeep has less less than 3200 miles on the odometer. Lots of the original accessories are still place. I understand that some of the nozzles are collectible.

The jeep has been in long term storage since it was taken out of service in 1980. The jeep is not currently running but the engine is not stuck. It will turn over by hand. The jeep was driven into the storage building that I found it in. I bought this jeep from the first civilian owner. Since this is an all original jeep, I have done nothing to it. I have not even washed the nearly 40 years of dust off of it. You are getting a very complete and untouched original fire engine jeep here. Continue reading

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1946 Testimonial From Hawkinsville Auto & Tractor

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Scan10093-hawkinsville-auto-tractor Scan10092-hawkinsville-auto-tractor

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1948 Photos of the 3-Wheeled “Davis” Jeep/Car

• CATEGORIES: Features, Unusual • TAGS: , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was on eBay.

I’m pretty sure I’ve done a post on this car in the past, but I can’t find it at the moment.

“Original Vintage Photo RARE Davis 3 Wheel Jeep Car circa 1948 Size is 8×10″ inches.”

1948-3-wheel-davis-car1 1948-3-wheel-davis-car2 1948-3-wheel-davis-car3 1948-3-wheel-davis-car4

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Willys Courtesy Service Sign Racine, WI $550

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Someone out to like this one.


“Nice original willys service sign. Painted on metal 26″ x25″ double sided with org hanging bracket. A few scratches and marks, otherwise excellent shiny condition.”


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Drone Photos From the 2017 Alaska or Rust Trip

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

While in Canada last summer, Luciano, a videographer from Brazil, joined us for a few days. His task was to interview and record Hugo’s journey. His footage has yet to be released publicly, though he did send me a few clips for the presentation at the Willys Reunion. I decided to take some screen shots and share them. Canada can make you feel pretty small, pretty quickly!

Luciano started the drone close, then backed it way, way into the sky.






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2nd Annual Flatties at the Field Red Hook, NY

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Saturday June 16th (yes, this Saturday) is the 2nd Annual Flatties at the Field.

“2nd Annual Flatties at the Field!! Antique jeep & Military vehicle show at the Old Rhinebeck Aerodome,Red Hook NY. This Saturday June 16, 2018.
1940 to 1986 jeep, willys, military and civilian.”


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More Pics From Charles

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

It’s been a while since I’ve posted some of Charles pics. Here are some more he found.


huenxe(duisburg) 1945




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Kelly Hubs Cicero, NY **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Were $185 on eBay

Gary’s selling these hard-to-find-hubs.

“Up for bid is a nice pair of rare Kelly Locking Hubs [Ten spline]. The Hubs have been disassembled, cleaned, and repacked lightly with grease. They have been primered and painted black. These Hubs lock in and out easily and work as they should, and are all ready to be mounted on your Willys Jeep!”


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Leigh’s a Real Jeeper

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This photo of Leigh Tedford at the Great Willys Picnic, taken by her father, shows that rain won’t stop her. That’s her 1951 Utility Wagon to her left and a trophy in hand. Looks like a good day to me!

2018-Leigh-Tedford -2018-Great-Willys-Picnic

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More Pics from the 2018 Willys Rally

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Roger shared these photos with me last week. 

2018-03-willysrally-roger7 2018-03-willysrally-roger8 2018-03-willysrally-roger10 2018-03-willysrally-roger11 2018-03-willysrally-roger12

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Paul’s Mirror Unto His Engine

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Paul took advantage of a warm Anchorage day and took this shot showing the reflection of his engine on the hood.


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Photos from the 2018 Great Willys Picnic

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Rick shared photos of this year’s wet and rainy Great Willys Picnic. I’ve added a few pics from Bill Reiss, too. Bill captured the rain pretty well during the morning caravan to the event.



Here are Rick’s photos:


2018-willys-picnic1 2018-willys-picnic2

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Just a Couple Updates for Sunday

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I spent much of Saturday catching up around the house from our long absence . I’d planned to do updates in the evening, but I got busy hunting down a mysterious entity that appeared to be using our wifi. So, I had to mess around with our router awhile (update firmware, change password, etc). I expect updates to return to normal on Monday.

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Day 38/39 – Tues/Wed June 5th/6th: Road Home – Epilogue

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

<– Day 37 – Monday June 4th: Up and Over the RockiesOVERVIEW –>

Day 38 & 39: Day 38, Tuesday, was my birthday. We spent the day in Salt Lake City doing almost nothing. We spent some time in the park and I played some guitar. Later, we went out to dinner with my boys. On Wednesday, we drove home to Pasco. Naturally, we had a hiccup: Our Verizon hotspot died (it was pretty old), so we stopped at where our trip started, the Verizon Store in Twin Falls, Idaho. We made it back to Pasco at 4pm PST, very tired.

I want to thank EVERYONE who welcomed us into their homes, offered advice on where we should go, met us at the Reunion, gave us tours, shared their jeeps and stories, purchased our posters and t-shirts, gave us gifts, donated money, bought us or made us dinner, and interacted with us along the way. Without ALL of you, these trips that we make would be far less interesting and enjoyable. Seeing jeeps is fun, but meeting people and seeing new places are the best parts. So, thanks for allowing us to be a part of your worlds, even if briefly.

TRIP STATS: 9,751 miles through 24 states over 39 days. Below is a rough map of the trip.


That’s it for the 2018 East Coast Willys Reunion trip!

<– Day 37 – Monday June 4th: Up and Over the Rockies | No More Additional Posts

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Derek’s Look at the 2018 Willys Reunion

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I happily did very little on Tuesday, so just this one post for Wednesday. On Wednesday, we drive home. On Thursday, I’ll provide a look back on our trip.

In the mean time, Derek wrote a three page article about his time at the Willys Reunion. You can read it all here:



Rick Pacholski aka Scoutpilot demonstrating a fuel pump rebuild at the 2018 Willys Reunion.

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Day 37 – Monday June 4th: Up and Over the Rockies

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

<– Day 36 – Sunday June 3rd: Leaving The Plains | Day 38/39 – Tues/Wed June 5th/6th: Road Home – Epilogue –>


Lincoln looking down upon us at a rest stop along I-80.

Day 37: On Monday we drove from Denver, Colorado, to Salt Lake City, Utah, with a short stop in Cheyenne, Wyoming.


On Monday we drove from Denver to Salt Lake City.

We thanked our new-found cousin Gary and his wife Kathy for hosting us, then off we went to find a place they think serves the best Bagels in Denver, the Woodgrain Bagels. They didn’t have a very wide selection of bagels, but they had the proper chewiness. I enjoyed them (of course, Ann can’t eat them because of her gluten issues).


Along with a half-dozen bagels, I bought some poblano cream cheese. Oh boy, was that excellent!


Coincidently, the bagelry and numerous other nearby shops and houses are located at the old Lowry Air Force Base. Ann had spent time there (as did Bob Christy). Needless to say, Ann was shocked at the transformation of the base from one with endless goose excrement (she remembers having to march through goosepoop) into a place with a museum, restaurants, beer garden, high end shops, and storage facilities. It was quite disorienting.


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The 2018 Willys Overland Rally in Moab

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The Willys Overland Rally 2018 in Moab this year was successful again. According David, “The Willys event in Moab went very well.  Over 110 people and almost 50 Willys jeeps of various types.  People came from Utah, Montana, Arizona, Colorado, California, Idaho, and others I can’t remember.  Some big bucks beautiful restorations and some low bucks leaky originals !  Red Cliffs Lodge is a great place for an event like this although approx. 20 miles outside of Moab.  Trail ride was mild but fun and scenic.  Had a fun and challenging rocky hill some of us tried.  Jp magazine was there and will have an article later this year.”

View all the photos here: http://www.willysrally.com/gallery18/gallery18.php


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Great Willys Picnic & Bantam Festival This Weekened

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

It’s a busy weekend for jeeps in Pennsylvania this weekend. Have fun all!

The Great Willys Picnic will be held Sunday, June 10th:


The Bantam Jeep Festival will be held June 8-10: