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A Couple Requests

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

We were on the road all day, so just a few updates today. Ann and I drove over to Kelso to see the Bobcat and Parkette fiberglass molds Al Schaper and I bought back in 2015 and meet with Jerry, a guy who has agreed to buy them. He is the same person involved in the production of the RCD fiberglass hoods that appeared on the market. He’s hoping to expand the offering of fiberglass products for the old flat fenders. Jerry’s been a long time jeep guy and is currently building a CJ-3B. So, stayed tuned!

Now for the requests:

  1. Andy is hoping to find a Garwood Dump Bed instruction booklet (like the one sold on ebay shown below). He’s rebuilding the hydraulics and hoping to have some guidance. If anyone knows of any instructions it would be a BIG help to him. Feel free to comment below or email me directly at d@ewillys.com.
  2. Gayland’s wondering if anyone has any factory Dualmatic hub documentation? I have not run across anything other than this document published by Sean on the CJ-2A page:


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New Fiberglass CJ-3A & 3B Hoods Snohomish, WA **Status Unknown**

• CATEGORIES: Body Parts, CJ-3B, Features • TAGS: , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Seller is now advertising a 3A hood as well. Both were $350/each. The seller is currently not making hoods.

3A: looks a little like a cut down 3B hood, as it looks like there is the 3B horizontal bubble at the base of the hood where it meets the fender.


3B: https://seattle.craigslist.org/sno/pts/d/rcd-custom-hood-new-for/6733766315.html

RCD-cj3b-fiberglass-hood1 RCD-cj3b-fiberglass-hood2 RCD-cj3b-fiberglass-hood3 RCD-cj3b-fiberglass-hood4

“New RCD custom fiberglass hood.
Never installed.
Attaches to existing stock hood hinge location.
Shipping or Local pickup available.
Cash, Credit card or PayPal accepted.
Fits Willys CJ3b, and Mahindra CJ340 and CL340.
Reach out and see how you may be able to get this hood for your Jeep at no cost.

Please Note:
This is a brand new custom hood, not a scoop attached to an old or existing hood.
All Fiberglass products require prep-work.
ALWAYS Test Fit prior to painting!
Basic trimming and fitting and finishing may be required to achieve a your desired fit. Some Sanding, Priming & Seal Coating will be required.
Manufactured by RCD.”

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1967 Cover of ‘For Men Only’ Magazine

• CATEGORIES: Features, Magazine, Women & Jeeps This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: This was originally posted in April of 2013. I just found a larger version of the illustration by Mort Künstler.


“Original January, 1967 For Men Only magazine. This 8.5 X 11 in. (approx.) 90+ page magazine is in good condition. It shows a couple transporting a Jeep across a gorge while being shot at. See scan.”


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Cameron Oil Tools Ad

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Roberto Flores shared this magazine ad, reprinted in a book.

Roberto wrote: “I have just scanned this image from “The American Jeep in War and Peace”, by Kurt Willinger and Gene Gurney, Crown Publishers. I love the image: at least for me it depicts my idea of jeep: adventure, freedom, friendship, nature… Although I have been searching for this at the net, I couldn´t find it.”


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Aspen’s 1954 ‘Operation Jeep lift’

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Andy pointed out that there are a variety of photos of the 1954 Jeep Lift at the Aspen Historical Society’s website. Here are a couple from the site. You can see the remainder here: 


CREDIT: Aspen Historical Society : One color film positive of the Jeep Lift that took place when the Lift One broke down in 1954, and jeeps were used to transport skiers up the mountain. This image shows several women walking away from the jeeps with their skis on their shoulders. Mt. Hayden is in the background.


CREDIT: Aspen Historical Society : One b/w photograph of several people and some ski equipment in a jeep driving by Little Nell. The towers for the t-bar can be seen, as well as several jeeps and a building on the far left side. Probably part of the “Jeep Lift” in 1954, when jeeps were used to transport skiers to the top of the mountain because the lift was broken.


Original post from October 1, 2018:

In 1954 Aspen Ski Corporation’s Lift #1 broke during the ski season. In order to keep folks skiing, a road was plowed to the top of Aspen Mountain and townspeople ferried skiers for an entire week. According to the Aspen Journalism, thirty-five jeeps hauled 2,500 skiers, earning $1,109 in tips.

Among the people who organized the vent was Natalie Gignoux, who’d started the Little Percent Taxi Service using a jeep in 1950.


One b/w photograph and negative of about 10-15 jeeps and cars parked up near the top of Aspen Mountain. The Sundeck and lift towers can be seen in the background. There are skiers near the cars getting their equipment out of the cars. Sitting in the jeep is Dave Stapleton, John Thorpe is standing next to him (white shirt, buzz cut), Neil Beck is standing in front of John (grey shirt), and Euclid Worden in black cap. 1954-.

PHOTO CREDIT: ASPEN HISTORICAL SOCIETY, COURTESY OF ASPEN JOURNALISM. One b/w photograph and negative of about 10-15 jeeps and cars parked up near the top of Aspen Mountain. The Sundeck and lift towers can be seen in the background. There are skiers near the cars getting their equipment out of the cars. Sitting in the jeep is Dave Stapleton, John Thorpe is standing next to him (white shirt, buzz cut), Neil Beck is standing in front of John (grey shirt), and Euclid Worden in black cap. 1954-.

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Mile High Jeep Club License Plate Topper **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was on ebay.

This is neat.

“This listing is for one 1975 to 1985 MILE HIGH JEEP CLUB Denver Colorado License Plate Topper Tag. It is in used condition with original paint. ”


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Hugo Vidal Has Published His Book

• CATEGORIES: Books, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Here’s the contact information for Hugo’s book if you are interested in purchasing a copy. Hugo’s son Fernando is handling the books and has copies on hand at his place in Florida:

Try emailing op.pineapple.book@gmail.com or go here https://www.facebook.com/flashesdeumaaventura/ for a copy:


Original Post September 17, 2018: 


The book was larger than I expected. It was a pleasure for me to read.

Hugo Vidal, that 85 year old intrepid traveler from Brazil (and founder of AVM) has published his book. I received a copy last week and tore right through it. It’s written in both Portuguese and English. Since Ann and I traveled with Hugo and his son Fernando last year for four weeks, I knew most of the stories he included in his book. But, there were a few new ones and some fuller explanations on others. It’s also full of photos, some I hadn’t seen.

Most of the book centers on the 1956/1957 trip. But, there’s a little bit at the end about the 2017 Alaska Or Rust adventure. And on that, I have a minor quibble. Hugo remembers me contacting him about joining us on the trip. Actually, it was Hugo who contacted me. His eagerness was infectious, as this email extract, the second email he wrote me, underscores:

“…. Since we only heard about the Alaska or Rust caravan yesterday, my son and I rushed to try and find a way of joining in. But I understand now that participation is closed. Even though we don´t even have a vehicle yet, if there is a chance for a place in the waiting list we will somehow purchase, lease, borrow or steal one….”


Hugo dressed as a Dutch Maiden while on their jeep trip. You’ll have to read the book to learn why.


On the left is Hugo’s restored CJ-3B. On the right was the 3B for the trip. Note the custom bed extender on the back.


Ann took this photo of Hugo and Fernando, I believe in Jasper National Park in Canada.


From left to right we have Charles Downey, Hugo Vidal, and Jan Stekly.


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1955 Lift-o-Matic Hydraulic Tailgate Brochures

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s a second set of Lift-O-Matic Hydraulic Tailgate brochures.

Scan10016-liftomatic-brochure1 Scan10016-liftomatic-brochure2


ORIGINAL POST (02/23/2013):  This was sold in 2013 on eBay.



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Willys Overland/ Worman Hardtop Contract

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I think I found this photo on Facebook last month. To me, this looks to be a hardtop contract from Willys-Overland with tops supplied by Worman (based on my discussion in this Worman-Related post). I tried to find out more about the contract number, but all I could find was a mention at G503: https://forums.g503.com/viewtopic.php?t=189059&start=75


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Thor? Hubs Petal, MS **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Features, Parts • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Thes were on eBay.

They appear to be Thor Automatic Hubs.

“this is a good used set of 10 spline – 6- bolt lockout hubs for willys jeeps – the screwdriver slot is how you lock them in and out -”

thor-hubs-richard1 thor-hubs-richard2

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2018 Drive Through Gettysburg

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Just one post today. We spent the weekend helping my cousin move, returning later than planned to Pasco.

Roger Martin shared these pics of the group drive through Gettysburg on Saturday. Looks like a beautiful day for exploring the area!

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More Photos From Charles

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s another round of photos from Charles:

scrap yard

Strange collection of toy-cars piled as if in a junkyard. I’d guess that the jeep bearing out in the middle is a Hamilton of some type.

1956-line winch

1956 working on power lines (in Belgium?).

operation husky-sicily 1943

Operation Husky in Sicily, 1943

6th airlanding briage -normandy

6th airlanding brigade – Normandy, France

issum -germany -1945-1

Issue, Germany, 1945.

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Paul’s Stainless Trailer Build

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

paul-stainless-trailer-build11As the days grow shorter in Anchorage, Paul’s getting busy with his trailer. Thanks to Paul for taking the time to document another beautiful build!

“With fall in the air and winter coming fast the first week of September is when I began working on the rebuild of the M100 trailer after I hauled the frame home from the sand blasters. There were a couple of cracks in the frame where the shock mounts attach and a few other areas I felt also needed some attention from the welder so I positioned the frame on a 2X6 and plywood platform and screwed blocks down to hold the frame in alignment. My plan was to fabricate the replacement box on the clean frame and after the box was bonded and riveted together the box would be removed so the frame could return to the powder coat place for a coating off satin black.


I felt the original trailer box floor was a little weak so I planned to add extra hat channels for strength and I needed to design and fabricating the tail light, brake light and turn signals mounts.

Below is the new 18 gauge stainless steel floor being fitted to the original trailer frame.  I’d hoped to have a local company press the reinforcing strips in this floor panel (like the original) but soon learned I couldn’t afford the cost to make the die and pay for the press time just for one floor panel.  I ended up buying 60 feet of 1 inch wide by 1/4 inch thick stainless steel strap for the trailer floor and 24 feet of 3/4 inch wide by 1/4 inch thick stainless strap for the side and end panel reinforcements.  The strap was rectangular but I needed the floor strips beveled and the side strips rounded along the edges so I had to get creative and come up with a cheap solution to recontour these straps.


I used scrap pieces of plywood stapled to the platform along with additional plywood clamps screwed to the wood to hold the strap in position while worked on the strap edge.  By carefully holding a 4 inch grinder at the necessary angle as I rolled from one end of the strap to the other while sitting on a roll around seat I was able to reshape each strap to the contour I needed.  The floor of my garage has a good sized crack down the middle so I had to pay attention and not damage the stainless strap while bouncing across the uneven floor surface.  With my face mask on, my ear protection clamped to my head and nothing much else to do I spent 47 hours grinding theses straps so they would be a reasonable duplicate of the original ridges pressed into the trailer panels.


Here’s the end result of rolling back and forth while holding the grinder against the stainless strap. It’s far from perfect but it’s something I can live with.

After I’d finished with the sides of the straps I needed to bevel the ends in a 180 degree curve.


I miscounted and beveled 10 straps for the floor when I really only needed 9 straps.  Oh well, what’s an extra three hours or so of grinding. Continue reading

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Photo of FC w/Camper on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Neat photo. Current bid is $.99. Looks like it has fishing pole holders on the front.

View all the information on ebay

“Pleased to offer an original gelatin silver glossy photograph circa 1950. Photograph measures approximately 5 x 4 inches and has wear consistent with age. Content is excellent. I am always happy to combine shipping on multiple ephemera auctions won. All Photos Are 100% Original Unless Otherwise Noted….”


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12th Annual 2018 Mason Dixon Show

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: It’s the Mason-Dixon show this weekend. Everyone enjoy themselves!


This year’s Mason Dixon Show will take place October 21st at Union Mills Homestead. However, if the rains return (the Homstead had flooded FIVE times this year), then an alternative will be announced a week before (on Oct 13th).

There will also be two additional events occurring in conjunction with the Gathering. On the evening of October 19th, Merlin Hanson will be holding an open house at his new place in LIttlestown Pennsylvania. On October 20th, Dee Pierini will be leading the annual Gettysburg battlefield drive.

For details on all the events, see Merlin’s blog: https://hansonmechanical.wordpress.com/2018/09/28/2018-mason-dixon-willys-jeep-gathering/ or go to the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/209218449654048/

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1959? CJ-3B/Mitsubishi Poster/Brochure on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, International This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s an unusual brochure that folds out to a 16″ x 19″ poster. Price would have to drop for me to consider it.

View all the information on eBay

“Original part color folder , 8 x 9.5 folded , 16 x 19 unfolded , opens to a poster .”

1961-cj3b-mitsubishi-brochure1 1961-cj3b-mitsubishi-brochure2 1961-cj3b-mitsubishi-brochure3


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Gone Camping

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Time to escape connectively … we expect to be out of service for a couple days. Enjoy the posts.


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1945 Photo of Ford GPA (SEEP) on ebay

• CATEGORIES: Features, GPA (SEEP), Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The GPA doesn’t look customized to me. However, the photo itself looks doctored, as if the GPA wasn’t photographed at that spot.

View all the information on eBay

“1945 Press Photo Ray Bridges in a customized Jeep in Birmingham. This is an original press photo. Ray Bridges, Birmingham, Jeep loses decision Photo measures 10 x 8.25 inches. Photo is dated 9-27-1945.”

1945-09-27-ford-gpa-birmingham1 1945-09-27-ford-gpa-birmingham2

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1959? Vehicles Doing World’s Work Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Thanks to Ted for letting me borrow and scan this brochure. It will be the basis of the next poster, though I will be making some changes to it. I *think* this is a 1959ish brochure, as the truck/wagon windshields are still two piece, yet there is no DJ-3A Surrey.

1959-vehicles-doing-worlds-work-brochure-lores1 1959-vehicles-doing-worlds-work-brochure-lores2 1959-vehicles-doing-worlds-work-brochure-lores3 1959-vehicles-doing-worlds-work-brochure-lores4 1959-vehicles-doing-worlds-work-brochure-lores5


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1946 Testimonial by Hickok Oil

• CATEGORIES: Documents, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This testimonial was dated October 31, 1946.


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Customized Jeep on Top Gear (Philippines)

• CATEGORIES: Features, Jeep Rods This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This jeep out of the Philippines might make an appearance at SEMA.



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No Updates Sunday

• CATEGORIES: Features, videos This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Updates resume Monday morning.

Meanwhile, check out Post Cereal’s May, 1954 contest in this video. “Just think what a picnic your family could have with a Willys Jeep!”

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Jeep Sales Kit on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: This is back on eBay.

View all the information on eBay

“JEEP Sales Kit for CJ-3B, CJ-5, CJ-6, Vintage!
All interior items are in excellent condition. The large envelope is rough around the edges.

Envelope to hold all items “THIS KIT WILL SELL THIS JEEP”
Specifications on CJ-3B, CJ-5, CJ-6
Round Paper Hang Tags
Assoc Salesman’s Prospect Book
List of target clients (Farm, Construction, Automotive, Government
Punch-out paper arrows to apply to vehicle
Master Owner Record
Features fold-out: 4-wheel drive, traction, power, etc”

cj5-sales-kit-willys9 cj5-sales-kit-willys10 cj5-sales-kit-willys11

cj5-sales-kit-willys14 cj5-sales-kit-willys12


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1941 Photo of Landing Jeep off Barge Test **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Bantam-FordGP-WillysMA-EarlyJPs, Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was on eBay.

I can’t tell for sure, but that might be a Ford GP. The hood doesn’t look very tall to me. The date makes it probable.

“This is an original press photo. New River, N.C. — Jeep splashes shoreward from a marine landing barge during maneuvers of the Marines Amphibious Force. Sturdy little car tows a light field piece.Photo measures 8.75 x 7.25inches. Photo is dated 11-25-1941.”

1941-11-25-landingbarge-nc-test1 1941-11-25-landingbarge-nc-test2

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Blue Ridge Jeep Run 2018

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Some of the folks from Alaska Or Rust got together last weekend for a trip into the Blue Ridge Mountains via Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park, Rockytop Overlook, Blue Ridge Parkway, and a few other places (I don’t have a map of their exact route).  If you have Facebook, you can view all the pics Bill Reiss took here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10156047526007987&set=a.10156047528832987&type=3&theater

See a sampling of Bill’s photos below:




blue-ridge-jeep-run-2018-14 Continue reading