Charles is currently vacationing along the Belgian coast. During his trip he spotted these photos on the window of a shop. He noted that “the advertisment NESCAFE on the jeep is belgian coffee – first one liberation of Belgium.”
Features Research Archives
Mounting a Hi-Lift Jack
Saturday @ The Willys Jeep Rally
(Ooops … I meant this to appear on Sunday morning)
Tom Payne and Roger Martin both share some pics from Saturday’s Willys Jeep Rally at Heuston Woods in Ohio.
The first two are from Tom. This one is John Ittel’s CJ-3B:
And this CJ-6 has a Willys industrial powered air compressor in the back:
Roger sent these pictures. According to Rick Riley (the owner), this cool vehicle is a “1979” C-o-m-a-n-d-o (one M) manufactured in Spain. He purchased it from an ex-military gentleman who was stationed in Sicily. When his tour of duty was up in 2006, he had the Comando shipped to the Norfolk VA. The vehicle was stored and not in service from then until Rick purchased it in 2019. The engine is a four-cylinder Perkins, four-speed transmission, full floating rear differential, Model 30 closed knuckle front and 488 gears. It is similar to the U.S. version of this body style Commando which ended in 1971, but there are many large and small differences between the two versions.
Willys Am Tegernsee’s
This year’s Willys Am Tegernsee convention in Bavaria will be July 13, 2019, I’m still hoping to attend this some day.
1950 Ad Promoting a New Willys-Overland Dealer
This December 29, 1950, ad in the Evening Star promoted Sligo Motors, Inc, a new Willys-Overland dealer. Note the Willys-Overland service sign in the lower left corner. I don’t think I’ve seen that one.
Jerry Can Holder Patent
J.F. Evans filed a patent for holding and locking Jerry cans on October 27, 1959. The objectives were to create a simple, accessible, yet secure manner of carrying a water or gas container.
Some Assembly Required
Over the last couple of days I’ve been sorting through Rusty’s parts and putting it back together so its easier to ship (It sold this week). It almost looks like a real jeep again. I started with the bare frame that Ann and I cleaned up prior to the Alaska trip in 2017.
I thought it would be easiest if I reinstalled the engine and tranny and gas tank for transport.
With the powertrain installed, the body and front clip went together pretty easily. The parts have been sorted and boxed. It’s just about ready to go.
‘Jeep’ Badge T-Shirts
Tom wanted to have some t-shirts made with the design below on it. He’s wondering if anyone else would like some as well?
The price is $20 per shirt plus USPS priority shipping of $7.35 (shipping is the same for one or two shirts $27.35 or $47.35 for two shirts). If you are interested, you can either comment below or email Tom at Lsi24 @ (remove the spaces around the @). He expects to have about 40 available for sale.
The t-shirts would be a white Hanes Beefy shirt that is 100% cotton with a pocket. The vintage logos are based on the 1950 ‘jeep badge’ logo seen in a few ads. He’s only making a few and doesn’t plan on selling them anywhere else. The below are mock ups, so they aren’t quite exactly what you’ll get.
1949 Ad for the ‘Jeep’ Panel Delivery Wagon
CJ-5 VIN Sticker Reproductions $50
Bear Creek has now stopped producing reproduction Jeep VIN stickers for jeeps 1969-1975. To fill that gap, Maury has developed templates and a printing process capable of reproducing them. If you’d have questions or would like to order a VIN sticker, you can contact Maury through early CJ-5 site or contact him directly at snoopy2x @ (there are spaces around the @ to reduce spamming).
You can learn more about what he’s doing and how the pricing works here:
Here’s an example of a new sticker (on the left) overlaid with the original sticker (on the right).
Here’s another example of an old sticker (top) and a new sticker (bottom).
Postcard of Holland with Soldiers and Jeep on eBay
This seems like an odd postcard, but maybe I’m missing something?
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Dinky Jeep and Champ Surrey, BC, Canada $75
Jon share this ad of an aspiring music student selling these Dinky toys. This is the closest I want to come to owning an Austin Champ again!
Salesbuilder Magazines
Willys-Overland began publishing the Salesbuilder magazines in July of 1948 with the announcement of the Jeepster. The Salesbuilder supplanted the W-O Sales News magazine. According to a small blurb on Google (I can’t read the whole reference), the Salesbuilder was part fo the effort to push the Jeepster.
I own a couple of Salesbuilder magazines, but those are the only ones I’ve seen. Below is a series of covers that I’ve been able to document so far. I’d like to find more.
As far as I know, Salesbuilder issues were published between July of 1948 and as late as August of 1951. By early 1954 (possibly January), Kaiser Willys had shuttered the magazine format for a newspaper format (see the March 1954, volume 1, issue 2 at the bottom of this post).
July 1948:
November 1950:
Frédéric’s Ma Jeep Toy Collection
Frédéric shared some pics of his “Ma Jeep” toy collection. He’s even got the original box. That’s a neat set!
1949 Newspaper Ad for the CJ-3A
This newspaper was featured in the August 11, 1949, issue of the North Carolina Marion Progress Newspaper. Bristol’s Auto Service published several jeep-related ads, including this one.
1957 Photo of M-38A1s in Barstow, CA on eBay
That’s a lot of M-38A1s!
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“1957 Press Photo Senior Sergeant Jack McCallister, Army jeeps, Barstow, CA. This is an original press photo. Trucks – United States. And imagine your problem trying to locate your parked car in this jungle of jeeps which stretches across desert sands at the Marine Corps Supply Center at Barstow, California. However, the Marine Corps says it has a filing system which helps locate any one jeep in jig time. The Marine in jeep at center is Senior Sergeant Jack McCallister. Photo measures 10 x 8.25 inches. Photo is dated 3-22-1957.”
Mobile Cinema Unit Photos
UPDATE: Modeler builder Frederic Dete plans to create a model of this Mobile Cinema jeep and trailer. He’d like to make contact with David, but I no longer have his email. If he could contact me, I’ll put you in touch with Frederic.
Original Post Apr 27, 2013: David was going through his father’s items and discovered photos of his father’s Mobile Cinema Unit in New Guinea.
1956 Patent for Endless Track Vehicle
This patent application used a jeep to demonstrated how the endless track system would work on a vehicle not designed specifically for tracks. The patent was filed January 13, 1955.
According to inventor Fritz Riemerschmid, “Numerous constructions of the track! laying or crawler type have heretofore been proposed, but in all of these known cases special-type vehicles are involved, the construction of which either prohibits or renders extremely difficult the use of the vehicle under normal road and travel conditions.
Accordingly it is one of the main objects of the present invention to provide a crawler-type tracklaying undercarriage for automotive vehicles which, while being particularly suitable for travel over snow-covered terrain, can be quickly and easily substituted for the standard wheels of the vehicle. It is another object of the invention to provide a construction of the type indicated in which, except for the removal of the said standard wheels from the vehicle, requires no structural changes to be made in a given vehicle. Thus, the invention renders it possible, whenever it may be desired, to provide an automotive vehicle of any given type with a tracklaying mechanism which takes the place of the standard wheels on which the said vehicle normally travels.”
1943 Ever Ready Ad with Jeep
Odd Bakelite Key Chain on eBay
Maury spotted this odd key chain. It looks to be Willys Aero related, making it from the early 1950s.
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“Rare Vtg Orig Willys Jeep Keychain Orange Bakelite Logo 40s 50s . Condition is Used.”
1972 Article on the PNW4WDA and the Boys Scouts
This April of 1972 article in Boy’s Life Magazine tells the story of the Boys Scouts work project on the Naches Trail in the Cascade Mountains just north of Mt. Rainier in conjunction with the Pacific Northwest Four-Wheel-Drive Association. I was not there (that I remember), but our club, the Wandering Willys, including my father, was there to help ferry the Boy Scouts to the Naches Trail.
Cool Willys/Kasier/Jeep Magnets
Over the past couple years I’ve been the beneficiary of some custom magnets created by Maury. I figured it was about time I shared them. I keep them on both sides of a metal bookshelf, but moved them to one side for the photo. Many thanks Maury!
1943 International Nickel Ad with Jeeps on eBay
This is a an ad I don’t think I’ve seen. This Adolph Treidler illustration was published in the April 25, 1943, issue of Time Magazine.
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“This is an original 1943 print ad for International Nickel! It measures approximately 11″ x 8” overall, has no tears or stains, comes from a dry, high-altitude, smoke-free environment, and is strictly graded
Bernd and His CJ-5 Are Back to Work
It’s springtime in Austria. Bernd and his CJ-5 are back to work.
“My jeep helped prepare for a classic vehicle get-together (see links below). Today, I moved a narrow gauge railroad switch for the event. On my way, the traffic police pulled me and the jeep aside. Fortunately, they found nothing amiss, so I left without a ticket.”
See some links about the yearly event:
CJ-3A TOY w/ Trailer Madras, OR $1200
UPDATE: Still Available. I last show it was listed for sale in Madras in 2009.
“One of a kind Jeep pedal car. (large enough for a adult to ride ) custom hand built, extra heavy duty double wall construction . have to see to appreciate the craftsmanship and detail in construction. would make a great project to motorize ”