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Rudy’s Flower Truck

• CATEGORIES: FC150-FC170-M677, Features, Fire/Police/Industry Vehicles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Jim and his wife Tracey spotted Brittany together with Rudy’s Flower (FC) Truck yesterday afternoon in St. Louis, so he took these photos. I’ve seen this FC appear in a few posts on Facebook and was hoping someone would track it down. Speaking of FB, you can visit Rudy’s Flower Truck page here (or through the website or instagram)

Brittany mentioned to Jim that Rudy’s hopes to expand its fleet by adding another FC that won’t break the bank. So, if you have an FC you’d like to sell which you hope to see go for a good purpose, contact Rudy’s.

Since Brittany is purportedly an eWillys reader, which clearly means she has excellent taste, I have some questions. Who is/was Rudy? Was this Rudy’s FC? Inquiring minds need to know!

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Aug. 18, 1944 Newspaper Ad for the Willys Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s a curiously early newspaper ad for the Willys Jeep in the August 18, 1944, page 3, of the Healdsburg Tribute and Enterprise out of California. It’s a small, one-column, straight to the point ad without any credit as to what company placed the ad. This may be the earliest ad for the jeep I’ve seen in a newspaper. This would have been placed during Willys-Overland’s fight with the FTC over W-O’s use of the term “Jeep” in its marketing.


The ad was again published the following month in Monterey, Virginia, on September 29, 1944, in the Highland Recorder: https://virginiachronicle.com/cgi-bin/virginia?a=d&d=HR19440929.2.28.1&e=——-en-20–1–txt-txIN-willys+jeep——-


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Kids Driving Jeeps

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old News Articles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: This photo of Jimmy Crabtree resides in the Free Library of Philadelphia Digital Collections (see bottom image).


PHOTO CREDIT: Free Library of Philadelphia Digital Collections ; PHOTO CAPTION: San Francisco: Jimmy Crabtree, 3, does some repair work on his miniature Jeep, with some aid from a helper. Jimmy’s father, a race car aid from a helper. Jimmy’s father, a race car mechanic, and his uncle made the Jeep for him. It is powered by an electric motor like those used in invalid chairs. Two batteries, one under the hood and one under the rear seat, furnish enough juice for 10 hours driving at 14 mph. Mr. Crabtree estimates it cost about $75 in parts and $2,000 in labor. February 21st, 1948


Originally posted in November of 2014: The Chicago Tribune featured two kids driving jeeps. The first was about a boy named Richard Aulerich who built a soap box entry and then turned it into a drivable vehicle.


Boy from Detroit turns Soap Box Jeep into drivable vehicle.

A year later Jimmy Crabtree proved a little smarter than Richard. Three-year-old Jimmy had his father make him a drivable jeep, but it seems ladies-man Jimmy made sure it was a two-seater. He wasted no time picking up Susan Spitzer and taking her for a ride.


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Free Library of Philadelphia Digital Collections Photos

• CATEGORIES: Features, Library Collections, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

These photos are located in the Free Library of Philadelphia’s Digital Collections. I’ve posted eight photos below. There are many more “jeep” related photos on the site. See all 124 of them here: https://libwww.freelibrary.org/digital/search/home/page/5/q/jeep

  1. Keystone Automobile Club Road Patral Service CJ-2A:


    PHOTO CREDIT: Free Library of Philadelphia .. PHOTO CAPTION: Keystone Automobile Club – Road Patrol Service

  2. This photo was taken in 1946 in Denmark.


    PHOTO CREDIT: Free Library of Philadelphia .. PHOTO CAPTION: This Danish reporter was so bent in following his nose for news, he mounted the stairs of the Parliament building, Copenhagen, here with his Jeep. He was the first buyer of the Danish post war Jeeps sold in this city. It cost him about $2,000.

  3. 1946 Photo of Surplus Jeeps:


    PHOTO CREDIT: Free Library of Philadelphia .. PHOTO CAPTION: Willys-Overland Motors, Toledo, Ohio. Some of the 2,700 army Jeeps which will be sold to veterans by the War Assets Administration are shown parked in Atlanta. Sale will begin on June 10, 1946. There have been many complaints from veterans that they buy army surplus material only through dealers. These Jeeps will be sold directly by the W.A.A.

  4. 1948 Photo of CJ-2A plowing sidewalks in St. Louis, Missouri:



  5. Postcard of Pocket Testament League Jeep Truck in China (FRONT & BACK):
  6. This 99 year-old Civil War Vet wished he was a little younger so he could fight in WWII:

    PHOTO CREDIT: PHOTO CAPTION: Franke E. Ross, age 99 of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, fought in the the infantry away back in Civil War days and now he would like to fight against the Nazis. He said, "If I could go back a few years, I'd be figting with you fellows." He proudly steers a Jeep in front of his home during the pause of a unit there while on the maneuvers of the Second Army in middle Tennessee.

    PHOTO CREDIT: Free Library of Philadelphia .. PHOTO CAPTION: Franke E. Ross, age 99 of Murfreesboro, Tennessee, fought in the the infantry away back in Civil War days and now he would like to fight against the Nazis. He said, “If I could go back a few years, I’d be figting with you fellows.” He proudly steers a Jeep in front of his home during the pause of a unit there while on the maneuvers of the Second Army in middle Tennessee.

  7. Customs Inspector checking jeep:


    PHOTO CREDIT: Free Library of Philadelphia .. PHOTO CAPTION: Ralph Overall, U.S. Customs inspector, inspecting Jeep.

  8. Jack Hoffman and his CJ-2A (bought with proceeds from the sale of a champion steer):


    PHOTO CREDIT: Free Library of Philadelphia .. PHOTO CAPTION: Jack Hoffman, whose champion steer brought him a fortune of $43,005.77 at Kansas City’s American Royal Livestock Show, checks the water in the radiator of his new Jeep. January 1947, Ida Grove, Indiana

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Plastic CJ-2ish Toy on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This plastic toy is priced at $25. This is the closest toy I’ve seen to a CJ-2 (grille, windshield, mid-mounted tire, tailgate, no glovebox.

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“In decent condition for the age. They have signs of use. Please refer to pictures and use the zoom to see more details. I’m not antique dealer, collector or expert. The pictures describe the item along with any flaws and markings we can find the best we can.show Sold As Is.  No returns.”

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Kaiser Willys Dealer Accounting Manual on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Can’t be many of these around, but I suppose there are many folks around who want them.

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“Probably uncommon Vintage Kaiser Willys Dealer Accounting Manual In used condition. .A 3 ring binder made especially for them. Comes with some ledger paper. From the Reynolds & Reynolds Co. of Celina Ohio.”



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Wyoming Digital Collection Photos

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images • TAGS: , This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I found a few jeep-related photos in Wyoming’s Digital Collection.

  1. This first one is most interesting, as it might be a stretched CJ-2A. this might have a rare Porter & Reed half top:

Wyoming State Archives, Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources. Caption: “PLATTE COUNTY WEED & PEST CONTROL DISTRICT JEEP MOUNTED SPRAY RIG”

2) This CJ-2A might have a Beck hardtop:



3) Photo of soldier jumping a horse near a jeep:


Wyoming State Archives, Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources. Caption: “WYOMING NATIONAL GUARD, GEORGE GUY ON HORSEBACK JUMPING JEEP

4)  May 1, 1945, photo of infantryman fighting in Austria.

5) Jeeps at Casper Army Air Base:


yoming State Archives, Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources. Caption: “BRAKE COLLECTION–WWII–ARMY AIR BASE–CASPER, WYO-2 OF 4, CASPER AIR BASE, WY“.

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2019 Southeast Willys Jeep Get Together Oct 5

• CATEGORIES: Event, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This Saturday (Oct 5) is the Southeast Willys Jeep Get Together in Asheville, North Carolina.



Learn more or register at the website: http://www.southeastwillysjeepgettogether.com. Will also has a group on Facebook.


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1943 Photo of Jeep Stuck in Alaskan Mud on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Hard to get far in that type of soft mud.

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“1943 Press Photo US Army jeep stuck in the mud, World War II, Amchitka island. This is an original press photo. World War II – Alaska. U.S. Army jeeps can negotiate most terrain, but this one came a cropper in the mud of Amchitka island in the Aleutians, which was occupied by the Americans in January, and required a tow. Amchitka island is only 73 land miles from Japanese-held Kiska. Photo measures 9.5 x 7.75 inches. Photo is dated 5-8-1943. ”





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1944 Photo of Crossing Mayenne River on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I wonder if the raft’s rowers had to do that all day, row vehicles and men back and forth across the river?

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“1944 Press Photo US soldiers ferry their jeep across the Mayenne River. This is an original press photo. Jeep crossing Mayenne River — American infantrymen ferry their Jeep across the Mayenne River using expedient raft constructed from 2 half boats by members of an engineer unit.Photo measures 9 x 7.25inches. Photo is dated 08-09-1944.”



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1970 Con-Ferr Catalog Pages 43-96

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Catalogs, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

These are the final pages for the Con-Ferr catalog.

View pages 1-20 plus Covers and History:
View pages 20-42:
View pages 42-96:

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1942 Photo of Jeep Test Driven into Fuselage on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

To me, what’s most interesting about this photo is that the men are using a test fuselage.

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“1942 Press Photo Airborne Infantry handling Jeeps via aeroplane, Washington, DC. This is an original press photo. Trucks – United State. Washington, D.C. Members of The Airborne Infantry acquire great skill in handling of “Jeeps” via aeroplane. Here are men of The Airborne Infantry practicing placing a “Jeep” in an aeroplane and removing it. The aeroplane fuselage “Mockup” is exact scale of an actual aeroplane. Sent A and O list Chicago to west coast. Photo measures 8.5 x 6.75 inches. Photo is dated 2-28-1942.”



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1949 Article on the Bountiful Jeep Posse

• CATEGORIES: Features, Magazine • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I took a chance on eBay and bought a 1949 issue of the Goodyear’s Magazine for Men off of ebay that mentioned, in the ebay ad, about having an article on a Jeep Posse. The magazine turned out to be a sort-of marketing piece by Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company focused on men and with several interesting articles. Below you’ll find two articles from the magazine and a quiz.

The first article is a pretty early article on Utah’s Bountiful Jeep Posse. The other article covers a man named John Fordon and his business in New York City called “Beck ‘n Call”. Finally, the Fordon article includes a quiz on streets from around the country, names as relevant to day as they were back in 1949.


1949-goodyears-magazine-for-men-vol-3-number-3-jeep-posse1 1949-goodyears-magazine-for-men-vol-3-number-3-jeep-posse2And now, the article on Fordon. Also, note the “Where are they” quiz.

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1967 Four Wheel Drive Rocky Mountain Test Article

• CATEGORIES: Features, Magazine • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The May 1967 issue of Popular Mechanics includes the article “Four-Wheel Safari Test In the Rugged Rockies”. The article covers a two-day test in the high mountains of Colorado from Telluride to Ouray. The main goal was to see if the Ford Bronco and/or the International Scout could compete with a V-6 equipped CJ-5. The conclusion was interesting.


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Jeep Parts Catalog Holder on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Books, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Seems a bit on the pricey side (currently $145), but I don’t know what these are worth.  A neat piece though.

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“Used Jeep Dealership parts book holder, vintage not known but likely 50’s or 60’s. missing one rubber foot insert. Original condition.”


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Jeep Posse Article in May 1948 Issue of Outdoor Life Magazine

• CATEGORIES: Features, Magazine • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The May 1948 Outdoor Life magazine has an article called “Jeep Posse Fights Fire & Flood”, but I can’t find a reasonable priced issue. If anyone happens to have that article or  the magazine, I’d be interested in sharing the story.


Cover of the May 1948 issue of Outdoor Life with the Jeep Posse article.

This issue includes (from a worthpoint auction),  “Jeep Posse Fights Fire & Flood”, ” Turkeys of the Tall Peaks” and ” This Happened to Me”. There is also a print suitable for framing titled ” The Battle with the Wolves” by Fred R. Zepp. There are to many vintage ads such as Champion Outboards, Remington, Dupont, Heddon, Dipsy Doodle Wood Manufacturing Co., True Temper The Rod of Champion, Calvert, and more to mention, there is a color ad for Old Thompson Brand Blended Whiskey on the back cover.

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1960s Australian CJ-6 Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This brochure was on eBay. It sold for $20.52 (I lost out on it). Unfortunately, the photos on the ebay ad only showed a few pages.

“This is a listing for an AUSTRALIAN WILLYS JEEP CJ-6 sales brochure from the 1960s. This brochure was printed in Australia for the domestic Australian market. This brochure has 8 pages of illustrations, specifications and other information. See photos for details.”

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1943 Postcard of a BRC-60 **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Features, Postcards This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was on eBay.

Great image.

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1951 Photo of Jeeps in Korea on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Photo shows at least four jeeps.

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“1951 Press Photo American Troops ride jeep to advance in the Korean Front. This is an original press photo. An American convoy,part of reinforcements being rushed to the front to stem advance of tank led North Korean forces, prepares to move forward Photo measures 7.25 x 8.5 inches. Photo is dated 3-2-1951.”



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1962 May/June Issue of Carbogram Featuring Willys

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features, Magazine This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This Carbogram was published six times a year by the Holley Carburetor Company of Warren, Michigan. The below issue features the announcement that Willys would be using Holley’s 2300 Carb in conjunction with the new Tornado-OHC engine.

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Carnival Ride Jeep Dewey, AZ **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was $350.

A fun bit of history.

“1950s Jeep Carnival ride. This this is in great condition for it’s age! Size 22” x 48” front wheel do steer!”

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Circumventing a Crater with Harry & David

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

David & Ann overlooking Crater Lake National Park in Oregon.

We split the remainder of our drive home from Conord into two days. I had a few plans to meet folks, but had to give up on them as we simply didn’t have much time on our return trip (Ann had a doc appt on Tuesday morning).

Our total mileage came in at just over 2000 miles, so it wasn’t too long of trip by our standards. We drove through four states, into three national parks, by two ordnance depots (Hawthorne, NV, and Concord, CA), and picked up one hood (thanks again Chuck). Best of all, we got to hang with my daughter Kasia! All-in-all a fine, if quick, trip.

I wish I could report on a thousand adventures from California to Washington, but apart from driving (without anything hitting us while driving), our only two adventures worth noting on our return home was our visit to the Harry and David store in Medford and our stop at Crater Lake National Park.


On Sunday we went out to breakfast with Kasia, then began our trek north. When we reached Medford, we were surprised to find out that there was a Harry and David Store right around the corner from our hotel. If you’ve never ordered food from Harry and David (they ship all over the word), you are missing out, especially with their pears. As my son put it, BEST PEARS EVER! Even a couple pears we bought from their store were excellent!


Naturally, we didn’t stop at pears. We also bought some cheese, some crackers and some unusual sausages made from ham and cheese (delicious). I can’t find them online, but they are really good. We munched on our food haul for dinner Sunday night.

On Monday morning, we left early, heading east for Crater Lake National Park. I’d never been there and Ann couldn’t remember being there, so it was a new experience for us both. The morning was beautiful and we made good time driving, until we ran up behind a couple school buses. After that, the going was slow, but the tree-lined two-land road was very relaxing none-the-less.

Our first stop at the National Park was the visitor’s center, where we learned there were three separate entrances to the park (we can in on the west side). We also learned we could circumvent Crater Lake using a national park road that had several beautiful vistas of the lake.

Soon, we were driving around the lake (while snacking on Harry & David food).


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1944 Photo of Patton on Pontoon Bridge on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I’m not sure how clear this picture is, but it purports to be a photo fo Patton crossing the Seine over a pontoon bridge.

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“WW2 PRESS PHOTO ” Patton stays up front ” Patton jeeps across Seine 8/30/44″

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Newgren Row-Crop Cultivator Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

When your crops need cultivating, look no further than Newgren! This brochure appeared in a late 1940’s Special Equipment Book.

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Newgren Soil Pulverizer Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

And, it only weights 1221 lbs! This was featured in a late 1940s Special Equipment Book.

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