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Smithsonian Article on the Zamboni Company

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I suppose the timing of this article is appropriate, given those of us in the north half of the blue ball are plunging into winter quickly (at least the weather in Washington State feels wintery), as a recent Smithsonian Magazine article on the Zamboni Company featured several photos I hadn’t seen of Jeep-based Zamboni vehicles. Here’s the article: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/how-zamboni-changed-game-ice-rinks-180973352/

The article also included this ad featuring the CJ-3B as Model D from the Zamboni Company’s archives:


If you are not familiar with the use of jeeps as early Zambonis, check out my post about the various jeep models that were used for which Zamboni machines. The CJ-3B Page also has background information about the Zamboni Ice Resurfacers.

If you really like pics of Zamboni machines, check out the Zamboni: The Coolest Machines on Ice.


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Jim Beam Decanter With Box **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: **SOLD** Was on eBay.

This mid 1980s Decanter looks to be in great condition and includes the box, also in really nice condition.

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1951 Photo Shows Casualty Evac Demonstration on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

What I like best about these images is that the eBay seller takes the time to include the names of the soldiers. You never know when some offspring will search and find the photo and write in the comments, “Hey, that’s my [insert relative affiliation]”.

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“1951 Press Photo Jeep driver and soldier show how jeep can evacuate casualties. This is an original press photo. A jeep can go where an ambulance can’t. Sometimes the large army ambulance cannot be brought in close enough for litter bearers to load a casualty right in the field. In that case, a jeep is used to evacuate the patient. Here 1st Lieutenant Lawrence a. Doherty, Cincinnati, Ohio, and driver Bill Farrell, Houston, Texas, demonstrate the jeep method of removal, with Leonard Bell, Jr., Pigott, Arkansas playing “casualty” for the occasion.Photo measures 10 x 8.25inches. Photo is dated 05-24-1951.”



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The Clara Rose Ice Cream Truck

• CATEGORIES: Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Florida’s Tampa Bay Times published an article about local mobile businesses a couple weeks ago. One of those businesses included a beautiful 1964 FJ-3A ice cream truck, run by Carlos Velez: The Clara Rose Ice Cream Truck.

Before he opened his business, Carlos worked as a Sheriff’s deputy at a maximum security jail. Wanting a change of life, he decided to open an ice cream business, but one that was of a better quality than the standard ice cream distributors. That led him to search for an FJ. He found the perfect one and it’s a beautiful rig as you can see below.

Learn more about his FJ in the article: https://www.tampabay.com/arts-entertainment/fun/shopping/2019/10/22/9-mobile-businesses-wheeling-around-tampa-bay/

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Historic Registry For Vehicles?

• CATEGORIES: Bantam-FordGP-WillysMA-EarlyJPs, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

There’s a proposal to create a national registry for unique or historically significant vehicles (and boats and planes) with documented stories. Importantly, such a registry would not keep the owners of such vehicles from being sold, driven or even modified. The Library of Congress would be the keeper of the documents, specs, photos, and other information.

If the national registry becomes a law, twenty-six vehicles already listed by the Historic Vehicle Association (HVA) would be the first vehicles added to the registry. Two of the vehicles are jeeps: The Ford Pygmy (currently at the U.S. Veteran’s Museum in Huntsville, Alabama) and Ronald Reagan’s 1962 CJ-6 (along with one of my personal favorites, the Tucker prototype).

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1950s M-38A Heater Kit Instructions

• CATEGORIES: Documents, Features, M-38A1 This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

I found this M-38A1 Installation Instructions Conversion Power Plant Heater Kit 32 page manual on eBay. It seems a well done and detailed look at how to install the heater kit. Hopefully, someone can use the information.

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Early 1950s Photo of Centralia, WA, Willys Dealer on ebay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: As Mark notes, and I missed, the truck pictured is a 1954 at the earliest, so the pic must have been taken after that.

This is likely a reprint, but it’s still a neat photo. It also show the early “J” logo sign. I’m not a Packard expert, but I’d say based on the grille on the car in the window of the auto shop that this photo must have been taken circa 1954-56.

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1940s Postcard of Jeeps in Rocky Ford Parade on ebay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Postcards This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This is the cheapest of several postcards showing this parade in Rocky Ford, Colorado.

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“1940s E. C. Kropp Linen postcard: “Street Scene, Rocky Ford Colorado. North Main Street showing part of the main business district. Crowds of people watching the big parade on Fair Day. Rocky Ford is one of the leading towns in the Arkansas Valley.” Jeeps and tanks (in background further down the street) are in the view. Never mailed.”



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Jeepster Door Mechanical Parts

• CATEGORIES: Features, Jeepster This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

 UPDATE: In his search for Jeepster door mechanicals, George learned that the parts used in a 1952 Dodge Truck were nearly identical to the Jeepster, just shorter. However, since he was able to eventually source a set of Jeepster doors, he didn’t try out this possibility. So, I thought in case someone else needed these parts that I’d let folks know that NOS parts are available for the Dodge Truck.

“A restorer messaged with a picture of one mech from the Jeepster and one from a 1952 Dodge truck this afternoon. They were identical except for the length of the connector between inside/outside handles. They can be found for $90 nos.”



Original Post: George is nearly done with a 1949 Jeepster restoration, but needs to locate the mechanical parts for both doors. If you think you have the parts he needs, contact him at gjasek @ yahoo.com (remove spaces around the @).

And, yes, he has looked for the parts at the Jeepsterman, WO Jeepster club, and other places on the web, but with no luck so far.

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1942 Photos of Soldiers, Jeeps, and a C-46 on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Old Images This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Below you’ll find several press photos showing two different angles of the same loading event from 1942.

This press photo shows less of the original picture than the two images further below:

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This version of the press photo appeared in mid-2014:

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This version of the press photo was put on eBay in early 2014:



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Warn 800G Gasoline & 400E Electric Winch Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Maury spotted a collection of brochures and parts booklets on eBay that I was lucky enough to win. One of the brochures describes the portable, gasoline-powered Model 800G Warn Winch. On the other side of the brochure is an Electric Marine Model 400E Winch. A post from 2017 about the 800G includes pics of it.

The Model 800G Gasoline Warn winch:

According to Warn Industries, the Model 800G ad below is from 1969. 
Between February 1970 and April 1970, Warn also included the winch in a Four Wheeler inner-cover, full-page advertisement. Given the importance of the company’s hubs and vehicle winches to Warn’s profit margins, I’m surprised the company included the 800G in this full color ad. Perhaps management had high hopes for the product? Whatever the hopes, I can find no evidence that Warn advertised the 800G ever again after April 1970.


Real-world example from the Warn website, There are also pics on Warn’s Facebook Fan page.

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The Warn Marine Model 400E Electric Winch: 

This brochure appears on the back of the 800G brochure. I could find no other information about it online.


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Nearly Identical Catalogs?

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Catalogs, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

As part of the collection of brochures/booklets I received yesterday from my eBay win, I also received three jeep parts catalogs: a 1963 Montgomery Ward, a 1964 Sears, and a 1966-1967 Bergs catalog. I was surprised to discover that the Sears and Berg catalogs are nearly identical. Maury confirmed that his 1968 Sears catalog is also nearly identical. So, if you are bidding/buying late 1960s jeep parts catalogs, I felt folks should be aware of this. Below are some comparison pages.

The covers are customized.


Sears is shown on the top and Bergs on the bottom. The inner cover and first page (labeled page 3) are custom:

Interior pages 4-5 begin the identical part of the catalogs:


Interior pages 18-19:bergs-sears-comparison-pages-18-19

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1976 Matchbox Flattie, Glider and Trailer **SOLD**

• CATEGORIES: Features, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: After pondering it a while, I decided to get this set for Christmas … better late than never??

I would have been 11 when this jeep and glider set was released by Matchbox. I don’t remember seeing this combo in my 1976 Christmas Sears Wish Book. I’m feeling a bit cheated!

“Original 1976 Lesney England Matchbox Jeep and Glider
Transporter / Gliding Club.

This is a complete set; Condition C-6 due to numerous light marks
mostly on jeep. Not readily noticeable due to color, but can be easily seen under






Here a set that’s in the original package (for $69) on eBay:


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1949 Wagon Painting by Rex Brandt on ebay

• CATEGORIES: Artists/Drawings, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The painting is noted and signed by Rex. As you can see here, other originals by Rex Brandt aren’ t quite priced so high on eBay, but most don’t have notes on them.

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“riginal 1949 REX BRANDT watercolor painting depicting a Willys Wagon kicking up sand in the desert (beach?). This is a CLASSIC California Scene Painting by one of California’s most famous artists. Painting comes directly from the estate of a close personal friend of Brandt’s. It is signed, dated and inscribed “To Jay – XMAS 1949 – with memories of many fine trips – REX”. Painting measures 10″ x 14″, is in pristine condition and has been professionally framed (frame is in good condition). You won’t find another one like this! Please call or email ANY time with questions. Acquired directly from friend of the artist.”

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Bestop Tigertop Deal on Amazon **Sold Out**

• CATEGORIES: Features • TAGS: This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Looks like this deal is not longer valid.

Jon shared the news the Amazon is currently offering a CJ-3A Bestop Tigertop for only $609.88. It’s part of their “Warehouse deals” program. He bought one of the tops and he says it fit his jeep perfectly.



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Overlanders Jeep Club Badge (in Australia)

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This item looks unique, but I can’t get a sense of how large this is. Looks more like an Austin Champ than a jeep.

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“For auction is a Jeep club badge ( overlander)  It seems to be cast from alloy. Post free Australia, International $25”

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2013 Book La jeep dans l’armée française Tome 1

• CATEGORIES: Books, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: I received my copy of this book. Published in French, the book is full of French-specific photos (over two hundred). Most are from WWII, but some are from later years other areas around the world. Besides jeeps, photos of GPAs during the war years appear and, from later years photos, a few military CJ-3As along with a five-star Jeepster.

The author also explores the inscriptions/markings of French WWII jeeps in-depth, but lacking any background in that information, I can’t say how accurate (or not) the information is.

On the downside, the book promotes the phrase “General Purpose” and “Government purpose” as the words behind “GP” in GPW. The book also only recognizes some prototypes, but not others in it’s brief chart of production numbers (pg 16). 

This book is written by Paul Gaujac. It’s a 144 page book that you can purchase on Amazon (I’m sure it is available elsewhere, too).



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1975 AMC Jeep Cover-Ups Brochure

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

UPDATE: Barney corrected me. The tops in the first brochure were Whitco tops.

I bought this hoping for more Bestop info (thinking they were Bestop tops), but Bestop isn’t mentioned in this brochure at all.  I’m guessing the date of 1975 based on the fact that I don’t see any later dates on ‘the facts’ list.

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1989 Bestop Soft Top Selling Guide

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This selling guide is a four page plasticized brochure for identifying and selling the proper top for the proper jeep.

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Jeep Knife on eBay

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I don’t know when this was produced, I imagine it is more modern than vintage.

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“Jeep knife. Condition is Used.”

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Adrian’s Electric Toy Jeep

• CATEGORIES: Features, Models, toys This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Adrian provided some details on a 1/3 scale jeep model he built from Toylander plans. He bought the plans in 2008.



The jeep now pictured on the Toylander website appears to be an improved version, as Toylander’s MB43 looks like it is more jeep-like. Prices vary depending on how complete you want the jeep to be.


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1950 Willys Overland Accessories Booklet

• CATEGORIES: Advertising & Brochures, Catalogs, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

This was on eBay. I’d say it was published between 1948 and 1950.

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“Up tonight I have the beginning of a collection of literature I just acquired. Here I have a Genuine original 1950? Willys Sales brochure. This is about 4 by 9 and 1/4 inches with around 22 pages. Fair shape with some wear and deterioration to the covers as shown. This is a neat piece of Advertising to display with your classic. As with all my parts, if you feel it has an issue once you receive it, please contact me to have it resolved.

I value my reputation and try to provide hard to find parts at great if not down right cheap prices to keep our old cars on the road. . Keeping NOS Affordable. You can buy directly from me at sometimes down right cheap prices or buy from one of the many dealers I ship to weekly for a much higher price. Remember the government is still printing Money but this is decades Old. A nice finishing touch to your Authentic restoration. These little parts really make your restoration stand out. The part number on this is not available. Remember always use genuine parts in your restoration. Don’t miss out!!!”




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Headlight Bezels Over the Years

• CATEGORIES: Builds, Features This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

The other day someone asked me about headlight bezels (or if you prefer, headlight ‘heads’) and how they changed through the years. I did not have a good answer to that reader’s question, so this working thread about bezels is the result. Along the way, I learned that some folks call these parts “heads”, but perhaps that is more military related?

1. 1945-1946 Early Painted Bezels on CJ-2As
Early CJ-2A bezels were painted, not chromed, until approximately #38687, according to the CJ-2A page. As far as my research indicates, only Walcks carries new, unpainted bezels. This is the flatter style of bezel without the tab.



2. 1946-1953 Later CJ-2As, CJ-3As and 1956-1959 DJ-3As
After roughly CJ-2A #38687 the bezels were chromed, but their shape was the same. They lasted through the end of the CJ-3A production run and into the early DJ-3A production run (1956-1959). These example images are from Kaiser Willys.

bezel-1946-1953-cj2a-cj3a-2 bezel-1946-1953-cj2a-cj3a-1

3. 1950-1952 M-38s, 1953-1971 M-38A1s, and M-170s:
I didn’t realize that M-38 and M-38A1 bezels were the same. It’s on the M-38a1 site that I encountered the alternative term “head” for the bezel. Peter Debella has NOS rings.


4. 1950 USMC CJ-V35 Blackout Lights ‘bezels’
Thanks to Mike Wixom for helping me out with these rare blackout lights.

This type of headlight bezel, or more correctly blackout ring (although not that effective), was used only on Marine Corps Radio Jeeps as far as I know. Specifically on the CJV35/U and possibly on the MZ-2 and MZ-3 Radio Jeeps from Late WW2. They were installed at the factory on all 1000 CJV35/U Jeeps built in May of 1950. These were eventually replaced by the actual blackout lights found on the M-38.

Because these aren’t readily available, someone posted this writeup on how to inexpensively recreate them:


Here is a different, larger version of a CJ-V35 bezel. Mike believes the ones shown below may have been fabricated and not original, but perhaps the owner can offer input on this.


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1947 Jeep-Trucks and Pinup Girl Envelope on eBay

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As I interpret it, the envelope and stamp are real, but the seller has added the pinup girl and Jeep-Truck illustrations. The seller has created a variety of similar “retro-like” envelopes, even creating signatures such as this Miracle On 34th envelope.

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“Up for sale is a limited edition collector’s reprint envelope. The postage stamp is a genuine old USA postage stamp. Since genuine postage stamps were used the stamp may vary in design on your envelope.”

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1948 CJ-2A Fire Jeep Stamp on eBay

• CATEGORIES: Features, Fire/Police/Industry Vehicles This site contains affiliate links for which I may be compensated.

Here’s an unusual item being sold out of Austria. It’s a 1998 stamp of a 1948 CJ-2A fire jeep.

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