This might be a bit of a rant …

During the 2000s my kids were into World of WarCraft, but I could never get into the game myself. Partly, this was due to my own impatience. Generally, I’m pretty patient, but I’m less so when it comes to games. An example: one time I needed to hand my sword to another player, but to do so I had to execute a bunch of commands, spells, and other machinations that I can no longer remember. Ugh … I quickly lost interest.
Why do I bring this up? Because last night Washington State (and apparently other areas nationwide) suffered through a Verizon outage. Ann and I were in bed when we learned of it, so we tried texting one another. I texted something gloriously romantic like the word, “test”.
Being it is so close to Valentine’s Day, I probably should have texted, “Won’t you be my Valentine”? But, I didn’t …. Dumb, dumb, dumb … You should learn from my mistake … go ahead … please learn from my mistake: text your significant other right now. Ask, “Won’t you be my Valentine”?
I’ll wait. You can thank me later.
Anyway, it took about ten minutes for the texts to reach our respective phones due to the outage and despite the fact we were sitting right next to each other. It felt like World of WarCraft all over again.

I beat this notion to death only to bring up the fact that Apple (accidentally?) released code a few days ago that demonstrates the company’s efforts to bring a new “CarKey” feature to their phone. It would, theoretically, allow iPhone users to seamlessly move from one car to another, even to rental cars, without ever having to have a key. How could this possibly go wrong? Let me count the ways …
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