On Saturday we made it to Minneapolis to pick up our new family addition, Ms. Betty Page, aka Page, a Shiranian (Pomeranian and Shi Tsu mix).
Our ten-year-old dog Zollie (also a Shiranian) had been become very needy following the death of his beagle pal “Jelly”. So, Ann began looking around for a companion for him. She had gotten Zollie in 2010 in Omaha when she lived there. So, when she tried to find a Shiranian locally, it proved impossible. In fact, only two locations had Shiranian pups ready for purchase: Minnesota and Kentucky. A third location, Missouri, had a very young litter, which won’t be ready until early May.
Since Ann needed a short break from her mother, and since family was going to be in town this weekend, we decided to “high tail it” to Minneapolis. After all, the weather was perfect for the drive (sun, no snow, and moderate temps). And, it’s only a 22 hour drive (and 1500 miles one way). Our return trip will take two days (be home Monday at some point), as Page will require a few more potty breaks.
Now, why the name Ms. Betty Page? Ann thought Page looked like a diva in the pic we received of her (pic above on the pink blanket). So, she did some research and thought Betty Page a good match for how she imagined Page might be. Sure enough, when we met the pup, she was a rascal. She’s not shy about pushing Zollie or chasing him, not that she can keep up with him yet. And, given the fact that I write, the name “Page” was also a fun fit.

Ann and I both thought that once Zollie passed away in a few years that we’d be dog free. Clearly, that plan is not longer the plan.
Zollie isn’t quite a Page fan yet. That’s because he’s been a bachelor for most of his life. I haven’t written much about him, but Zollie (his full name is Zoloft) began as Ann’s PTSD dog, acquired a year before Ann acquired me. She’d only had big dogs until she got him, but with her injury issues, she decided a smaller dog made more sense.
He was an energizer bunny when she first got him. Since those early days, he’s become calmer and is now a sweet, smart, and super well-behaved dog. Zollie doesn’t shed (Hypoallergenic) and doesn’t like to get dirty/muddy/wet, so he’s a great inside dog. He can sit through a movie at a movie theatre and not make a peep. He can sit through dinner at a restaurant and not beg.
However, over the years, he’s developed more neuroses than Ann; he’s the one who needs the therapy (he’s afraid of fires, hate’s camping, hates traveling in the motorhome, hates being outside most of the time, hates having to eat out of a bowl, …. the list is a long one).
Anyway, that’s all for now. I need to get to bed. We need to get up early Sunday so we can find the largest Bison in Jamestown, ND, and get a “family” picture with it.